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Increase the Effectiveness of Your Next Guest Post with a Landing Page

Posted By Darren Rowse 12th of January 2009 Blog Promotion 0 Comments

This is a guest post from Jade Craven from the Prolific Writer.

Are you using guest posting as a blog marketing strategy? Hook new readers in with a guest post landing page.

What is a guest post landing page?

A guest post landing page is a specific page in your blog that is highly targeted to the intended audience. Here, it’s the readership of a particular blog. Guest posts are a brilliant opportunity for additional traffic and you can capture those readers by offering the content that is relevant to them.

First, you need to decide on the type of landing page you want.

There are three types of guest post landing pages:

1. Blog specific

This is when you create a landing page based on just the one blog. You can even create a different landing page per guest post on that blog. These types of guest pages work best when the blog has a larger readership or is on a very niche topic.

2. Niche specific

This is when the landing page is targeted to a particular niche or sub niche. An example is collating all your posts on e-books, or social media. This is a really effective landing page and is one that requires the least work.

3. Audience specific:

This is the landing page that is targeted at audiences outside of your main niche. Many bloggers recommend blogging outside of your niche to learn more. This can be really effective for capturing the traffic outside of your main readership. This works best if your content is applicable to other audiences.

Once you have decided on your type of landing page, you can then focus on targeting it to that audience.

3 Steps to creating a killer landing page.

Step one: Explain in less than two sentences how your blog can help them.

This is your elevator pitch – a chance to influence how the readers will interact with your site. This is the perfect opportunity to provide a call for action regarding subscriptions. Explain how subscribing to your content would help them. Hint towards the content you will be providing in the future. Mention alternate forms of subscription like twitter or a newsletter.

Don’t be too heavy on self promotion. Quality blog posts are an advertisement in themselves. Your goal is to give them reason to delve into your best content.

Step Two: Link to the 5-12 posts that are highly targeted to that audience.

This is your opportunity to really hook the reader in. You have a couple of choices:

  • Posts that are about the blogger.
  • Personal case studies that the readers would be interested in
  • Guest posts on blogs with a similar readership.

Step Three: Provide a small pitch at the bottom.

In the first step, you explained why the readers should interact with your content. In the second, you encouraged them to interact with your best content. This is the time to capture their interest with a related product or service.

If possible, offer something for free. If you are expecting a large rush of traffic, offer something that is exclusive to that audience. Make those readers want to click on your byline when they see your name elsewhere.

Struggling for ideas?

  • Link to a free report.
  • Mention your freelancing services.
  • Show off your other blogging projects.
  • If your landing page is blog specific, link to a product from the hosts blog.

By now you should have submitted your post and got your landing page ready. The final task is to decide how you want to direct the readers to your landing page.

There are two ways to draw attention to the page:

Referrer plugin.

This is a plugin that that identifies where your readers came from and provide a welcome message catered to that audience.

Using such a plugin allows the readers to see you other content while giving them to opportunity to see your targeted posts. I would use this if I linked to a specific article on my blog, or for landing pages that are niche/audience specific. This gives the reader the choice in how they interact with your blog. If you choose this method, make sure to give the reader a reason to click through to your landing page.

Link within the post

This is the best way to really capture the traffic is to provide a link from within the post. I link to it in both the byline and concluding text. Try to provide a

Have you used a guest post landing page? Is there anything else you would like to see on one? Let the readers know in the comments below.

If you want to see a guest post landing page in action, check out Jade’s blog at The Prolific Writer. She is currently seeking guest post opportunities and would love to hear from you.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. I like this idea for sure. It is a cool way for people coming to your blog for the first time to get a burst of information about you, without having to search around for it.

    Thanks for the idea!!

  2. This is very important, I agree with this idea. Half the time I know nothing about the guest blogger!

  3. @Jade Landing pages introducing people to your content is great. I haven’t used it for guest posts, but when I have been mentioned in major news publications, I always did Welcome Posts for the news publication readers.

    Now, I’ll start doing it for guest posts as well. Thanks Jade.

  4. Nice article..I was planning of alowing guest post on my blog. This is a timely post and after reading it I realise that, I still need to concentrate a lot on lot of aspects still. Hope I will learn from this article.

  5. Very nice. I’ve recently discovered the effectiveness of landing pages with my new subscriber landing page. It explains the WHATs, WHYs, and HOWs of subscribing to 15minutestoriches.com.

    I use my landing page URL anytime I promote my blog, and it’s increased my subscriber count considerably over the past few weeks.

    I can see how landing pages can be effective in so many more situations… thanks for the article!

  6. I was just talking with the guy who handles the technical side of my blog about doing something similiar to this. I am forwarding this to him now!

    Do you have any examples of great landing pages out there?

  7. I haven’t thought of Landing Pages, that’s really clever. Thanks for this.

  8. I like the idea of the referrer plug-in but doubt blogger has it available. I’ve seen the referrer plug-in used on blogs that I’m new to reading, just a little blurb about if you’re new here, they urge you to subscribe usually. I can see that this would be a great way to keep a person on your site, if you not only used this to urge new people subscribe to your RSS feed, but also if you gave them a link to your about page, etc. Great idea, putting it on my blog to do list for sure!

