Darren Rowse
![Search Engine Optimization Training [VIDEO]](https://problogger.com/wp-content/themes/problogger-redesign/build/blog-placeholder.png)
Search Engine Optimization Training [VIDEO]
If you’re looking for some SEO teaching and have a spare 30 minutes you might find this video presentation by Stephan Spencer at a recent WordPress event. .
Search Engine Optimization

10 WordPress Plugins for New Blogs
Over the weekend I set up and launched my new Twitter Tips Blog – TwiTip. Since announcing the launch of TwiTip here on ProBlogger I’ve been asked quite a few times about what WordPress plugins I’ve installed to enhance and add features to the blog. I still need to add ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

What Blog Carnivals and Memes do You Participate In?
A year or two back ‘blog carnivals’ were all the rage as a way to put yourself out there and promote your blog. I know that they still exist and many bloggers still get into them – but I’m wondering how many bloggers use them these days? For those not ...more
Blog Promotion

Watch Me Launch My New Blog – TwiTip
Yesterday on Twitter I ‘soft launched’ a new blog – TwiTip. The idea for the blog has been ‘brewing’ in my mind for almost as long as I’ve been experimenting with Twitter but I never had the time to dedicate to starting it up. Late last week I realized that ...more
Case Studies

3 Alternatives to Promoting Your Blogs Homepage That Convert First Time Readers to Loyal Ones
When you have an opportunity to promote your blog what part of your blog do you promote? In 99% of the promotion that I see bloggers doing they promote their blog’s homepage URL. This is a reasonably good way to go – but perhaps there are a few other ways ...more
Blog Promotion

10 Ways to Find Readers for Your Blog By Leveraging Other Online Presence
One of the simplest ways to grow your blog’s readership is to leverage other places that you have an online presence. Leveraging places that you have presence online could include: 1. Twitter Background Image: I’ve been using a background image on Twitter that has URLs of other places that I’m ...more
Blog Promotion
![3 Successful Bloggers Share their Blog Tips [VIDEO]](https://problogger.com/wp-content/themes/problogger-redesign/build/blog-placeholder.png)
3 Successful Bloggers Share their Blog Tips [VIDEO]
Here’s another compilation of blog tips from three prominent bloggers – Jeremy from Shoemoney, Steve Pavlina and Andy Wibbels. The video was shot at Blog World Expo 08 on a Flip Video Mino Series Camcorder. See this video at full size on YouTube, Blip.tv and Viddler. See the last video ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

The Importance of Pillar Articles and why Obama and McCain are Idiots
In this post – relatively new blogger CJ from Wise Money Matters shares what they’ve learned about using Pillar Articles (sometimes called evergreen content) to Grow Traffic to Your Blog. I started blogging only 4 months ago. In the grand scheme of things, this is a very short time and ...more
Blog Promotion

Internet Marketing Masterminds – A Course for Small Businesses Wanting to Grow Their Online Presence
If you’re own or work for a small to medium business and are trying to get your head around how to use the internet, social media, blogging and other emerging online technologies to promote your brand, build income and drive sales then you should check out Internet Marketing Masterminds. This ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips