Recently while on Facebook I came across a quick technique for growing your Facebook page likes that was shared in a private Facebook group that I’m a part of. It came from Helen Edwards from Recycled Interiors (thanks Helen) and I think would be particularly useful for anyone with a smaller to medium-sized Facebook page.
In fact it’s something that is only available to those who have a Facebook page with under 100,000 people following it (sorry to those of you with bigger ones).
I’ve demonstrated how to do it in the following video for those who like to watch (you might want to watch it as a larger video to see the detail) or for those of you who prefer to read – scroll below the video.
The Technique for Getting More Page Likes
OK – before we start. For this to work you need a Facebook Page that you own (it doesn’t work on a Facebook ‘Profile’).
Your page also needs to have less than 100,000 followers.
You need to be logged into Facebook on a desktop computer (it doesn’t work on mobile) and you need to be logged in as your personal profile and not your page.
Head to your Facebook Page. I am doing this with my ProBlogger Facebook page.
Find a post that you’ve done that has had at least a few likes from people. You want to find one where
people’s names are listed as liking the post and then Facebook says something like ‘and 62 others’ like the one I’m illustrating below.

This only works if it has that ‘XX others’ which is a link. Click the link and a popup opens up that lists everyone who liked the post as follows.

This popup tells you all the people who have liked your page and as you scroll through it you’ll notice next to most people it has a button that either says ‘Liked’ (for those who have already liked your page) or ‘Invite’ for those who are yet to like your page (these people probably saw your post because someone else shared it).
If you click that ‘invite button’ you will be sending them a message from your Facebook profile inviting them to like your page.
Not everyone will do it but on the tests I’ve already done I’ve found that 15-30% of people seem to accept the invitation.
It works for a few reasons – you’re inviting people who have shown an interest in something you’ve done before and are probably familiar with your brand and by doing so they’ve hopefully shown an interest in your topic.
There are a couple of factors to keep in mind:
1. the invitation comes from your personal profile and not from your page name. This might seem a bit odd to those receiving the invitations depending upon the type of page you run. I probably wouldn’t do it on my photography blog where my readers are not as familiar with my name but on the ProBlogger page which is more of a personal brand it is something I’m happy to do (given my face is all over the Facebook Page).
2. The more recent the person liked your post the more likely they are to accept the invitation. I wouldn’t suggest going back through your last 5 years of Facebook posts and doing this on anyone who has ever liked a post. Rather I think this is a technique that will be much more effective if it is done soon after a person likes your post. It might be a once or twice a day job that you can do as part of a routine.
I hope you find this quick tip helpful. Please let me know how it goes for you!
Sadly, I have had a number of people like my page but not my posts! However, a great tip to keep in mind. Thanks for sharing.
To get interaction on your Facebook page to get “likes” you will want to share viral content. That helps with engagement. Once you begin to build your page by SHARING others content you’re content will also get a small increase in being seen.
Devon, search for some blogging facebook groups where it’s ok to share your content. Build relationships there and share posts that may solve a problem someone is posting about. For example, someone may need help with a plugin and you have a post talking about plugins so you can share that advice with them and solve their problem.
You can also try to run ads to your page either boosting a post or specifically for page likes.
Good luck!
Great tip, Darren, thank you! One thing, though : why do you need to be logged in as your personal profile and not your page? It works even if I’m logged as my page.
When you are logged in from your personal profile it is inviting them from there. It’s not sending it from your page. Hope that helps!
What a great tip, thank you Darren.
BTW I tried it when only a couple of people have liked the page and you still get the option come up. Just click on the blue link to the individual names that are grouped together.
A very useful tip. It’s a shame that this can’t be done when logged in as the ‘page’. Inevitably, some people may wonder who you are if you’re popping up in their message box.
Still a worthwhile exercise.
This is a nifty little trick. The only issue is you might find it a little challenging to implement this if your page has a small number of fans, or if your all of your posts get only a few likes. Then again, even if you invite and get a couple people to like your page, your fan base will grow gradually and it will start gaining momentum.
Such a super useful trick! I read your headline and I thought no way. Nothing is easy on Facebook but that really was. Thanks!
This is awesome! I just went through the last year of all my Facebook page postings, specifically the ones I”d paid to “boost”. There we literally hundreds of people who had “liked” my post but not my page.
Even if some accept the invite I’ve sent them, then that’s a bonus. I’ve nothing to hide, so I haven’t any problem with them seeing it’s actually an invite from myself on Facebook, and not the neilshealthymeals page profile. I mean I write about myself all the time within my blog. I’m all over it! Thanks for this tip!
thanks for the useful tip! will surely try to boost likes for my new venture! thanks again.
Awesome! Thank you for this tip. I always need Facebook strategy support and this is a handy way to begin growing a following with people who have already liked a post.
Here is a quick work around for small likes on your fan page or very few likes.
📌Post a pic that your target audience will respond to.
📌Boost that post for as little as $3
📌Target Friends and their friends or a targeted audience.
📌Once the likes start rolling in follow the method listed.
⬆⬆Let me know if that worked for you!
Does this work only for “business” pages? Can I do it on a community page? For the community page I am doing it gives a prompt that says “Add Friend” … I am thinking, this means to Add Friend to my personal profile because some of the people it indicates “Add Friend” are people who are already members of the community page, but not my personal profile. Some, as a result of shares, are not friends of either. So my other question is, if I invite those who are not either a personal profile friend or a member of the community page, to which page am I inviting them to join?
Thank you! I’m at about 26K on one page and 21K on my book page with a very interactive audience. I’ll move to the desktop from my mobile at least once per day to do this
Thanks again!
I, too, have very few post Likes, but I discovered that if I Share something as my Page from one of the Pages my Page Likes, when that gets likes, I can then do what Darren suggests and go through and Invite those who’ve Liked the post to Like my Page. I’m putting it on my calendar to Share something everyday on my Page’s timeline from another Page.
OK Darren, I need some help here. I went to my Ducks n a Row page and found that a post that I shared with my page got shared 15 times (very high for my page) and therefore reached over 2600. NO likes.
Now I can click on who shared it and send a friend request but I am not convinced they have any way to know who I am. My own followers know my name as well as my blog’s name – pretty much, anyway. Ugh.
Does anyone find Facebook as frustrating as I do??? It used to be so straight forward but now? I had all but given up on them and concentrated on developing my other social media. Now that I am getting some sponsored posts I recognize that I have to pay attention to FB too. So, is it a waste of time for me to go for those who shared that post? It is all our personal pages, after all.
Sinea ♥
Very useful tip. Thanks
I found an excelent free extension for this, it’s name “Automatically Invite to like fb page” works like a script + scrolls and loads more buttons. Maybe it will be useful for someone.