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Improve Another Blog [Day 26 – 31DBBB]

Posted By Darren Rowse 1st of May 2009 Miscellaneous Blog Tips 0 Comments

This post is an excerpt from the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog Workbook

When was the last time you made someone else’s blog better?

Today’s task in the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog is to do just that – to improve a blog that is not yours.

Most bloggers naturally spend the vast majority of their time improving their own blogs – but there can be a lot of good things happen when you spend time on other people’s blogs making them better in one way or another.

I think it’s fairly obvious why it can be worth helping another blogger achieve their goals so won’t go into it too much except to say that there’s not many ways to make a better impression on another blogger than to help them achieve their goals for their blog. When you do this any number of benefits can come your way.

The question is – how do you improve someone else’s blog?

I’d love to hear your suggestions on this in comments below but let me mention just a few:

  • write a guest post – write a high quality post that will be useful to another blogs readers
  • leave helpful and insightful comments
  • link to the blog – share your readers with them
  • promote the blog in social media – get a social bookmarking campaign going for them
  • recommend that your readers subscribe to them
  • email the blogger with some suggested topics you’d love to see them cover
  • introduce them to a potential advertiser
  • share with them an affiliate program that has worked for you
  • write an email telling the blogger how you found one of their posts helpful

Really there is no limit to the ways that you can help another blogger improve their blog. The key is to ask yourself what their needs might be and attempt to fulfill those needs in some way.

The key with this exercise is to do something significant for the other blog. Don’t just leave a comment on 50 blogs today – spend some significant time focusing your energy on one other blog in your niche.

If it doesn’t go noticed by the other blogger don’t despair – hopefully in doing something for others you’ll learn something for yourself also, as well as getting a little good karma in the process!

Let us know what good deed you do for another blogger today in comments below!

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This task is a sample of one of the tasks in the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog Workbook – a downloadable resource designed to reinvigorate and revitalize blogs.

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About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. One thing I’ve done a few times is help other blogger’s with coding problems that they hadn’t noticed.

    For example, one blog in my niche had a terribly messed up design in Firefox, but worked perfectly in IE. Being an IE user, he didn’t realise so the help I offered went a long way and he has linked to many of my posts ever since.

  2. I did this as part of the call to action task by asking my readers to stop in a say hello to a dance choreographer’s blog: Call to Action – Say no to dance theft


    For my biz blog, I regularly have guest bloggers and refer my readers to others who are also in the wedding business who can hep with their wedding. Last month I also did an interview for another blogger:


    Thanks for this task, I need to spend more time doing it.

  3. Over the years, I’ve formed a few blogging mentor-type relationships. I have a couple of people who email me asking me for some suggestions or ideas. I also have a come across a couple of other bloggers whom I’ve asked for a bit of help along the way.

    It feels about like the right time to come up with a few guest posts now. It’s been something I’ve been meaning to do for a while anyway.Thanks for the little digital kick in the pants!

  4. Great idea, and I know exactly where you can find a blog to help. Mashable has just posted about turning Twitter FollowFriday into a chance to promote a good cause, and that inspired me to write a post that has searches for over 1,200 Twitter accounts devoted to helping others. Maybe we can all adopt one of these accounts, and help build and promote their blogs.

    Mashable post: http://mashable.com/2009/05/01/follow-good-may/

    My post with multiple searches for charitable Twitter accounts: http://www.alertrank.com/mrgooglealerts/2009/05/01/twitter-follow-charity/

  5. wow, thats a nice idea. I never thought about it. Its important that we help others. This is a great idea. I do support my friends sometimes by promoting their blog posts on Twitter or Digg.

    As they say “Love Thy Neighbour”

    Now we will say “Love Thy Blogger(friend)” :)

  6. comments are huge!!
    when they are insightful and helpful it makes the blog more ‘returnable’
    And I love guest posts; I contribute on another blog outside my niche so I am looking for anyone keen to offer a guest post on my blog :-)



  7. Nice post. I have in the past made a few comments about the layout on someone’s blog such as putting in a recent posts or category rather then a html text link of the posts in the side text box. I often wondered if I was doing the right thing, if I was being too intrusive or if the blogger might take offence.

    I do not mind helping people to rank their blogs in search engines and I know that the starting point is to get their blog right.

    I’d be interested to know your thoughts if doing this the other blogger might take offence.

  8. I love adding insightful comments to blogs that don’t get many (or any) comments where I can… Mainly as I still remember how overjoyed and special I felt when I started receiving my own insightful comments. :)

    I don’t do it because I expect something in return… Purely as I get great satisfaction from sharing knowledge and making people smile! :)


  9. Time to give back a little – great idea Darren.
    Give & you shall receive; yes, in that order!

    I am going to enjoy that one
    have you all a great day

  10. I love to comment on blogs because it makes me stop and think about what I’ve read.

    I’ve noticed with my own blog that people visit, but don’t take the time to comment. I find this very discouraging, which I’m sure most bloggers can relate to.

    However, this won’t stop me from continuing to do what I have been doing–writing guest posts and commenting on others’ blogs!

