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Today is Blogger Appreciation Day [UNOFFICIAL]

Posted By Darren Rowse 14th of April 2008 Miscellaneous Blog Tips 0 Comments

It’s Monday morning here in Australia and even Problogger’s suffer from ‘Mondayitis’ and find it hard to get themselves going. However today has been a little different – for some reason today there’s a little extra inspiration in my inbox.

You see today I had three completely unsolicited ‘thank you’ emails from readers.

I’m lucky enough to get these sorts of emails from time to time and can’t express how much energy that I find they give me.

I’m declaring today Blogger Appreciation Day [UNOFFICIAL]!

I’ve been chatting with a few bloggers of late who’ve been feeling a little down in the dumps about their blogging – so perhaps everyone could do with a little lift.

Lets spend today doing a few random acts of kindness and encouragement for our fellow bloggers.

I’m not writing this in the hope of getting more emails myself (I’ve got my share for today already) – but instead want to encourage you to take a moment to email another blogger and to thank them for something that you’ve appreciated about what they’ve done lately. In a sense it’s a ‘Pay it Forward’ exercise.

Some might see it as a marketing or networking exercise (and it might actually pay off) – but I just think it’s good kharma and part of being a blogger.

We’re in it together, blogging is about collaboration and together going further than we can by ourselves – so why not help another blogger today by shooting them a word of encouragement, a pep talk, a congratulations, an idea to help them improve or some other positive constructive message. Better still, do it publicly on your blog and tell the world about another blogger who you appreciate.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. I don’t care if you’ve had your share of appreciation, you’re getting some more. :-D

    Thank you, Darren, for your constant stream of amazing content, for being inspirational, imaginative and creative, and for giving so much to the blogosphere (including Blogger Appreciation Day).

  2. I’m taking the opportunity of this comment to thank you Darren and I have 2 emails to send to other 2 very inspiring bloggers.

    Have a good week, since it’s monday!

  3. What I love about you Darren is how personable you are with us. For a Problogger who is “Supasta”, you reply and comment as often as you can and that is awesome. So thank you for being a fine example of that and teaching us to do the same.

  4. Darren’s not writing this in hope of getting more emails himself. He’s looking for paypal donations!

    Just kidding.

  5. It’s called modesty guys, Darren’s modest. But I must thank all of you, all of you who post and reply to Darren’s post’s (and Darren himself for posting to begin with) I must thank you, as I feel I gain an edge by sitting down reading a new post and then reading all of the comments and the point of views on a certain topic and then comparing it to my own. This is why I love this Blog it has a sense of a community a very active community of opinionated blogger’s, ideas flood through these post’s and replies all the time it’s like magic. So thank you Darren, thank you blogger’s and thank everybody who’s actively involved in this blog.

    – Luis Gross

  6. It’s still Sunday in Amsterdam so I’ll be catching up your Blogger Appreciation Day in a few hours time! There are a few great bloggers I’d like to pass the email idea on to.

  7. Great idea.
    Same here its still Sunday in South Africa.
    Will do it tomorrow.

  8. Thank you for suggesting this, Darren, it’s a lovely idea and certainly fosters the sense of community which I love about blogging.

  9. yet again something to help me as a blogger thanks!

  10. One of the best ways to show your appreciation of a Bloggers work that you really found helpful, is to put a link on your blogroll – or at least do a post about the content

    Think how much traffic that brings them especially if you are a high profile blog

  11. Wrote my post, saved it and set it to become public at 12:00 AM. Thanks once again!

    Everyone else, this has been submitted to Digg, let’s try and make this wonderful initiative popular.

  12. I like to thank 4 people

    1. Darren for his modest approach and being very articulate
    2. All guest bloggers at Problogger.net
    3. All the folks who leave valuable comments! (I often check your websites)
    4. and myself for finally convincing me to start a blog :)

  13. That definitely is a good idea, and I can use it I guess with my new blog and under 10 visitors a day. I’ve been reading this blog for a while and I guess the growing really takes some time!

  14. What a supportive and encouraging idea, Darren! Such a positive wave of appreciation might not only lift some spirits, but also make the blogging world a more powerfully woven community:

    “Appreciating each other is a true family value, one that will bail out much of the stress on the planet and help strengthen the universal bond all people have.” ~Sara Paddison, “Hidden Power of the Heart.”

  15. Very cool idea!

    Now I’ve got to decide who to appreciate. It’ll be hard to narrow it down…

  16. I appreciate all bloggers!! I think this is a great idea!! It’s not that easy for bloggers to publicly write out their thoughts every day!

    Perfect idea!! :)

  17. Hi Darren
    Today is still Sunday in Brazil – 5.40pm – and my football team (Sao Paulo Football Club) is winning from Palmeiras (the italian football team in Brazil) – 3 x 0!

    I am happy and would like to advance the Appreciation day in Brazil and tell that I love your posts, your spirit and the way you share so many tips with all of us!

    Big appreciation hugs from Brazil for you!

    Nadiva Olivier

  18. It’s certainly isn’t easy being a blogger. So for all of you that do it on a daily basis…..THANK YOU!!

  19. Darren,
    Great idea – and I appreciate Problogger. You’re blog has helped me earn tuition for Seminary the last two semesters!

