Happy Saturday! (or Friday, if that’s where you’re at). We’ve been working hard this week on shaking up the content plan around this place so I’m super excited to see where the next few months will take us, and keen to get started. I hope you’re feeling as motivated as I am right now! It’s a nice place to be.
“You want to know what they’re writing, even if it hurts,” my online abuse | The Guardian
This was a tough read – sometimes it feels like online bullying has been around longer than we thought and it’s not going away anytime soon. What do you do to help protect yourself from it?
Facebook Flex Targeting: Now You Can Have Your Cake AND-OR Eat it Too | Digital Marketer
There’s nothing like drilling down to specifics to help an ad campaign do well, and FB’s new flex targeting looks like a dream come true.
How to Identify Your Podcast’s Top Social Media Influencers (So They Can Market Your Show!) | Podcast Motor
We all know word of mouth is the best kind of advertising, and these conversations are happening on social media every day. I love their ideas on how to hone in on the people spreading the word, but also the reminder: you have to make it worthwhile for the influencer.
What I Learned from Really Long Form Content Production | Built Visible
A fascinating insight into what it takes to create mega-long posts and also if the work is worth it. Excellent breakdown of engagement stats too.
10 Free Online Marketing Tools Every Small Business Owner Needs | Moz
I can vouch for a lot of these, particularly Ask the Public and Screaming Frog. If you haven’t cottoned on to these tools, do so today!

Image credit: Copyblogger
Want to Be an Amazing Writer? Read Like One | Copyblogger
I cannot agree with this more.
Why Blog Comments are Great for Google SEO… and Users | The SEM Post
This gave me food for thought as I’ve been talking recently with people who have turned their comments off and briefly wondered what that would look like for me. Nice to know that they play a role in SEO though.
18 Epic Marketing Tips from Social Media Marketing World | Buzzsumo
I was watching Darren’s Snapchats from his time in San Diego – it looked amazing! Love these tips too, especially “experiment constantly”, the stuff on automation, and the qualitative social media benefits.
21 Marketing Templates that Will Make You a Content Creation Machine | CoSchedule
So, so good! Really practical stuff, backed up by research, with templates you can populate with your own content! Awesome.
14 Steps for Getting More ROI from Content Marketing | A Small Orange
Because there’s nothing worse than spending all your time on things that don’t work.
So what caught your eye this week? Is it time to do an overhaul of your workflow to ditch what’s not successful? Have you been experimenting? What books have you been reading? I’d love to hear in the comments. Have a great week!
Stacey Roberts is the Managing Editor of ProBlogger.net: a writer, blogger, and full-time word nerd balancing it all with being a stay-at-home mum. She writes about all this and more at Veggie Mama. Chat with her on Twitter @veggie_mama, follow on Pinterest for fun and useful tips, peek behind the curtain on Instagram, listen to her 90s nostalgia podcast, or be entertained on Facebook.
Hi Stacey,
These look like some really interesting blog posts, and I certainly want to get to each of them… ah, the to do list.
I guess the first one I should get to is learning to be a “content machine” so I can write those long, long, long blog posts.
Actually, I’m already feeling like a content machine just by virtue of my 1500-2000 word weekly blog post. But, hey, I must write 10x that on blog comments, forums and guest gigs, so yea… I’m a content machine. Now to be a better one.
Time to dig in and do some reading.
Have a great weekend.