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Three simple actions that doubled my website traffic in 30 days

Posted By Darren Rowse 30th of December 2005 Blog Promotion 0 Comments

The following post on how to increase website traffic was submitted by Adrian W Kingsley-Hughes.

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I started the PC Doctor blog in May of 2005 and for the first few months my traffic was really low – down in the few hundreds of visitors a day. It was pretty depressing I can tell you and there were times when I thought about quitting.  I knew that the site was in the Google ‘sandbox’ and so I either had to keep on plugging at it until it was out or I had to give up.

Fortunately, I decided to keep on posting but in the interim I decided that I was also going to do my utmost to drive traffic to my site manually until Google kicked in. I took a look around at what some of the successful blogs were doing and came up with three tactics that helped to double my website traffic in a month.

  1. First, I made the most of Technorati tags.  I tagged every key word in each of my posts. Initially I did this manually but them I discovered a WordPress plugin called SimpleTags that made the job a whole lot easier. I found that by tagging my post effectively they were getting a lot more attention then their untagged counterparts, and as an added advantage I was getting focused, quality traffic to the site!
  2. I leveraged my existing website.  I’ve been running my business website for a few years and that was getting modest levels of traffic that was relevant to my blog – so why not try to drive some of that to my new blog! I placed a few FeedBurner headline animator blocks on some of my most popular pages and after a day or so I noticed a significant increase in traffic for 5 minutes worth of work on my part.
  3. Finally, I made effective use of trackback links to popular sites. If I commented on a post on another site I would make sure that I set up the appropriate trackback for it. The results from this are varied depending on the site and post that you are linking to but since I liked to comment and interact with the wider blogosphere anyway, it was free traffic!

Using these three simple techniques, I took The PC Doctor blog from a few hundred hits a day into the thousands in less than 30 days. This kept my interest in the site until it came out of the Google sandbox and I started to receiver some serious traffic. However, I’m convinced that these actions I took at the early stages have helped me create a loyal and targeted readership that continues to benefit my blog today.

Further Reading: If finding new traffic for your blog is what you’re interested in – check out 31 Days to Build a Better Blog – a month long set of exercises to help you develop content but also build a well read blog.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Yes you are right, but if you want real traffic than look for new ways.


  2. Great tips, I’m trying to gain more traffic to my site, I will apply these tactics and see how they go. Although I’m not quite sure how to use these tags through blogger. I’ll do some rersearch and see what I can come up with. Thanks for the tip Darren.

  3. How much time you stayed in Google sandbox?
    I do get most of the traffic from Google (my blog is 2 months old) but I don’t have any pagerank yet…

  4. Testing the third simple technique

  5. Yes, let’s see, how many people will come to see adventures of crazy squirrel :D

  6. Let me add that Simple Plugin to my bşog. I am sure it will bring quality traffic…

  7. Hello friend just click here and register free of cost,then see how you increase traffic on your websites.

  8. Good tips, I’ve got a site and am trying to do my best to drive more traffic to it. I’ll need to do some looking around to figure out how to use these tags in blogger. Thanks for the tips!

  9. hey this is a new trick to increase the traffic to your website.
    and its really works for everyone.


  10. THANKS for the tips. My original (and favorite) blog is from the old version of Blogger.com. Unfortunately, I can’t add any text or tags to the beginning of the blog without making it invisible. Otherwise, it messes up the layout. Two questions:

    1) How would you (or anyone reading this post) suggest I add tags, etc to a blogspot.com blog?

    2) If they cannot be added, what other blog service would you suggest? Can I “move” my blog from blogspot.com to another site? I don’t want to lose the content I have posted over 3 yrs.

    THANKS again!
    The Sope-Bocks

  11. great, just great and useful article. Thanx Darren

  12. Thanks for the tips. I have added a tag on my website on improving interpersonal communication skills.


  13. I’m still having a hard time getting my head around the differences between Technorati, Delicious, Digg, etc etc

  14. Thanks, I have a spanish blog since two years. And my traffic is very low (barely one hundred of visits-day)… I will try yours tips, inmediately.

