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Teaching Sells – $1 Intoductory Offer Ends in 15 Hours

Posted By Darren Rowse 17th of April 2008 Miscellaneous Blog Tips 0 Comments

Just a quick note to let you know that TeachingSells (the course that teaches you how to set up a Membership Site) is closing it’s $1 introductory offer in about 15 hours from now (noon on 17 April EST- US time).

The $1 offer gives you 7 days unrestricted access to all of the information in the course. Actually, it’s 9 courses as they’ve produced some amazing teaching in these areas:

  • How to Create Content That Sells
  • How to Effectively Market Interactive Learning Environments
  • How to Create Killer Multimedia Content with Quick and Easy Tools
  • Seven Profitable Business Models for Interactive Content Developers
  • Your Blueprint for Building Membership Sites with Open Source and Low-Cost Software
  • Educational Marketing: Persuasive Promotional Content That Prompts Action
  • Advanced Positioning and Creative Adaptation Strategies
  • Quick, Easy, and Inexpensive Niche-Focused Membership Sites
  • Multimedia Storytelling – When the Medium is NOT the Message

You get all of that for $1 for 7 days – but that offer ends in 15 hours so if you want in sign up today.

The other cool news from TeachingSells is that they’re adding new courses to their syllabus in the coming weeks.

Courses that they are covering next include:

  • Launch Strategies for Membership Sites and Training Programs
  • The “Entreproducer” Model for Online Business Success
  • Under the Radar Affiliate Marketing
  • Quick and Easy Content Strategies
  • How to Explode Profits with Seminars and Workshops
About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Thanks Darren, wow 15 hours I better hurry up, That’s an amazing deal for 7 days access, That some valuable info. I’ma go sign up before it’s too late!

  2. Classic sales pitch – offer good for limited time offer!

  3. Earlier today I posted a “layman’s terms” review of Teaching Sells. As a college instructor, I find the methodology used by Teaching Sells to be sound and a tremendous value. Getting access for $1 for 7 days is equivalent to getting to sit in on a professor’s lectures for a week. There is a wealth of knowledge to be gained.

  4. Thanks darren for the info. 1 $ never hurts to check out the site and gain from it. Will go right their to register.

    I am sure many upcoming and straters are looking out for good tutorials on creating quality and profitable content. This make be the right (read cheap) step to evaluate the service and then go on for membership for learning other modules.

  5. I found the catch:

    “Pay only $1 for a one-week trial and then stay on as a subscriber for $97 per month, or cancel and never be charged again.”

    Its still acceptable though. Ive been looking how to earn one dollar for every visit to my site. Haven’t found that way yet. The way this course is marketed is interesting though.
    Anyone have any Idea how to make a dollar for every visitor to my site?

  6. Ok, I signed up.

    It’s a got some great info. For $1 trial you get a lot of info plus audio and some interactive presenations.

    After 7 days you get upgraded to a $97 / month subscription to their course.

    But for the first 7 days you get pretty much full access.

    Well worth $1 to try it out. Classic sales pitch but it’s backed up with some good content. I know I got my dollar’s worth!

  7. sukarto says: 04/17/2008 at 5:09 pm

    I just subscribe to $1 trial, in my paypal it already registered for the payment. But not received any email from paypal or from you. Should I register again ?
    Please inform. thanks.


  8. I have the same problem sukarto, got the mail from paypal, but that’s all for about 30mins now,
    I can log in, but my payment history shows nothing :)

  9. I’m wondering, when the limited offer is over and a cost is associated to the course, will this cause the site to write itself out the market, considering that their information could likely be offered for free or cheaper some where else online?

  10. I think this could be great for mony sites but it is not the route that I will take at the moment with the blogs or web sites… but maybe in future!

  11. I missed the signup
    But I will think about signing up for it once my blog begins to make some cashflow. Thanks for the link though

  12. sdenterprise, I see your point. I am wondering why this is your position on the issue?

  13. Since the program has closed its doors to new members (they reached their 1000-member limit), I know you can’t get a new membership until they open up again mid-2009. I’ve gotten mostly what I hoped to out of the site already, and I have a membership account that’s paid up through 9/28 for sale. It’s a $97 per month membership, with full access to 14 interactive training courses (they’re still adding new content, slowly), active web entrepreneur forums (with access to Brian Clark & Tony Clark), and a full library of awesome PLR content for free use on your sites. $97 value, paid up through the end of September. If you think you can get some value out of it, I’m willing to trade it to someone for just $40.

    Contact me at cody |at| thrillingdesign |dot| com if you’re interested.

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