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Smart Article Marketing For Fast AND Long Term Blog Traffic

Posted By Darren Rowse 22nd of February 2009 Blog Promotion 0 Comments

I’m regularly asked by readers whether they should use Article Marketing as a way to build their blogs traffic. My answer is always the same – ‘I’ve never done it, but I’ve heard that others have had some success with article marketing.’ So today when Andrew Hansen offered to write this guest post of his experience of article marketing I thought it’d make an interesting read.

Article marketing for traffic is by no means a new concept, but as old as it is there are still great misconceptions about the best way to use it as a tool in creating new targetted visitors to your blog.

I was inspired to make this post after I recently checked the traffic stats for an old niche blog that I hadn’t worked on for a number of months.

It was a blog that we launched almost solely on the back of article submissions and article traffic and now despite server changes, half the site getting lost, total reindexing and other drama, the traffic to this site from the search engines continues to flow, see below diagram:


And primarily from the search engines…


Not an enormous amount, but for a site that hasn’t been touched in months and survived all the mentioned havoc, it’s not bad.

The big benefit of article marketing is that it allows you to generate both quick traffic and traffic that lasts when done properly. Furthermore it allows you to generate traffic in 3 separate ways that I’ll illustrate in this post.

Before we begin, let me clarify that by article marketing, I mean the submission of articles to directories, blogs and websites in order to gain exposure to your website through your author biography links.

Article Marketing Traffic Generation Part 1:

Just by submitting your article to a directory, you give it the potential to be found by other people interested in your topic, who are searching through that directory.

It’s not a lot of traffic but it’s fast and it’s relatively targetted.

When we started this site we went on a steady article marketing campaign, submitting a few articles each day to some of the big article directories like ezinearticles.com.

I couldn’t get a screenshot for you, but in the first month or two of this site, ezinearticles.com was the number one source of traffic to the blog (where Google now is in the second shot above) pushing more than a thousand visitors a month to the blog, just from that single directory.

That’s one of the fast traffic elements. Again it’s not enormous traffic but is is fast and targetted. Just having your articles in the directories can bring you traffic. The point to note though is that this is not the MAIN source of traffic that article submissions can bring…

Article Marketing Traffic Part 2:

This next kind of traffic is the one that a lot of new blog and online marketers got stuck focusing solely on and that’s “bum marketing” – just another word for submitting an article to a popular directory and trying to have it rank for a long tail keyword.

Because article directories like ezinearticles.com are old, strong, authoritative domain names, the content you place on them can outrank content optimized for similar terms that you put up on your own (new) website. So when you submit an article that is keyword optimized for some long tail keyword, that article on the directory can get quickly ranked in the search engines, and the author link can be followed to your website.

But this traffic is also only temporary. For more reasons than there are time to list, these pages tend to rank well quickly but drop off quickly too, meaning you see an increase in traffic from the search engines, but it doesn’t last if that’s your only strategy.

This happened with the site above too. In the next couple of months we started to see our search traffic creep up to the same level of traffic the article directories were bringing in.

Most article marketers will stop there and wonder why their traffic dries up within a month or two. That’s part 2 of getting quick traffic from your article submissions but the 3rd and most important part is yet to come.

Article Marketing Traffic Part 3:

This is what ensured that I locked in traffic from Google, used article marketing to create an authoritative blog and claim traffic that won’t dry up even if I want it to.

From the beginning, with each article we submitted to a directory, we left two links in the author biography. One link was to a post of content on my blog that was related to the article but contained more detail than the article. So I submit an on “exercise balls for fitness” and put a link in the author bio to a post on my site at the URL: http://myblog.com/exercise-ball-workout-tips with the anchor text “exercise ball workout” or some keyword that I want to rank for with that post.

The other link in the author biography always went to my blog home page but with a different keyword as the anchor text with every submission. We followed the same submission frequency and guidelines for about 4 months and you can imagine what happened.

Our search engine traffic didn’t dry up, but continued to increase. The only thing to note is that it didn’t increase from the articles at ezinearticles.com that were getting found in the search engines, it increased from our own blog posts getting found in the search engines, in many cases outranking the ezinearticle.com submission we made on the very same keyword!

From there it took off. The extra search engine exposure caused other bloggers to find us and link to us, all that incoming link value made our domain more authoritative so that all the new content we added was getting indexed and ranked at light speed and pretty soon our traffic had tripled.

