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Write a List Post [Day 2 – 31DBBB]

Posted By Darren Rowse 7th of April 2009 Featured Posts, Writing Content 0 Comments

Today your challenge in the 31 Day project that we’re running here at Problogger is focused around writing a post and is to write a ‘list post’.


Today’s Teaching:

Using ‘lists’ has always been a popular and effective technique among bloggers wanting to write content that gets spread from one person to the next. Just look at pages like the front page of Digg, TweetMeme and Delicious and you’ll see that many of the ‘hottest’ content on the web at any given time are written in this style.

Check out this screen shot of Delicious from yesterday:


You can see there that every post in the most popular page of Delcious at this point was a list of some type.

8 Reasons Why List Posts are Powerful for Bloggers

‘List posts’ are popular because:

1. Lists are Scannable – online readers are notoriously lazy and tend to scan content rather than read it word for word. A list helps communicate a number of points quickly and easily and helps readers to know if a post contains information that interests them and which they should actually read more of.

2. Lists keep posts succinct
– there is something about a list that keeps you as a blogger from rambling. Each point has a start and end whereas with an essay style of writing points often bleed into one another.

3. Lists look ‘neat’
– I don’t know about you but when I surf onto a site that is full of messily formatted text – I don’t tend to stick around for too long. Lists on the other hand can be quite visually pleasing and more likely to stimulate someone to start reading.

4. Lists can be comprehensive
– while some might argue that lists ‘dumb down’ ideas and concepts – when written well they can actually be just as comprehensive as any other style of writing.

5. Lists are persuasive
– if you want to mount a case for something quickly presenting numerous arguments in a list can be quite convincing. Again – it’s about identifiable points that together go to forming a convincing argument.

6. Lists can add to the ease of writing
– I like writing in lists because they break down my thoughts into bite sized pieces which is good not only for readers but me as a writer as I consider how to express myself.

7. Lists go Viral – lists can start epidemics of ideas. For the above reasons (and others – bloggers and those on social media seem to love sharing lists and as a result they have the ability to spread quickly through out the web (and beyond)

8. Lists break down the complicated – one reason I find list posts to be powerful is that they can be great for breaking down complex ideas or tasks. I know on my photography blog that many of our photoshop tutorials work best when our authors present their instructions as ‘steps’ – meaning a procedure that can at first seem overwhelming becomes a list of bite sized tasks.

Warning: don’t go over the top with ‘list posts’. They can be incredibly powerful but on many blogs readers can become frustrated with them if that is all you do.

Your Task for Today – Write a List Post:

Today your task is to write a ‘list post’ on your blog. You may not choose to publish it today if you already have something lined up – but aim to publish it in the next day or two if you can.

3 Types of ‘List Posts’

There are a variety of ways of incorporating lists into your blog. Depending upon the topic and style of blog you’re building some of these options might be appropriate for you:

  • The post as a list – in this case there’s nothing in the post except for the list. The title of your post introduces the topic and then the list speaks for itself. The list can be quite barebones – short and to the point. However readers often like them because of their bluntness and the way that they tell it like it is. Example: 21 Ways to Write Posts that are Guarantees to Grow Your Blog.
  • Extended lists – this is how I generally approach ‘list posts’. I’ll show you a couple of examples below but in a sense this type of post is not dissimilar to an essay or article but the main points are broken down into a numbered list format. Generally there is a heading for each section (highlighted in bold or heading tags) with a paragraph or two under each one. Example: 10 Ways to Take Stunning Portraits.
  • Lists Within Posts – the post you’re reading right now probably illustrates this type well. In this post there are two lists that present ideas in the midst of other content. In a sense the list becomes a way of breaking up your text. I find that often these posts do quite well as other bloggers looking for a quote to share with their readers will many times grab your list.

Some bloggers do at times get a little ‘anti list’ and suggest it is an overused technique and a lazy way to write – but this need not always be the case. There’s nothing to stop a blogger developing a list post that is in depth and on topic for almost any blog.

List posts will not suit everyone’s style and probably are harder to use with some blog topics than others but they are a useful style of post to have in your tool belt for when the opportunity arises.