  15. Your points must help. I am using tags.
    Is there differences with blogger and wordpress tags?

  16. great tips , I am having a heck of a time figuring out the traffic part as well , I will try your tips
    thanks !!

  17. Thanks for the tips! I seems to average a few hundred hits a day at this point and am ready to bump it up to 1K+ daily.

    Now from my thoughts to learning how to do that… ;-) I appreciate your help in the learning curve.

  18. The fact that there’s feedback nearly three years after the original post shows that the article’s still good and relevant! I’ve just created a completely new website about cool things to do on visiting London – http://www.morethanoxfordstreet.com

    It’s so new that it’s not even googable or yahooable yet, but I’m keen to get visitors already

    Anyway, this timely advice should steer me in the right direction of being more proactive about letting people know about the site. Some of the feedback has also been useful.

  19. Darren,

    I wonder if you had this all to do over again if you would start with technorati tags? I’m certain that trackbacks and link building are a great method of driving traffic, and that’s what I plan to focus on.

  20. there’s lot of ways to attract traffic to your site. one is word of mouth, another one is to have a A well known blogger talk about your site on there blog. but im not worried about traffic i know mine will do well, once i get it going. but my problem is mapping a domain name. im tired of all the youtube videos. i have watched.. then when you send them a message. they dont get back to you, its more like look what i can do, not so often you get some one trying to help
    and i know people are busy……. im just frustrated

  21. just remember we all start some were. be patient and persistant and just use your imagination to come up with idea’s to get more traffic, and just remember you already posses everything to become great……

  22. Some time’s we for get to cover the basic steps for traffic. This 3 is a must have for any blog who is starting out online.

    I have tested trackback before and its get picked by search engines very quickly.. Before adding trackback, make sure the blog or website, is in the same niche your are in. It will give your a extra point for seo link exchange..


  23. These sound hard to implement because I don’t know what technorati tags are or how to use trackbacks….plus I don’t have a second site to link to my blog.

    So sorry but I found this post useless for me as a beginning blogger.

  24. These sound hard to implement because I don’t know what technorati tags are or how to use trackbacks….plus I don’t have a second site to link to my blog.

    So sorry but I found this post useless for me as a beginning blogger.

    But you can check my website:

  25. Richie,

    Everything you need to know about technorati tags and trackbaks can be found either here on Problogger, or, by searching the terms on your favorite search engine.

    One thing you’ll find out quickly is that there is no free meal on the internet. You’re going to have to learn to read the advice / suggestions people give you, and then take some serious time to research and develop your own plan based on their advice.

    I notice you posted your affiliate link at the end of your comment. It’s quite ok to have and state an opinion opposite of Darren’s, but if you really want to generate traffic to your website you better provide some useful and interesting, Subjective reasoning and data to back it up.

    Another thing you will find out quickly is that most of the “systems” you buy online for generating cash only generate cash for the owner of the system. Very few of these programs have any intrinsic value; IE the product is designed to sell itself, and doesn’t do much else. However, blogs, and this blog in particular are legitimate businesses. Problogger happens to be a relationship building business more than a commercial money maker (although it does make some money I’m certain), but Darren also has other blogs that are very commercial in nature. Both are legit business models, and I think you’d be better served learning how to recreate and adapt these models in order to make money than by pushing an internet “cash flow” system.


  26. Nice article, I already implemented the point 1 and 2 steps, so it increasing my blog visitor in a month. I also try to put another tag after the main title of the post (then end of main tittle seperated by ” | ” ). it also drive a good related google adsense add (if you registered as an adsense members). Of course It depend on the contain and theme of your blog. And dont forget to submit or register your link to the submit link expl. google add url,astalavista, or yahoo add url.

  27. how do you know which tags to generate? Is this something you just pick from your post, or would it be best to research before hand.

  28. Choosing a “trackback” works best if your “key Word” is related to your blog. If your selling a product or service the “key word” orterm used for trackback or back link, will yield you best results and return on your investment if it is related to your product. For example if you sell hats don’t use “truck Tires” as your key word.

