This guest post is by Marcie Hill of The Write Design Company .
Facebook has taken the Web by storm in a very short period. In addition to being the highest ranking social networking site, it is the second most visited site in the world according to Alexa, the popular blog measuring tool. Facebook’s popularity is so great that it unseated Google as the king of the Web one day in 2010.
Even though Facebook offer relationships, fun, and exposure, following are five reasons why I think your self-hosted blog is more valuable than your Facebook Page.
1. You can control your own media and space
You have limited control on Facebook. You have access to the profiles and pages you create, but having access isn’t the same as ownership. And your design options are minimal. Your blog, on the other hand, is your space to do what you want, when you want, how you want. From design to set up to content.
I recall a time when Facebook sent a message to their millions of members information them of content ownership. Apparently, anything shared on Facebook belonged to them. After loads of protests and opposition, the social networking giant backed down. I am not convinced. Generally speaking, if you do not own something, you cannot control it. If Facebook shuts down or suspends your account, you will not have access to the content you entered. Thus, your self-hosted site is definitely a better option for media creation.
2. You can reach a very targeted group
People who sign up to receive your blog updates tend to be most interested in the content you provide. It is more likely that this group will convert to loyal followers. You can have all the fans you want on Facebook, but if those people are not taking interest in what you share on your blog, all you have is a big remote fan base on someone else’s site.
3. You have the chance to get paid for advertisements
On Facebook, you have to pay to get your message to your targeted group. On your blog, people have to pay you to get their message across to your audience. Because you control the site, you determine the type of ads you want, how long you are going to let them run and how much they should cost.
4. You can rank high on Google
If someone conducts a Google search on your name or company, your Facebook pages may appear within the top five search results. That’s impressive. However, if you blog quality content consistently, your site will also rank within the top five—or at least on the first page. Even if your self-hosted site appears below your Facebook page in the search results, at least you own the site.
5. Everybody is not on Facebook
Some people may never join Facebook; others are leaving. Even with these transitions, people will always have access to your blog. You don’t want to alienate people who are likely to support you just because they’re not on Facebook.
Above are five reasons why I think your self-hosted blog is better than your Facebook Page. Use Facebook as a means to an end—not as an end in itself. Use it to make contacts and drive traffic back to the site you own and control. Remember, if you don’t own it, you can’t control. And you will never own Facebook.
Marcie Hill is the Founder & President of The Write Design Company help clients develop creative conversations that will lead to long-term online and offline relationships. She also shares information on culture, education, employment, health and youth programs and activities on her community site, Shorty: Your Chicago South Side Resource.
You’re right, plus they can cancel your fb page without notice. Everybody is not on facebook – that’s so true, in fact fb have only like 1/10 or less of what a country’s population have. Thanks for your points Marcie
I often wonder how many people miss possible clients because they assume that everyone is on Facebook.
Re (1). Facebook didn’t back down much over content ownership. They still get a license to use everything you post. This causes several potential problems, for example you need to make sure that you bought the right to sub-license when you acquired your content.
“For content that is covered by intellectual property rights, like photos and videos (“IP content”), you specifically give us the following permission, subject to your privacy and application settings: you grant us a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any IP content that you post on or in connection with Facebook (“IP License”).”!/terms.php
Pete, thank you so much for providing Facebook’s actual language which proves that anything entered on their site belongs to them.
Great post! I would rather spend more time adding valuable, unique content to my own blog (building my own real estate, so to speak) than wasting too much time on Facebook. Don’t get me wrong, I think FB is a valuable tool – but most people are busy tooting their own horns. Those who come to your blog are really interested in what you have to offer. Thanks!
And they are more likely to continue to return AND become clients.
I think it’s still more beneficial to spend more time on your own blog than on facebook but neglecting facebook as a source of traffic and interaction with your readers completely is also not the way to go. There’s got to be a fine balance in between there.
I would never ignore the value of Facebook. It’s huge! That’s like telling anyone who has ever created a video not to post it on YouTube. In both cases, I would tell them to make sure the content is on their sites first and then use the social sites to direct traffic back to their blogs.
I really liked this post – it was short and to the point and opened my eyes to how I may be relying too heavily on facebook and not putting enough effort into my blog. Thank you for this, at a time when everyone wants to be heard….this was great insight!
I’m glad this helped you in your endeavors.
Hey !
i just had a curious question … how/where can i promote my blog for free such that maximum number of people have the chance of seeing my blog ??
i have been blogging for quite some time now but don’t have many people visiting it . i want to reach out to as many people as i can, as i am a self taught budding photographer and would love to have people comment on these photographs to find out how my progress is .. Can some one plz guide ??
