Darren Rowse

13 Gary Vaynerchuk Tips on Building a Profitable Blog
One of the sessions that I enjoyed most at Blog World Expo (actually it was one of the few sessions I actually was able to get to) was a keynote by Gary Vaynerchuck. While I’m sure he rubs some up the wrong way his tips on building a successful blog ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How Blogging Changes Lives
I just viewed this great video on how WordPress (and blogging) changed one person’s life. Inspiring stuff from Glenda Watson Hyatt (follow her on Twitter here).
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Beyond a Blog – Running a Full Website Using WordPress
Amir Helzer is a business owner, blogger, and webmaster, who runs ICanLocalize, a human and technology-based translation service for small businesses who want to move their product or services into multilingual markets. Some businesses start blogging to expand their website. Some start with a blog. For the strongest online presence, ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Launching Your Next Venture Using Social Media – 5 Lessons Learned
Today Mark Hayward shares some lessons on how to use social media to launch an online venture. Are you getting ready to launch a new project? Have you worked for months, or possibly even years trying to complete your vision and make it ready for the big launch day? If ...more
Social Media

Shoemoney Tools – Get 80% Off Your First Month
Over the last few weeks I’ve been playing around in ShoeMoney Tools. I was lucky enough to receive a free account from Jeremy when he first launched but at the time didn’t have a chance to do much more than take a quick look over the tools that he includes. ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

ProBlogger Turns 4 Today!
Today is ProBlogger’s 4th birthday and I’m not actually going to ‘see’ it. ProBlogger as a blog was born on 23rd September 2004 when I imported a series of 40 or so blog tips that I’d been writing over the last couple of years on my old personal blog to ...more
ProBlogger Site News

How to Avoid the Physical Hazards of Blogging
Today Massage Therapist Lovelyn Bettison from Art of Balanced Living and Massage Therapy Benefits writes some tips on How to Avoid the Physical Hazards of Blogging. Sitting in a chair in front of a computer for extended amounts of time isn’t the best thing for your health. As bloggers we ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

While I’m Away – Skellie Will Play
As this post goes live I’m jetting out of Melbourne to Las Vegas for Blog World Expo. I’ll be away for a week and while I’ll probably post one or two posts from BWE I’m handing the ProBlogger Keys over to Skellie for the next week. If you’re not familiar ...more
ProBlogger Site News

If You’re at BlogWorld Expo Here’s Where We Can Connect
A few people have been asking about my schedule at Blog World Expo and where we can meet. Following is my schedule so far. Image by Kris Krug Win a Dinner with the Money Blogger Panel Also – as part of the ‘Make Money Blogging’ panel we’re running a competition ...more
ProBlogger Site News