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Three simple actions that doubled my website traffic in 30 days

Posted By Darren Rowse 30th of December 2005 Blog Promotion 0 Comments

The following post on how to increase website traffic was submitted by Adrian W Kingsley-Hughes.

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I started the PC Doctor blog in May of 2005 and for the first few months my traffic was really low – down in the few hundreds of visitors a day. It was pretty depressing I can tell you and there were times when I thought about quitting.  I knew that the site was in the Google ‘sandbox’ and so I either had to keep on plugging at it until it was out or I had to give up.

Fortunately, I decided to keep on posting but in the interim I decided that I was also going to do my utmost to drive traffic to my site manually until Google kicked in. I took a look around at what some of the successful blogs were doing and came up with three tactics that helped to double my website traffic in a month.

  1. First, I made the most of Technorati tags.  I tagged every key word in each of my posts. Initially I did this manually but them I discovered a WordPress plugin called SimpleTags that made the job a whole lot easier. I found that by tagging my post effectively they were getting a lot more attention then their untagged counterparts, and as an added advantage I was getting focused, quality traffic to the site!
  2. I leveraged my existing website.  I’ve been running my business website for a few years and that was getting modest levels of traffic that was relevant to my blog – so why not try to drive some of that to my new blog! I placed a few FeedBurner headline animator blocks on some of my most popular pages and after a day or so I noticed a significant increase in traffic for 5 minutes worth of work on my part.
  3. Finally, I made effective use of trackback links to popular sites. If I commented on a post on another site I would make sure that I set up the appropriate trackback for it. The results from this are varied depending on the site and post that you are linking to but since I liked to comment and interact with the wider blogosphere anyway, it was free traffic!

Using these three simple techniques, I took The PC Doctor blog from a few hundred hits a day into the thousands in less than 30 days. This kept my interest in the site until it came out of the Google sandbox and I started to receiver some serious traffic. However, I’m convinced that these actions I took at the early stages have helped me create a loyal and targeted readership that continues to benefit my blog today.

Further Reading: If finding new traffic for your blog is what you’re interested in – check out 31 Days to Build a Better Blog – a month long set of exercises to help you develop content but also build a well read blog.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. My google traffic is so off-an-on, and my rank keeps changing. It’s impossible to figure out what is working and what is not.

  2. I have been trying to get my site, http://www.artcitadel.com, to increase traffic for a few days now. It seems that even though all the content is original google does not love it :( Will try some of these suggestions.

  3. Jen, I had the same problem with my google traffic. My ranking to specific keywords keep changing from day to day. I hope someone could answer your inquiry so I could benefit as well…

  4. Thanks for the tips. Will be sure to give them a try.

    Any increase in traffic is better than no increase!!!


  5. Wow! I started a website and now I don’t think I’m going to be able to stop learning. This is good information. Thank you.

  6. My google traffic is off and on as well:(

  7. Anyone know how long it takes before a new site’s ranking settles down and quits bouncing around?

  8. Thanks for the great tips. I’m new to the blogosphere.

  9. I think this is my third attempt at blogging but i aint gettin nowhere so anyone who has been successful,i take my hat off to you.

  10. Thank you the tips. I try it on my new blog. :)

  11. Thanks for the tips, but second tips i can not use, lol.


  12. Thanks for the WordPress plugin tip. I will definitely use this feature on my site going forward.


  13. This is a very interesting article. And even though it was posted quite some time ago, the info can still be used to increase traffic. Thank you.

  14. thank you so much for this wonderful advice..I also have a blog and i do have a lot of problems regarding my traffic..so thanks for sharing your ideas..

  15. These are all good comments but keep in mind that, when you are starting off with NO traffic, tripling that traffic is not that big of a deal.

  16. wow what an eye opener for me i ve been trying to get traffic to my site but with this i can now move on , thanks for this infor

  17. Talkback and comments separate please!!!

  18. Thanks for the tips maybe one day I will be as successful at blogging as you are :)

  19. thanks, hopefully i can drive one or two new readers to my site.

  20. I’ve recently started my website (just a few days ago) and came across your advice. I tried the first 2 and I’m starting to get visitors, I mean it’s only very few but my site’s only day’s old. I’ve started to appear in google search pages now. amazing!. I don;t understand the 3rd though about trackbacks. Thanks for your this.

  21. personally, i found stumbleupon the single most effective way to get visitors to my site. excellent tool.

