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Welcome to the ProBlogger Social Media Love-In

Posted By Darren Rowse 22nd of July 2008 Social Media 0 Comments

Social-Media-Love-InImage by Mandala

Update: This will close after 24 hours – read more about why here.

Today I want to try something a little different and want to invite you to share your social media profiles with us (please read the ‘rules’ below before participating).

  • Are you active on social media sites?
  • Do you want to find more friends and followers?
  • Do you want to find other bloggers to follow and network with?

If so – you’re not alone and I want to give you an opportunity to do just that.

Today I want to do something that could get messy (I reserve the right to close this down if it does) – but could also be a lot of fun.

In comments below – leave links to any of your social media profiles that you want to promote. Once you’ve done so – start adding others on the list! This will only work if people make connections rather than just promote themselves.

I don’t know what will happen when we do this but I do know that we all have one thing in common here – we want to build better blogs and we all read ProBlogger. So why not build on this and see if we can work together on social media?

The ‘Rules’:

  • You must include the word – ‘social media’ in your comment. This is simply so that we can find any of your comments that get caught in our spam filter. If you don’t include it your comment may not appear.
  • You can use html in the comment to make your links live (this will make people finding your profile pages easier)
  • So that we keep some order to this – please limit your links to 10

My Links:

I’ll kick us off with some of my own.

Some are more active than others.

Now it’s over to you. I hope this works!

Update: WOW – this IS getting crazy. Please be patient with me as I work through all the comments in the spam filter. We’re getting there! Do remember to add others that you find and also include the words ‘social media’ in your comment so we can make sure everyone is added.

Update 2: Due to the popularity of this I’m going to close it after 24 hours and then compile all the information into some pages that will make befriending people easier. Read more about that here.

Update 3: If you guys could just post the URLs, that would be great. I’m essentially copying and pasting, and you cut my time by 50% if you post just the URL (ie. Don’t bother writing “Twitter” and linking it, just post your Twitter URL). It’ll automatically link it for you if you make sure you’ve included the “http” part right through to the end. If you’ve already posted, please don’t repost, but if you haven’t posted yet, I’d really appreciate this! :) – Lara

Update 4: Okay gang, there are nearly 700 comments! I’ve spent almost 5 hours this morning creating the Twitter page, and still have more to put up there. I’m not sure how we’re going to work out releasing them, maybe one network a day or something like that. Darren and I will work that out in a few hours when he wakes up, and I’m sure he’ll update you on that. Thanks to everyone who has commented and been patient with us getting you out of the spam folder! More updates coming soon. – Lara

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. anmari says: 07/22/2008 at 8:42 pm

    Cool idea! luv it!
    my social media profiles


  2. Great idea for networking Darren.Here are my social media links:

    facebook: azhar_osman123@yahoo.com

  3. Hey Darren,

    thanks for sending out the invite! My social media links:


    Best regards, Andrew

  4. Natalie Green says: 07/22/2008 at 8:45 pm

    I’m Social Media curious so here goes:

    Blog: http://www.colourfulwords.blogspot.com/
    (remember: “colourful” spelt the Aussie way!)

    Twitter: http://twitter.com/nataliegreen

  5. How could I forget to add the phrase social media to my comment? (Note to self: don’t comment on Darren’s Problogger site until after you’ve had a cup of coffee.)

    I’m a two time breast cancer survivor and blogger — dedicated to raising breast cancer awareness and providing value to all survivors, caregivers and those people interested in and/or vested in the cause. Visit me at:


    Thanks Darren!

  6. Morning!

    I confess – I’m a Twitter Fan and, ahem….very little else. But sometime….yes! It will happen. :)

    That being said, check me out and fax me some coffee at


    Enjoy, Barbara

  7. Thanks a lot for this opportunity, Darren.

    I am a (mainly) medical blogger from Australia.


  8. Thanks Darren for this Social Media Love Fest! Here’s some of my Social Media Hangouts!


  9. I forgot my linkedin profile


  10. Here’s my social media profiles.



    I blog, tweet and stumble articles about WordPress and WordPress themes.

  11. Just two for me, as I slowly get the hang of this social media stuff…

    Twitter: http://twitter.com/siberianlight
    Friendfeed: http://friendfeed.com/siberianlight

  12. Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/dazzlindonna
    StumbleUpon: http://dazzlin.stumbleupon.com
    Plurk: http://www.plurk.com/user/dazzlindonna

    and well, just stick “dazzlindonna” in most of the other social urls and u’ll probably have guessed correctly. :)

  13. Just one social media link from me:
    twitter – http://twitter.com/suz00

    thanks for this and good luck compiling it!

  14. Social media

    The last link didn’t work


  15. This is a great social media experience!

    Find me at:



  16. I have media and it’s so social!

    Social media attack, GO:

    twitter – http://twitter.com/angryzenmaster
    facebook – http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=603070727
    does the YouTube count? – http://www.youtube.com/angryzenmovies

    Hmmm… three links doesn’t seem all that social. Ah well. It’s pretty much all I have time for these days.

  17. My social media:


  18. Digg – http://digg.com/users/spwelton
    StumbleUpon – http://spwelton.stumbleupon.com

    Yeah, I know I’ve self-submitted quite a bit, but my blog is pretty slow and trying to bring in some traffic..


  19. I apologize if this is a duplicate. I am not sure that the first click worked.

    Here are may social media adds.

    http://twitter.com/vaianp -Twitter
    http://www.linkedin.com/pub/1/51/aa4 -LinkedIn
    http://digg.com/users/ipkobler -Digg
    http://vaianp.stumbleupon.com/public/ -Stumbleupon
    http://friendfeed.com/vaianp -FriendFeed
    http://www.plurk.com/user/Vaianp -Plurk
    http://www.propeller.com/member/vaianp -Propeller
    http://del.icio.us/vaianp -del.icio.us
    http://socialspark.com/blogs/anotherdayoflife-com – Social Spark
    http://www.Anotherdayoflife.com –My Blog

    I think this is a great idea. I hope to get some adds. I will be adding like crazy today!

  20. Social Media Love In!!

    I’m Tamal Anwar and I run http://www.tamalanwar.com and http://www.blogkori.com

    “”Twitter”” http://twitter.com/tamalanwar ………:-)

    “”Stumble!”” http://tamalds.stumbleupon.com ………… ThumbsUP!

    “”FriendFeed”” http://frinedfeed.com/tamalanwar …………!!!

  21. Here is a list of social media tools and the links I use:

    Linked In – http://www.linkedin.com/in/billcooey
    Twitter – http://twitter.com/billcooey
    Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/people/Bill_Cooey/591178939
    Delicious – http://del.icio.us/billcooey
    Digg – http://digg.com/users/billcooey
    Stumble – http://billcooey.stumbleupon.com/

    And there you have it!

    bill cooey

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