Another thing to note is that with enough work, our own site now became the big authoritative, strong domain. We didn’t need to submit as many articles to the article directories anymore because it could rank just as well being up on our site.

It’s these factors that ensured that we still see traffic despite all the drama that happened with this site and that keeps that traffic flowing today.

I hope this gives you an insight into the power of this kind of “triple whammy” article marketing and that it’ll inspire you to start an article marketing campaign of your own.

Andrew Hansen has helped thousands of bloggers and aspiring online business owners to discover profitable niche markets, drive quality traffic to their blogs, and turn their traffic streams into cash through his blog at AndrewHansen.name, and his blogging and traffic generation software Firepow. Subscribe to receive updates and learn more about how Andrew can help you make more money online.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Darren,even though I am completely new to blogging I was aware of the first two points.But your third point is a real gem.And you have a case study to support your theory.Brilliant.

  2. Oooops……… Sorry Darren.It is a guest post by Andrew.Thanks Andrew for such an interesting and informative post.

  3. Brilliant explanaton Andrew. This isn’t something I’ve considered doing before but will certainly look at it now.

  4. Good tips Andrew, this is something I have been doing with several of my Blogs for a while now and the benefits can be amazing, I definitely recommend doing this.

  5. Impressive tips. I have a post talking about article marketing tips recently.

  6. I did this a long time ago and forgot all about it, I do still see some results when I analyze my traffic though. If I had followed your tips back then I bet my results would be tenfold, I will definitely save this article for the next one I write. Thanks!

  7. I beg to differ here. I think that reason # 3 is the reason that most of us use article marketing: as a source of links. If you use a program to submit articles for you, you can gain hundreds of links in a few days. THAT is the power or AM

  8. Article marketing is a field which I have not touched fully. I once made a squidoo lens. It gave good traffic. Andrew thank for the tips.

  9. While this sort of thing is a great idea – and I’ll probably use it – keep in mind that you should only actually submit to directories, not every site you can find an email for. I spent weeks combing through spam when someone apparently thought I was an article directory. I was getting 5-15 submissions PER HOUR for no real reason. So check who you’re submitting to please! :)

  10. So this one is sounding very good and successful trick. I would love to do it. But since I do not have that much time … so I will have to find someone who can do this for me …

    There are many who is offering this service …

  11. Thanks for the info. I have wondered about article marketing for a while now and really have found a concise solution.

    I will take your advice and start a small campaign.

  12. Really nice article. I love to use article marketing for the majority of my affiliate sites – I find that most of my sales are directed from my articles I have posted on various directories.

  13. Great article and I could really benefit from implementing these tips.

    Other than ezinearticles.com, what other directories would you guys recommend?

  14. Hmm… I never thought about utilizing ezinearticles before. I am going to try it out and see if it makes difference in my niche.

  15. Thanks Andrew! I’m going to subscribe to receive your updates.

  16. Rikin — Another article site I’ve used with success is SubmitYourArticle.com. I did the tiniest bit of article marketing for my local copywriting business’s site a couple of years ago, and within a month I was at the top of Google for my preferred keyword search term. I’m still there.

    I haven’t used article marketing since, but I can really see its potential to drive traffic for those who apply it more rigorously than I did.

  17. Interesting, the 3rd point is something I like to learn.
    Thanks for sharing with us

  18. Andrew,

    I have a question relating to the content in the article versus the content on the blog. How similar should the content be or not be? Obviously the article needs to be informative, but you mention the blog content is more detailed. I’ve submitted some blog post written as articles to several sites “as is”. No modifications. Is this a big mistake? I worry about duplicate content being a negative factor but I have also been told that on-site duplication is the real detrimental factor.

    Any thoughts and comments would be greatly appreciated.


  19. Cool post. Article promotion does work.Takes some time and effort. I suppose one could always outsourse this

  20. Darren,

    Very interesting article. It’s interesting to see how the web traffic steadily grows from a little consistent posting to those sites. I’ll definitely be reading more from you. Thanks again!

  21. Thanks for the great tips.
    As usual , you are my number one source for blogging :)

  22. Thank you Andrew for your good tips. I´ll try your advise in articles directories in Spanish as in general linkbacks in another language does not help my site too much.

    In Spanish article directories are not so old and authoritative but I think that it is worth trying.