  20. Not that I’ve learned the difference between “your” and “you’re” I guess I should be reading Brian Clark more often.

  21. I was told by a friend that if I was going to start blogging then I should subscribe to problogger and I did. And I must say I have gotten my fair share of good advice and I am just commenting to say “THANK YOU!”

  22. Darren,

    THIS IS IT. This is why I love the internet. I may be new to blogging (and can’t believe the network!) but I have had websites and been an “early adapter” to the world wide web for 14+ years and I gotta say:

    The “net” is such a great example of what the “cosmos” is all about! We are able to connect, inspire, help, assist, comment and “paying it forward” just can’t be easier.

    Thanks for this reminder to give what you want without strings. (amazing though what eventually happens when we do!)


  23. What a neat idea. Far too often in our lives we lose sight of how must positive impact a “thank you” can cause in another person’s life.

    It’s little things like this that can really change one’s whole outlook.

    With much appreciation,


  24. Darren you rock! Yup it is hard to come up with good stuff and be a professional blogger even if your not paid:(. I run two blogs on two totally different subjects and there are days when I feel like I am running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off trying to keep both blogs going but I love it. As bloggers we have to wear many hat’s.

    My HAT is off to everyone out there trying to make it in the world of blogging.

  25. Great idea! I really appropriate your site, it is very helpful at times.

    Thank you!

  26. Darren,
    I’ve recommended you to a number of very grateful new bloggers, and at the grass roots non-commercial end of the spectrum I’ve started writing one meta blog to help folk keep blogging in perspective with the rest of life. Very glad for your thorough approach.

    btw – any chance of a post on ‘blogging trance’ –
    (being locked into it in a mildly addictive way?)

  27. Every Monday is Blogger Appreciation Day (for a whole year) over at the 52 Weeks of Blog Community project. And, everyone’s welcome to take part in it. We’re launching Week #14 this week, and folks are always invited to jump in any time. Really loving the opportunity to appreciate bloggers on a regular basis. :-)

  28. Thanks Darren for the idea! I am new to reading your blog but am already finding a lot of great hints, inspiration and ideas so thank you very much!

    I am off work today so I will try and get around to as many blogs as I can to comment to say I appreciate them! Might even shoot off a couple of emails!

    Have a great blogger appreciation day!

  29. “Pyar ki jhapki” from India – translated – Big appreciation hugs. Keep up the great work you are doing. Thanks.

  30. If you appreciate Darren’s work at ProBlogger, pay it forward and give this post a Sphinn by clicking on my name.

  31. Great Idea Darren,

    I am like you I get such high vibes when I find someone writing to say how I have inspired them, makes my heart sing.

    Looks like a good blog post coming up for me, have just done one on gratitude.

    So so I don’t clutter your inbox, I’ll add my appreciation here. You inspired me with your move to gmail as I was about to move to mail on my mac. I need to learn a little more about gmail so I can have colored labels.

    Thank you Darren

  32. A really nice idea. Still Sunday here, so I’ve got a few hours to figure out exactly how I want to pay this forward myself. Thanks for the kind hearted suggestion.

  33. I’ll keep it Pithy darren…You’re the BEST!!!

  34. Thank you. I appreciate it. Yeah for Bloggers and all that they do. I don’t have to watch TV any more.

    Great idea.

  35. My words Lad, I think you may have created yet another national holiday. I’ll see if I can push the Legislation through Congress…LOL…Sure would be nice to have another day off work. Seriously though, I love the Idea of having a day set aside for Bloggers. People like you need a break now and then. As for the Blogger Holiday…4/14 is in my book.

  36. Let’s all make it official then, “Blogger Appreciation Day” is April 14th. Yes?

  37. Thank you!

  38. Great idea. I’ll pass the word to the knit-bloggers…

  39. Lemme write something about it in my blog :)
    Good idea Darren!

  40. And so Darren, here goes my appreciation :)

    You would always be in the top of my list!


  41. In the spirit of this, I decided to show some bloglove to someone that made me laugh tonight. And what’s funnier than tingle crotch?


  42. Great idea! This is how it starts, just one person with an idea and it rolls out from there.


  43. Brilliant Darren. I don’t do anywhere near enough of this. So am just sending off some personal emails. Thanks for reminding me about the value of doing this. You’re right, I always love getting those occasional personal emails – so should be doing more of it with others.

  44. Thank you for the appreciation of all the bloggers….unofficially.

  45. There was an article in the age about bloggers ruining their healths by being overstressed. Hope you’re not doing that Darren.


  46. Thanks Darren.

    This is a really good idea. I think it is important that bloggers encourage eachother, as we are all part of the same community.

    I have passed it on to my readers:

    Thanks again!

  47. Great thought. Liked it.

    As you were one among those who influenced me (not talking about your blog income but rather the story about your hardwork when you had just started out)…. I would like to say thanks for the continous and honest effort you have been maintaining and ther by helping a lots of people like me. All the best for your future prospects.

    I have made a small post on your BLOGGER APPRECIATION DAY in my newly started blog at the following link where i intend to write about blogging and seo with a slight twist.


    Do visit. I am just starting out, with aims limited only to my dreams.

    – Jayant

  48. Thanks Darren for launching this unofficial day. What would it take to make it official? I am sure we can just make it official among the bloggers.


    Like always you have made it in my list.

  49. Great initiative.

    In the blogsphere time goes so much faster, I think we should have this day twice a year.


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