KarbonFiber, with all due respect, it sounds like you’re begging on your style. When I read your comment I felt like you were begging, and when I read your Blog, I had the same sensation. Don’t take me wrong this is just an observation; maybe visitors are not bouncing back for this reason.
KarbonFiber, here are two thoughts that come to mind for promotion even though I haven’t checked it out yet. First, be sure to put your site on your business cards. Second, post a couple images of the people you photographed on your site and send them to your site to check it out. Be sure to ask them to forward the message to see the photos to their friends and family. Above all, though, tell everyone you know about it and provide valuable content, even if it’s just a pretty photo per day.
Thanx Marcie,
i hope u have had a look at the blog by now, i am trying to implement the points that u hv mentioned.
but the one major problem, that i am facing rite now is find adequate amount of time for blogging. i am currently pursuing a degree and with all da studies it’s just hard to find time to write a creative post.
Luis Gerardo ,
when u say that i am begging on my blog can u specify as in how ?
i appreciate constructive feedback.
Luis Gerardo ,
when u say that i am begging on my blog can u specify as in how ?
i appreciate constructive feedback.
I have a Facebook fanpage with over 57000 fans/likes, but Facebook took away my publishing rights. I do have other fanpages but tend now not to spend too much time on them, just in case they are taken away from me as well.
Wow, sorry to hear that Barb. How long it take to build that page and how long did it take for Facebook to strip you of your publishing rights?
For sure, I’ve only recently switched to self-hosting and definitely noticed the benefits. My FB page is a good distribution vehicle though.
Thanks for sharing your experience. This is a point proven.
I can’t understand why someone will “donate” his/her own unique content to a “remote” place. Why on Facebook? I would never post my articles and content on a third party. I want to have full control, I want to brand myself, I want to earn money and exposure not be another one on FB. Not to mention that, just as you say, you have ZERO control on facebook.
More benefits! Branding, revenue generation and exposure. The list keeps growing.
according to me in blog we can write anything we want but in facebook they allow you restriction while commenting our own thoughts thats why blog have more ownership
Content ownership is the main reason for choosing blog for facebook page. Even blog provides with better options rather than a facebook page. It is great to use a facebook page to promote the blog.
I use facebook very minimally at this point. I bounce feeds from my blog, but that’s it. That may change in the future, but right now I feel the same way as Marcie.
The not being able to control your content or look is a major disadvantage to Facebook. People have to search to find out what you offer, not to mention FB changes the settings and layout often. So you have to relearn the controls and features. I think FB is a useful took but you should always branch out and have multiple tools. This way if one collapses or loses users you have back up plans already in action.
Key example… I remember when MySpace reigned supreme and now I only know a handful of people who still use it.
This caught my eye because I interviewed Guy Kawasaki about the Facebook page he had for his book Enchantment and he said the same thing. He hosted a quiz for people to compelte both on Facebook and on his website and the website outperformed FB something like 4 to 1 and the FB page had a 2 week jumpstart.
He summed it up as “there may be X million people on FB but there are X Billion in the world” (can’t remember the figures off the top of my head!
The link on my name will take you to the interview :-)
Thanks for those results! I am going to check out your interview when I’m done here.
interesting point, not sure I agree 100% but certainly see value to some of the points you have made. Thank you.
Lydia Chicles
Excellent insight n thanks. I’ve struggled n debated myself about dropping blog. Partially because so many say they are not tech savvy n don’t blog. Easier access/addiction to fb. Will try to reeducate my “fans” thanks to you.
Very interesting and thought provoking post, Marcie. In addition to all the points you mentioned, I find that my own blog allows me to organize my content and categorize it in a way that makes it very easy for visitors to instantly access the very information they are looking for.
As for the Facebook page, things look very chaotic! With my status updates mixed up with fans contributions, not to mention the the size limitations on text, videos and so forth.
Smart social media marketers know that their blog is their SM gateway and their content hub. The main target of any “external” social interaction should be driving traffic to your own blog.
And your point about the possibility of Facebook shutting down someday is certainly valid. In fact, it could happen abruptly without a warning! That’s why; it’s wise to keep your “goodies” for your own blog and turn your Facebook fans into blog subscribers. To our success!
Hi Marcie,
I agree with Pete for ownership of facebook pages,
Thanks for interesting post
I’m really glad to read this because from a marketing position, I don’t see how a facebook page could possibly contain all the information I have on my blog. I understand that a lot of people use facebook, but I don’t think that it’s nearly as good a business tool as a social nerwork. I don’t plan to ignore it, I just don’t expect it to drive my business.
Thanks for the post.
“Everybody is not on Facebook” should be rephrased as “Not everybody is on Facebook”.