  9. That’s exactly what I do :) Just gotta better my pitch though.

  10. Landing pages for guest blog posts is a GREAT idea!!!

    It makes sense really. A guest blog post is a form of marketing and landing pages are an essential part of ANY marketing campaign – nice catch on putting those two together!!!

  11. Landing pages for specific guest posts is nice idea. I will implement it soon at my blog. Right now, I have just one landing page for all guest posts ( http://bloggingwithsuccess.net ) and I also use it as landing page for ad traffic and in comments as my URL.

  12. Great post, I’m sure you have managed to drive a lot of traffic to your own landing page through this post. One thing I noticed though, part of this post seems to have been truncated:

    “This is the best way to really capture the traffic is to provide a link from within the post. I link to it in both the byline and concluding text. Try to provide a…”

  13. This is a great idea, and it is rarely implemented in my experience… In fact, I’ve never created one on any of my blogs.

    But it is definitely a great marketing strategy. It welcomes new visitors and gives them a reason to stay AND return.

    Great advice.

  14. Jade, your own landing page did an excellent job of getting me engrossed in your site. I’m actually still knee-deep in one of your posts at the moment!

    I’m a seasoned amateur at blogging and my current project is a weight-loss and self-improvement blog that could definitely use further development. I’ll be subscribing to your site to see what other tips you share—from the posts I’ve looked at so far, it sure looks like you do your homework.

  15. It seems by your example here as well as other instances of guest writers that you typically maintain the same page, credit them and link back to their site. I certainly agree with you that landing pages can be an effective and relevant practice especially if we’re discussing a niche product for example, but to create an entire new page for the purposes of a single guest post doesn’t appear to me immediately to make sense. Landing pages for products as they relate to the landing page “definately agreed”. Landing page for a guest post? Hard to quantify, seldom done and a great deal of extra work.

  16. Hi guys!

    Thanks for the comments :)

    @Derek, heaps of people use welcome posts for their blog – its essentially the same concept. After the initial burst of traffic, they may miss your post unless its specifically sent to that page. i’ve also heard of people who have been caught out by not knowing when their guest post is going up – and had to write a rash welcome, or edit a previous post.

    @Kathy it did make a lot of sense to me – similar to social media landing pages. Though I wonder if there are any other landing pages people can come up with ;)

    If any guys do test out this theory – make sure to report on its success :) This was the first one I did and so far, I have an increase in comments and some guest post requests!

    Thanks for the positive comments!

    – Jade

  17. Very helpful! But could not try this at the moment since I don’t have the traffic -_-

    Anyways, thanks for the tips! ^_^

  18. In December 08, I had a guest post as part of Christine Kane’s Word-of-the-Year series. The article included a story about writing an interview article that had been difficult.

    She encouraged us to add a link back to our own site. As part of the preparation process for submitting the article, I created a landing page for Christine’s readers that included a link to the interview article I had mentioned. It worked well and I’m still getting hits on that page.

  19. Jade – Brilliant idea!

    You might also like to add that you should track the success of your guest article by appending Analytics tracking to your link.


  20. I haven’t been to problogger for ages..and I thought I’d come check it out again and here you are as popular as ever. I really wonder sometimes how hard it must be for you to keep coming up with new ideas. Don’t know how you do it!

  21. Yes I too think that i need a landing page and an effective one too. I’ve never tried one. But have to soon. I’ve got to increase my visitors now.

  22. Landing pages are a good idea but tricky to implement effectively depending on your audience… you only get one chance for a first impression.

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  23. Before reading this post, I only had a vague idea as to what a landing page was. After reading, I just got one question: could your landing post be one of your blog entries? More specifically, does the commentluv plugin that posts the recent post on the commentators blog is an example of a landing page referrer?

  24. I have used this method a few times before, and it has been useful in increasing my subscriber count at my flagship blog. Thanks for the great info and extra implementation tips!

  25. Something else to remember is a landing page isn’t necessarily you want linked to in your general navigation structure. You will not only be passing page rank to pages outside the main scope of your blog, but they wind up getting searched if you aren’t careful which is likely to confuse potential readers.

    If you use a wordpress blog it is easy to exclude pages by ID number in the theme editor which is my preferred method. There are also plugins for those aren’t comfortable editing their theme or don’t mind slowing down their blog with extra plugins.

    This page exclusion doesn’t have to be reserved for guest post landing pages either. I use it for internal search pages using the custom google search. I also used to use it for entrecard when i was involved with their program. It kept the widget out of site and out of mind, but provided an non indexed duplicate of my main posts page.

  26. Just a quick note, if you are using paid stumbleupon campiagns, be very careful with your landing page, any mention of SU will result in yoru campiagns being rejected, you are not allowed any specific referece to ddrag people in from their stumble session.

    This technique is great for guest posts but be careful with SU

  27. This is a very useful article and I plan to take advantage of the advice. A couple of points:

    – It would help if it explicitly stated at the top that it’s referring to when you’re guest blogging on another person’s site vs. someone else guest blogging on yours. This wasn’t clear to me until I got further down the post, since both can be used as part of a marketing strategy.

    – As another commenter noted, in the “Link within a post” section, there’s a sentence that got broken somehow: “Try to provide a”

  28. Landing pages are a good idea but tricky to implement effectively depending on your audience… you only get one chance for a first impression.

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