Highly Recommended Reading: If you’re after a little extra reading on the topic of writing list posts check out this excellent and practical guest post from late last year on ProBlogger with 10 steps to writing the perfect list post.

Examples of List Posts

I know some of our participants will find today’s task easier than others. Some of you have successfully written a lot of list posts while others have not. Some have topics where these types of posts ‘fit’ better than others. I hope that in the following examples (both from my blogs and others) that you’ll find a little inspiration that might help you to discover a type of post that might work with your blog.

Also: also check out this long list of ‘list posts’ written in a group writing project by readers of ProBlogger. This list of posts has hundreds of examples (some good and some not so good) on hundreds of topics. Hopefully some of them will give a little inspiration).

Share Your New List Posts

It’s time to go away and write your list post. Once you’ve done it – do come back here and leave the link and title in comments below. My hope in this is that participants will get a little traffic but also that you’ll inspire one another with your posts and give a much more comprehensive list than I’ve come up with above of great list posts. I’m looking forward with what you come up with!

Want More?

This task is a sample of one of the tasks in the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog Workbook – a downloadable resource designed to reinvigorate and revitalize blogs.

Join over 14,000 other bloggers and Get your Copy Today.

Update: You can also join the discussion over at the forum, and see what others have done for this task! Day 2 – Write a List Post

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Hi Darren,

    Here is my list post on GMAT and GRE



  2. Darren,
    I’m two days behind in the assignments but that’s about par for me. I reviewed and reset prefs on my blogs to choose which one to use for this exercise and then wrote my elevator pitch. I have three blogs and have always used them for an online diary/journal for my own private use. I’ve been blogging for six years but this has really brought it all into focus. I made my first list THE FIRST 10 STEPS TO ONLINE DATING and posted it.

    Now for day 3’s assmt.

    Thanks for all the help and the opportunity to participate.

  3. Darren,

    I am enjoying this challenge so far. I wrote a list of my favorite inspirational quotes, only the 5 all time favorites so it is 100% BS free (no stretching to achieve an arbitrarily high number).


  4. I just finished my List Post, and I have to say, it took no time at all! I am going to have to make a habit of Listing points if to do nothing but save time! My post it called “5 Reasons Pool Owners Should Use a Liquid Pool Cover and 3 Easy Ways To Do So” and you can find it here: http://budurl.com/dsha

    Thanks for the tips and assignments! @MoniqueNelson

  5. Great information. I tried to apply what you wrote as much as possible. Let me know what you think.
    Title: 9 ways to start living healthy right now, today


  6. This was a terrific assignment for me.

    Here is my post:

    I love looking at everyone else’s work! This is what teacher’s love to do…look at other people’s good stuff and then change it to work for them!


  7. I actually created two, I guess I am on a roll! My second list post is called “Monique’s Top 10 Twitter Tips” http://budurl.com/j78p

  8. I’m really liking this 31 day challenge.

    The list post that I’ve developed is based on the 14 Steps of my Texas Holdem Investing method that I’m promoting on my blog.


    These 14 Steps of Texas Holdem Investing will ultimately form the basis of my book, which funnily enough is called Texas Holdem Investing! I’ve already posted up to part of Step 5 which is on Probability.

  9. 8 Building Blocks to Build Your Power System

    * Building a foundation – faster internet browser, online website bookmarking, and printing from websites;
    * Communication – Setting up a good line of communication from organizing your email, keeping in contact with your network, up to date instant communication and ability to automatically download trainings. Special section on how iPhone will keep your business mobile.
    * How to create your own blog and the importance of having a blog;
    * Creating an income while you are building your foundation – as mentioned before, there will be tools that will be an investment, but wouldn’t it be great if you were generating an income to pay for these tools?
    * List Building – how to gather subscribers through your blog and social media;
    * Social Media – this will be very important to spread the word that there is a new kid on the block and it’s YOU! Using Twitter, TweetDeck, Facebook, Skype, iTunes, Friend Feed (this will be excellent for working with your individual teams), iGoogle, etc;
    * Designing a hook to gather leads – learning to create or buy a ready made report to use as a give away.
    * Making $$$ – learn how to make money using internet marketing techniques.

