Darren Rowse

Become a Blogger – a Premium Training Program
After releasing a great free report earlier in the week – Roadmap to Become a Blogger – Yaro Starak and Gideon Shalwick have today released the premium section of their program. This is for those who want to go beyond the 10 free videos and free report and goes a ...more
Featured Posts

The Final Frontier to Exquisite Writing – Avoid Clichés
Today Bamboo Forest from Pun Intended shares some thoughts on the topic of avoiding Clichés. I’ve co-authored a blog for less than a year, and prior to beginning, my writing was natural – which is precisely why it wasn’t good. Good writing stands on good principles. These principles aren’t natural; ...more
Writing Content

You’re Losing Subscribers, Here’s How to Get them Back
Today Glen Allsopp a Personal Development blogger at PluginID shares a great technique for capturing lost subscribers to your blog. You can subscribe to his blog here. A few months ago, I was messing around in feedburner and noticed something pretty drastic, I was rapidly losing subscribers on a regular ...more
Blog Promotion

Technorati Launch Technorati Engage Ad Network for Bloggers
Technorati seem to have launched (in beta) their new ad network – Technorati Engage. There’s no official word on their blog yet – but the ad network does seem to be live. This isn’t a really a surprise – Technorati acquired AdEngage back in October and said that they’d be ...more

Beginners Guide to Sphinn
This is a guest post by Deanna deBara from Sugarrae.com. Recently, I did my first guest post (ever) over at Remarkablogger. I got such great feedback on “A Beginner’s Guide to Twitter“, I decided to follow up with a guide on a site even more important to those in SEO ...more
Social Media

How 24 Hours of Work Will Send Millions of Readers to My Blog
I have written numerous times about how I use weekly email newsletters to drive significant traffic to my photography site (here’s why newsletters are good and here’s how to use newsletters). However lately I have started using a second type of newsletter that in time has the potential to send ...more
Blog Promotion

Can you REALLY Make Money Blogging?
Every now and again I get an email from a ProBlogger reader excitedly telling me that they’re about quit their jobs to become full time bloggers. More often than not they are new bloggers who for one reason or another have it in their minds that blogging for money is ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Beginner Blogger? Download this Free Report
If you’re a new blogger or one that’s been at it for a while but need a ‘boost’ you need to grab this free ‘Roadmap Report’ from the team at Become a Blogger – Yaro Starak and Gideon Shalwick. Yaro is the guy behind the very successful BlogMastermind blog coaching ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Characteristics of Traffic Generating Posts
When I set TwiTip up look after itself over the weekend (I set up a few posts to go live at specific times) I wasn’t expecting it to be a huge weekend of traffic. The posts were good – but there were less than during the week and past history ...more
Blog Promotion