  11. Hey that’s something you won’t find many Bloggers doing! Really nice point!

    I’ve been helping a few of my blogger friends with setting up their blogs, making changes to templates etc. And suggesting other artists(/those interested in art) who drop by my blog with a few links to my favorite art tutorials! :)

    Having a great time in 31DBBB! :)

  12. one of my mantras is “Outflow = Inflow”

    This step will be lots of fun!


  13. Me notified some blogs of borken links ,If l like that blog post I link to it,so that readers readers read their blog their posts,making comments and sending some suggestions to increase their blog’s performance in my view.

  14. Genuinely helping other people without expecting anything in return has by far been the most valuable thing I’ve done for my blog!

    When I truly expect nothing, I get so much it blows my mind!

  15. Your Blog is sensational as is; many of us appreciate your gentle proddings. You GO!

  16. I have helped a few bloggers who wanted to move from blogpost to self hosted wordpress. gave them the links to the relevant tutorials and even hand held them through if they needed.
    I also guest posted on a few different sites.

  17. What a wonderful concept! Helping someone else to shine I so love this one Darren. Call it the bloggers Big Give! I will definitely give this a try today. It being #followfriday on Twitter maybe it might be a great way to introduce some folk to some of my favorite bloggers.

  18. I try to do this as force of habit and it’s really worth doing some times and generally people will get back to you..

    People are always keen to chat or shares ideas when people reach out to them essentially everyone who is blogging is doing it for the same reasons!

    thanks Darren

  19. If any of you are looking for a blog to help, I know I could definitely use some on mine. I blog about personal finance, frugality, and independent living for young adults at http://independentbeginnings.com. I could sure use some advice on how to make my blog better. Write now, my immediate plans are to create a brand new “Saving Money” section in place of my “Freebies and Coupons” section. What else should I do. I also wouldn’t mind comments. Thanks for your help! I’ll definitely try to help some of yours.

  20. I really like your ideas on helping out fellow bloggers. I think that it is worth doing in all relationships that we are in, and not just the blogging community. It’s a very selfless act that we should all do more of. Thanks for your insight.

  21. Great idea Darren, in fact I think this is one of the real nuggets we should all take away from this challenge. The ability to connect with other bloggers and grow together. It’s not about competition and hiding our readers from others. It’s about sharing our readers and this will overall grow our reader base for all! Anyone out there with a tech related blog fell free to send me a message and we can talk about how we can work together.



  22. At our Arabic blog that sharing may be not found .. so we are so slow at Google page rank

  23. أطياف مصر@

    I’m always curious how your computer keyboards look like.

  24. Yet another great addition to 31DBBB. Whenever I come across another blog, I always try and help out as much as possible. If I can’t come up with a quality comment, then let others know about it by at least submitting to Digg or StumbleUpon.

    It’s basic good business practice and ethics to make this part of your blogging career.

    What bloggers need to understand is that we all should network and form a community to truly become successful.

  25. Yet another great addition to 31DBBB. Whenever I come across another quality blog, I always try and help out as much as possible. If I can’t come up with a quality comment, then let others know about it by at least submitting to Digg or StumbleUpon.

    It’s basic good business practice and ethics to make this part of your blogging career.

    What bloggers need to understand is that we all should network and form a community to truly become successful.

  26. Yet another great addition to 31DBBB. Whenever I come across another quality blog, I always try and help out as much as possible. If I can’t come up with a quality comment, then I let others know about it by at least submitting to Digg or StumbleUpon.

    It’s basic good business practice and ethics to make this part of your blogging career.

    What bloggers need to understand is that we all should network and form a community to truly become successful.

  27. Sorry for the repeat comments. I only meant to leave one.

  28. I’m writing a post about my top commentator for April tonight. Perhaps this is the right time to pay back his loyalty and friendship.

    We’ve chatted online the other day. He’s asking for help to increase his Alexa Ranking. His project this May is to keep his ranking under a million. And I of course agreed to help him with his blogging goal.

    Well, this is the perfect opportunity to ask the help of the rest of my blog community. If we all pitch in to help, it’s not only my friend we’d be able to help in the process, but each other too by creating an environment of sharing and cooperation.

    This is a very potent idea. I love it.

    Earlier I posted a round up of links and blogging resources for my readers. They’d be happy to find out that some of their best posts are juxtaposed with superb post written by Skellie, Maki, Daniel, and some Mashable writers. A happy mix of the new and the A-listers.

    My post is about 30 blogging tips, links and social media resources.

    You can check it out here: http://salabasngmandaluyong.blogspot.com/2009/05/30-blogging-tips-links-and-social-media.html

  29. Over here in Ghana we’ve been doing some of those thing by creating a Ghana Bloggers Network. We meet up once a month to discuss our blogs and share ideas on how to improve them as a group after all they do say that there is power in numbers! We all agreed to put up links to each others blogs on the side panel of our blog so as to encourage a cross flow of readers.

    We also have a website that receives feeds from all our blogs on a regular basis to make it easier to read them all at once. :)

    Maybe you can try this in your city or town.