  22. I don’t know if tagging strategy is still as effective as it used to. I did this strategy on some of my websites, I got visitors but most of them are just “curious click” and left within split seconds. Well maybe the problem was with my websites layout or something.

  23. right at this moment, i’m fixing my feedburner and simple tags. hopefully i get them up today and check on the results. i’ve been getting more traffic from people who are searching for wentworth miller photos…sheesh. my other articles does not generate that much traffic except from forums where i manually post links. somebody give me a tip please.

  24. I’ll try, but I don’t know why to do the technorati tags.

  25. Hi, thanks for the tips. I agree that technorati tags seem to work great. I find that they help my posts rank much higher on google search terms. However, one problem that I have with my blog is that I get some decent traffic (for me lol) when I post every day. However, if I take a week off posting, my traffic plummits rapidly. I also notice that my new posts get a ton of google search hits for a few days, then completely stop driving traffic after that. My blog is about dietary supplements, so it’s not as common of a topic as your blog, of course. http://jmorrow50.wordpress.com.

  26. These days, especially wordpress is coming with large no. of plugins and modules which can be really helpful in doing SEO, tagging i.e higher rank in search engines. Better the rank more will be the visitors. By the way that was nice read.. for increasing traffic on the blog..

  27. wow i wish mine got as many members as that as i trying to grow a research community and well done my website is avaialble for anyone to join with live chat

  28. Hey Adrian,
    I recently started The M&M Online blog, all about adsense and many other many making tools.
    I am also struggling to get a good stream of traffic to my blog.
    Thanks for your post, I’ll try doing what you said, I hope that turns my fortune arround.
    Thanks once again.

  29. Talk is much more easy than action.

  30. hi,thanks for your article.I am a new blogger,and my site page is clicked only 400 everyday,always i am thinking how to change such situation or to quit,it seems very hard to me to solve this problem,now i am very glad to i learn your methods,i will try right now! I am confident now,thanks!

  31. Great tips. People often forget to use trackbacks as a source for traffic. On the other hand, some people abuse them . . . it can be annoying if you overdo it.

  32. Great tips….though I wonder wouldn’t the best way to increase traffic to be linked by problogger?…

    Seriously though, trackbacks and pingbacks have always been confusing to me? I sometimes get confused about what I should be linking to. I say that because often I have seen if I link to an article using it’s permalink then there is no trackback (or pingback) listed for it and vice versa…then again maybe it’s all the same and I just stay busy confusing myself.

  33. I am trying the things that you suggested in this post and hopefully it will increase my traffic.

  34. This is a great quick tutorial that’s easy to understand and easy to follow. If there are any more ideas in generating more traffic, let us know.
    I’m going to be reading this blog for a while, now that I found something that helps me.

    Thanks again,

  35. i will surely use them for my future posts.

  36. Although some points were quite technicla for me, but i think i benefited from the post considerably


    A Bisht

  37. The Technorati tip is awesome. Thanks!


  38. Thank you for tipos. I have implemented Technorati tags and trackback techniques on my blog http://cartaogratis.blogspot.com and it is working great.

  39. I totaly agree, but don’t forget social bookmarking websites it’s the best tools to drive decent traffic to your blog, thanks.

  40. Wow, nice tips especially on the feedburner note. I never knew it was that easy, thanks for the info. I will put that to use right now.

  41. This is a great quick tutorial that’s easy to understand and easy to follow. If there are any more ideas in generating more traffic, let us know.

  42. To tell you the truth I get most of my blog commenting on sites. Your’s alone, on average, brings in over 1,000 visitors a month!

  43. I have to try this tips, think is a very good idea. Check out my blog for technology reviews.

  44. I gather that when you write a post relating to an article on another blog, you can insert a trackback to it.

  45. I have applied All these.And now waiting for results.I have seen some change in traffic but its not a drastic change.

  46. I am going to try it immediately to see if it works. These are good ideas to try out, but I don’t have method 2 to use so I guess I have to work harder at the other.

  47. Hi,
    I’m using the website below:

    I have added the following URL to Gogle and yahoo. I think mine is not still indexed.Can you give me the procedures?

  48. Great advice for a new blogger. Thanks!

  49. For those still a little confused by trackbacks, you might want to take a look at the Ultimate Trackback Help Guide.

    Great post, thanks. It’s good food for thought for new bloggers.

  50. Great Post, I will try it out, see if it works for me! =P

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