  10. This was my second list post in only a few days, but I guess this one might be considered more of a combination post?


  11. I ended up writing a list post for my newsletter instead. Here’s a fantasy list post for a blog, though:

    3 Reasone starting a class the day before Pesach is a bad idea:

    1) 10 people for the first Seder and I’ve got to clean house, put the leaves in Mom’s dining room table, cook, cook, and did I say cook?

    2) 20 people for the second Seder and I have to clean up from the first Seder, wash the linens, put in the rest of the dining table leaves, find chairs, cook. Thankfully it’s potluck!

    3) Clean up from the second Seder, (who thought throwing cotton balls to represent hail (one of the 10 plagues) wouldn’t make a mess?), launder several tablecloths, collapse

    Now to try to catch up!

  12. Love this assignment!

    Top 10 Words to Delete From Your Business Plan NOW:

  13. Haha, I started writing a list and it exploded into a much bigger list than I’d planned… it made me really happy to make this list, and I hope that people enjoy it!

    55 things you are never too old to enjoy

  14. Made it – 5 Things the Ant Can Teach Us About Success.

    I am following this perhaps at a different speed. Work days sometimes don’t leave me much time, but I day’s off are catch up days.

    Still reading your book Darren and very inspired by your testimony to keep going


  15. This was a great assignment. I am a little late, but I posted 2 lists on my blogs.

    15 Great Chick Flicks Characters on my Just Chick Flicks blog http://justchickflicks.com/2009/04/09/15-great-chick-flicks-characters/

    5 Fun & Free Things to Do in Dallas. I think I will make this a regular Friday series. 5 Things…. in Dallas.

  16. Hi guys! Looks like a lot of people got their list posts written – lookin good! I frequently write in list style, but for this one I did something a little different. There is an action item associated with each point. Feel free to let me know if you like the format.

    How to Save Money by Getting Almost Everything for Free


    Homemaker Barbi / Danelle Ice

  17. I despise lists of these kind.

    They are so common and most of the time from people giving advice on how to get better traffic, or more readers etc… and they’ll only have a PR1 website.

    As soon as I see a list like that I stop reading and fly onto the next blog.

  18. Mission accomplished! My List blog was on how the Purchase of a cricut cutting machine is worth the investment. My blog is a paper crafting blog and this machine is an awesome tool in paper crafting but can be quite pricey.


  19. I tried to leave a comment with my post, but somehow it hasn’t shown up here. So I’m trying again:

    How to Write a Best-Selling Romance Novel: Lessons from ‘Twilight’

  20. I like list posts for the reasons you mentioned here. Every Friday I do one about things I learned that week. Here’s today’s: http://zemeks.blogspot.com/2009/04/6-things-i-learned-in-week-14-of-2009.html

  21. I have written several list posts over the years, but this one’s fresh from my fingertips, written just for this challenge: 17 Things to Do on Twitter. It reminded me of one of my favorite childhood poems, “Nothing to Do,” by Shel Silverstein.

  22. My list post is done. Here is the link. It is the top 5 reads for women. Hmm, must figure out how to set the permalink without losing all the links!


  23. I like list posts. They are so easy to read and to pinpoint the info you’re looking for.

    I have learned many things being a mom ……


  24. I have to say, I generally don’t like the list posts that have a gazillion things in them, or the ones that are trying to sell something. I really think there’s more to doing these effectively than just writing out the obvious and its padding. And most list writers don’t do them well at all.

    If I’m doing a list, I try to compose one that I myself would want to read.

  25. 11 Tips on How to Green Your Wedding or Special Event.