  30. Helping others and they achieve something, they will help you in return as well. Help others before they help you, this is a good practice. Guest post was what I did to help others too. :)


  31. A commenter just asked me to contact her for some help, and I was really thinking of taking up the opportunity. The challenge today really came at an excellent time! I think I’m going to go the extra mile and help her out– this is a great way to get loyal readers.

  32. ahhh, i’m ahead of the curve today. i had already prepared this post to launch today with links to 30 food/meal planning posts i found extremely useful on other blogs

  33. Do unto others bloggers as you would have them do unto you!

    I am always shocked when someone links to my blog, and I have a list of blogs I want to link to. Today I will get around to that!

  34. A friend of mine runs a successful personal finance blog. For the past few months, I’ve bounced ideas to him when they seem to be a good fit (my own blog is one of the few that is not in the PF niche). He does the same for me.

  35. So, you are saying, “give it will be given to you.”

  36. Cool idea Carrie!
    I think I’m going to do that one for my blog as well with regards to exercise and fitness. I’m in a giving mood, so drop by my blog or send me an email and I’ll offer up a different perspective.

  37. I just promoted an event for a fellow blogger and did a guest post for her. I tend to comment pretty regularly and am happy to help other bloggers when asked. Although I have not been in the forums for this challenge, I did a lot of networking and assisting in Blog Mastermind and it is fun to see those who are still blogging–many gave up and those of us who didn’t still assist each other.

  38. Yes, leave helpful and insightful comments and please leave the simply “great post” comments to a minimum..lol

    The only thing I’ve found though with some bloggers is that they want your guest post to be soo original or you can’t even use a really good past one..

  39. This is a great idea. I try to help my friends with their blogs and websites whenever they need it or sometimes just to be helpful. It is good because you usually get something in return.

  40. Plus it’s great to include some exceptional graphics like eye catching logos. I’ve been doing this for a while and have found a high quality low cost company doing logo design for only $99.

    Pretty impressive stuff if you are interested: http://www.logosweet.com

    Good Luck!

  41. I’ve written a guest post for a blog I’ve been admiring, so we’ll see if the owner accepts.

  42. This is something I’m extremely active in already. I’ve offered coding help for those with the same theme as mine because I know how to fix the annoying issues. I always jump at the chance to help a blogger insert an rss feed button. I’m also very active in a thread on a forum for book bloggers where the book bloggers can ask for critique of their blog and ask for help with various things.

    I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing and call it a day. :-)

  43. Thanks, Darren. Another great post. I enjoy helping my blogger friends in any way I can. I helped some create their blogs. By doing so, I learned a lot myself. I’ll continue to help where I can.


  44. @Addsense Guru
    I can’t speak for fellow bloggers but I would certainly appreciate any such advice. I think that’s what today’s task is about – reaching out to other bloggers and helping them using your expertise.

  45. I don’t blog to sell anything, not that anything is wrong about making a blogging business.

    For me, blogging is joyful way to share life (interact/ learn/ encourage) with others. I would love insight into how I can broaden my interactive audience. Any suggestion will be appreciate. I am a basic newbie, under a year!

    I would love to find someone who write a blog to heal abused and hurting people find hope and healing. This is my most focused blog. http://abuseandtrauma-hope.blogspot.com. I would love to comments and link my site to others.

    My main blog http://lindylou-abbott.blogspot.com is simply a my personal walk through womanhood, after being raised in a very dysfunctional home. Also, my personal blog is from the perception of a Christian, Home school mom that loves the foundations and freedoms of living in America, loves learning about people from all Nations (missions/ history), and desires to be real about how hard it can be to raise tween/ teens in a world that thinks man can solve all of life’s problems… that we don’t need a relationship with God. Not only am I real about myself and the struggles/ victories I personally have, I also like to share insight about what I learn in living, reading and researching/truth seeking.

    If anyone is interested in my opinion and would like me to help with your blog, let me know.

  46. That is a good thing to do, it builds rapport and helps both parties. :] I do provide links at the end of my entries, and I think some of them were blogs… I should start doing that more.

  47. As a member of the food blog community, I feel fortunate to blog alongside such a supportive group of people. Not only do we have groups such as Food Blog Alliance, Food Blog S’cool, but also new groups such as Food Blog Ethics and perhaps most hands-on and helpful of all, especially for new food bloggers, the Adopt-a-Blogger mentoring program. Many of us, especially veteran food bloggers, actively participate in all 4 (and more), as well as guest post for each other, comment, email, etc. It’s a tight knit yet welcoming community that I’m proud to be a part of.

  48. I helped a suspense author with his graphics for his books and his webpage.

    I play around with Photoshop quite a bit. Sometimes people like what I do with my sites and they ask, so I offer.


  49. This is a great post! I really enjoy reading your blog and am inspired on so many different levels by the advice you offer your readers. You should feel very blessed to have such a strong writing ability.
    I have recently created my own blog:


    which is just a free approach to today’s recent university graduates and the job market opportunities out there.
    I’m looking for generate some traffic so feel free to check it out !
    Thanks and again keep up the great blogging :)

  50. I’ve done just that with a soccer blog, even before launching my own soccer blog, though we’re operating in different niche markets, with his focused on the game itself, while mine is focused on the business side of the game. It’s worked wonders as we compliment each other.

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