  23. Good tips here. This can be very helpful for a lot of bloggers.

  24. Well written article. Article marketing is something that I have yet to explore more thoroughly.

  25. I think I need to take a course in “Idea Manufacturing: 101 Angles for the Same Subject”…LOL Ocassionally I find myself peeking into a dry cistern of ideas. How do you keep yourself fresh with new subjects, perspectives and finally content?

    So many articles…so little time…

  26. You hit the nail on the head, Andrew. One of the things that people can do to help preserve the ability for sites like EzineArticles is to provide links to those articles. Social bookmarking, etc., is a great way to do that so people don’t see that quick fall off you described..

  27. Thanks for these tips! Based on reading your article I have just submitted an article to ezinarticles.com!

  28. I’ve always neglected article marketing because I’ve always thought it was a lot of work for minimal results but it’s clear that with the right strategy, it well worth it. Great post.

  29. Ezine articles have been fairly successful for me.

  30. Step 3 is what I was missing.

    Thanks Andrew, you just brought article marketing back to a couple of my sites.

  31. Thanks for bringing a little more clarity on article marketing. Finally after two years of online marketing I have finally submitted my first article earlier today. I am pumped right now.

  32. Wow! Great stuff!
    Thank you both Darren and Andrew for this!
    I haven’t really used articles at all but I know that I could be!
    I think that it’s important to have traffic coming from more than one source! the more the better…

    It’s great too because throughout the process it built momentum really and it launched it to even greater heights!

    Great info! thanks again!

  33. Awesome advice, it makes a lot of sense. Thank you so much, I get the feeling this is going to really help my blog take off.

  34. I still don’t understand it. I think i’ll focus on writing good content and hope the word of mouth spreads around, a little easier that way.


  35. hey ! started a new blog … will try and follow ur tips for traffic generation.


  36. The only thing I’d caution folks about article marketing is when they decide to take shortcuts and buy PLR articles to claim as their own – I have lost count how many article duplicates (we’re talking word for word here) that I’ve seen over the years.

    It *really* detracts from your credibility. Original articles, however – those rock!

    Data points, Barbara

  37. Really good tips. I’ve just searched and found this great list of article directories sorted by PR (over 200 directories):

  38. This is an interesting topic for me. I am a “mommy blogger” at first glance, but I have written some articles that appeal to the masses, and 2 in particular have brought me some great Google traffic as I seem to rank #1 for the particular keyword. What I am wondering is would article submission increase the traffic even if I already rank #1 for the keyword phrase?

  39. Wow, this is really a big help.. thanks for sharing these tips.

  40. Very very good tips. Thanks much!

    I was very skeptical of submitting to such directories, but now you can bet I will be trying my hands out on these!



  41. Thanks for the comments guys, glad you enjoyed the info.

    To clarify for those who asked, the point really is the combination of all the three traffic points of article marketing – links, traffic from the directory and traffic from the search engines to both your article at the directory and eventually at your site.

    Wishing you all success!

  42. This post is very insightful. It reminds me of ezinearticles which is one of the best places to submit articles and generate traffic.

  43. Excellent post Andrew. Even if article marketing doesn’t bring a boat load of traffic it does bring in traffic that is far more targeted than any other marketing method. Targeted traffic is far easier to convert than untargeted.


  44. Did you submit to 4 different article directories? or do you submit to the same one and try to build credibility on that directory?

  45. Thanks for the well explained article. I have sumbitted to social tag sites before, but not articles specifically written, for publishing on article directories. You have made the advantages much clearer, than many other writers have, at least for me. Thanks

    P.S. I checked out your site. The WordPress SEO video series is great for beginning bloggers. The topic in #1, I’d only figured out earlier this week (with some effort, I might add). I’ll be watching the rest later, hopefully they will save me some time.

  46. Thanks for the sharing. I do agree with article marketing can be one of tools to bring traffic to my blog but i have to ensure that articles are really boom..

  47. Wow…I was totally unaware of the power of ezinearticles.com! Maybe I should submit some of my stuff there, as I’m totally looking to sustain & increase traffic and readership to my blog.

  48. Ok, yet another tool to add to the toolbelt for me.

    Yikes, There needs to be like, 28 hours in a day…


  49. Wow this is some great info! I am gonna go try out these tips and report back.

  50. thanks for your tips daren. The power of article marketing is extremly big and it could bring our site into top SERP.

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