Darren Rowse
How I Make Money Blogging: Income Split for June 2010
It’s that time of month again where I talk a little about the split of my own income streams in the previous month. We’re looking at June here and I’m excited to share this month’s charts because it illustrates something that I’ve been saying for the last couple of months ...more
Blogging for Dollars
What Metric or Statistic do You most Watch on your Blog?
I tweeted this question a few days back and the variation in responses was quite interesting: What metric or statistic do you most watch on your blog? There’s no right or wrong answer to this: for some it’ll be mainly about traffic – for some it is visitor numbers, for ...more
Reader Questions
Anonymous Blogging 101: a Quick and Dirty Primer
A Guest post by Treacle from The Lingerie Addict. When the internet first became popular, many people loved the idea of creating a new identity online. Name, gender, age, hobbies …anything and everything could be fabricated. But in the era of Web 2.0, people have a new fixation–authenticity. Nowadays, your ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
How to Create a FaceBook Landing Page for Your Blog
Yesterday I shared 5 ways that I’m using Facebook to drive traffic, Build Brand an increase Reader Engagement on my blogs. After publishing the post I was asked a few questions about things that I brushed over that I thought might be worth following up upon. Here were the three ...more
Social Media
4 Resources to Build Your Blogging Business
Every week I am contacted by people producing training resources, courses, eBooks, books etc for people wanting to make money from blogging and other online activities. If I were to write a post about every one it’d almost take over this blog completely so I’m pretty fussy about which ones ...more
Pro Blogging News
5 Ways I’m Using Facebook to Drive Traffic, Build Brand and Increase Reader Engagement
I was always a doubter when it came to using Facebook to promote a blog. I’m not sure why – but despite my best efforts I couldn’t seem to get Facebook to ‘work’ as well as I could with Twitter when it came to engaging readers, driving traffic and building ...more
Featured Posts
How Preparing A Sermon is Similar to Writing Blog Posts
On Sunday I preached a sermon at my local church. I used to do this weekly when I worked as a minister years ago – but it’s been a while since I had to do it (funnily enough I find it a lot more nerve wracking getting up in front ...more
Video Posts
Blogging, Steel-Toes, And Kicking Perfections A$$
A Guest post by Cori Padgett from Big Girl Branding. Perfection is for losers. There, I said it. And I can say that because I used to be a bit of a perfectionist. I’m pot, you’re kettle, and we’re both freakin’ black. Feel better? And frankly, I still am if ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
How I Make Money Blogging: Income Split for May 2010
Last month I produced a video in which I walked readers through the split of my income over the month of April to show what different income streams brought in different percentages of my income. In the video I shared how the split between income streams can vary a lot ...more
Blogging for Dollars