    Hope that helps

  29. I follow everything except the leverage of the site.

    Please direct.



  30. Nice post ;) thanks for sharing that was useful for me and my blog

  31. H3y thnks for sharing such a usefull information with us but i have some problems dear….

    i am really not getting some useful traffic in my website…. i dont know whats the matter with it can u plz help… plz plz plz

    Anyways i really like your website and it has helped me a lot in many other ways for earning some money in my early age of 14…


  32. Targeted traffic is key. In addition to good content I have found that educating client through articles works well. It has been a blessing in giving my clients their real options in debt consolidation and debt settlement.

    It is just my view of giving theall their options rather than being the guy that spends hundreds of thousands of dollars running “sales ads.

    This will deliver targeted visitors and help them along the way. Click Here to see what I am trying to show you.


    Tom Bates, CDA

  33. Some nice tips on increasing traffic. Thanks.

  34. I have started Indian news website AGRANEWS (http://www.agranews.com) few years back. I have added site in free good directories and linked to few indian sites on same topics.
    I have very good traffic now.
    You can see the site for idea.


  35. You can clik here to see AGRANEWS , to see the type of links.


    It work very well.


  36. Great post. I am going to try these tips right now! Keep up the good work.

  37. Trackbacks are an excellent way to advertise for free. It certainly saves time from having to post comments on dozens of sites.

  38. Very encouraging post! I have a dietary supplent research updates blog and I’ve been writing posts for about six months. I’ve tried technorati tags, digg, link referral, commenting in other blogs, blog directories–top blog/ blogosphere etc, link building with ezine articles etc, even useless tools like traffic g, and my traffic has gone no where fast, sigh. I would greatly appreciate it if you could take a look at my blog and offer some advice. I have a ton of passion for the topic that I write about, but maybe it’s just not a very popular blog topic.

  39. Trackbacks are very useful in generating traffic however it is important to take into consideration the type of traffic that you desire. By making sure to get track backs from site that has similar topic and page copy as yours will generate quality traffic.

    Thank-you for your post however, I am interested in finding more information on feed burning.


  40. I really like Simple Tags. They have made using technorati so much easier. I also like to use ShareThis. I’ve found its one of the best tools for sharing my feed with social bookmarking sites.

    Thanks so much for the tips. I’m going to try #2 and #3 to see how that works for me!

  41. I am going to try all of these. Several hundred a day?? Many of us bloggers would love for that traffic alone! We would be very interested in knowing how to do this even.

    Thanks for the tips though. I will try all of them.

  42. Understand that not all tags are going to be “follow”, and, do make sure sure the topic is related to your service or niche. Not that the link is bad, but if the niches are one in the same it “should” show more relivance to your landing site.

    Best of luck, and keep it direct and inviting

  43. Nice one!

    I’d meant to spend 10 minutes max on zipping through this post, but one thing led to another and I’ve just spent the last 3 hours changing things around!

    Really good ideas in this article, though (who cares if I noticed it nearly three years after it was written?).

    Fingers crossed they’ll help http://www.daniboy.com/blog/ increase its (cough) hundreds (…yeah, I wish…) of visitors a day.

  44. assasin says: 06/11/2008 at 1:57 pm

    great advice i was in a sandbox and it was horrible im redeveloping my site and hopefully it will be completed soon. It is http://www.gl-science.com

  45. How do I know if I’m in the sandbox? How long til’ Uncle Google Starts moving visitors my way?

  46. I’m always looking for ways to drive up my traffic – it can be very difficult and is a lot of work.

    There are really know make-money-quick schemes for web sites on the internet.

  47. Visitors come our way by having usefull content that is inviting. Be patient

  48. I’m going to try this! I don’t know how to do the trackball though.

  49. I’m curious if the technorati tags still work as I don’t see in your posts your use of this?

    I’ll take a look at the simpletags plugin, I just never liked having the tags show up at the bottom …

  50. Great Advice. I ‘ll give it a try. Thanks.

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