  26. Darren

    Enjoying the blog course – thanks,

    Decided it was cheating to use an existing post as my list post so I’ve made a new one:

    20 Ways to Annoy People on Twitter


  27. 10 Things That CWAHMs Can Learn From the Proverbs 31 Woman


    P.S. CWAHM = Christian Work at Home Mom

  28. My comment is a few days behind, but here’s this small town girl’s top 10 things to do in Small Town, Missouri: http://smalltowngirlsguide.wordpress.com/

  29. The title of the blog post is Various and Sundry Friday. When I have a lot of things to talk about in a post I call it Various and Sundry [day of the week]. I think it helps my readers find posts that are of the same ilk.

  30. Good ideas! I like list post and in my post 8 Major Indications of Depression I used the extended list. You are all more than welcome to take a look!

  31. OK done. Have just re-done an article from my main website called Top 5 Tips For Buying Off Plan.

  32. Since I’m in the early stages of starting my own business, my list is the 5 most helpful web sites for small business


  33. My list, entitled “Firefox: Choosing Add-ons for Efficiency” can be found at http://www.ghodmode.com/node/19

    Here’s the intro:

    In the current generation of browser wars, add-ons are Mozilla Firefox’s greatest asset… and it’s greatest weakness. If you use Firefox, you probably have a few that you need, several that you use regularly (but don’t need), and a whole bunch that are just kinda fun to have.

    Browsing through Mozilla’s Firefox Add-ons site, you’ll find nearly 3000 add-ons ranging in functionality from changing the Firefox logo in the About box to a kitten, to transforming Firefox into a completely different application.

    Articles suggesting the top Firefox extensions have already been done far too often, but these lists often ignore the impact on performance.

    Following are some add-ons that provide useful functionality without overwhelming your computer. Few are actually essential, but some provide a boost to efficiency that makes up for any performance or resource penalty.

    Thank you.

    — Ghodmode

  34. Impressive teaching gift you have there, Darren. This challenge has really helped focus where our blog is heading. Thank you.

    Check out the list task result here:

  35. I finally wrote my list post. I have been running a How To series, and I try to use lists when giving tutorials to keep things simple and skimmable. Here it is.


  36. Agree that the list post is a great way to grab readers’ attention in quick, digestible bites.

    Just recently wrote mine, titled “Three Books to Help Defer the Cost of Therapy.” Meant to be humorous.


  37. natalie says: 04/12/2009 at 2:08 am

    So I might be the last person to write my list — though it is timely. Possibly not my best list ever (that would be a PR-related post about pitching stories http://www.thebobbypin.com/2008/04/10-tidbits-to-tease-story-right-out-of.html)

    This is about dressing a ham:

  38. Thanks for the info. Just adding my list, “15 must have WordPress plugins”


  39. Darren

    A follow-up to my last comment on my new List Post. In less than 12 hours of posting it & having tweeted it only twice it already has more comments than nearly all my other posts combined, & it’s already my most active post.


    20 Ways to Annoy People on Twitter:


  40. My list is 5 safer art supplies for Artists, Hobbyists, Our Homes, and the Earth

    Great info, Darren.

  41. This was a fun challenge. I am enjoying them all so far. Here is my list post. I run an art journaling blog and it was most fitting to talk about the tools art journals should have at their disposal.

    Tools Art Journalers Should Have in Their Arsenal


  42. I finally got mine up today. As the NHL playoffs are sorted out and some fans are feeling left out…and we a re a blog about goaltending…I put together the top five goalies that didn’t make the playoffs – but there are 7 names on the list and one did make the playoffs….


  43. Here is my list post. What do you think?
    It is a list of 10 things that you can do to enrich your parrot’s life

  44. Finally got to doing second assignment of list post. Mine is Necessary Software I Put On My New Computer. http://www.simpletechtoday.com/software-i-put-on-my-new-computer/

  45. This was great! I thought I wouldn’t be able to do a list post right away as it was my Blogaversary party, but then I had a lightbulb over my head! The list post could be about blogging for a year!

    So, finally, here it is:
    9 Benefits of Blogging for a Year

  46. Running a bit behind on these tasks with kids on Easter holidays but have drawn up a quick, quirky list for packing to go on holiday (we’re off to France tomorrow). What a great way to get a blog down and can think of plenty of inspiration for future…here’s my offering!


    Thanks for this hints!

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