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I’m a Six Figure Blogger

Posted By Darren Rowse 1st of September 2005 ProBlogger Site News 0 Comments

It just hit me – like a truck – that I’ve just become six figure blogger.

When Andy and I selected that name for our course on entrepreneurial blogging – earning over $100k from blogging in a 12 month period was more of a catchy name and a dream than an achievable thing – but sometime in the last month or so it actually became a reality.

August is over and my monthly Adsense figures were a new record – the daily average was $511.27 with the monthly total coming in at just a stones throw from $16,000 (USD). The following picture is a screen capture (with my personal details blocked out) of the monthly total. It actually ended up being 0.36 cents higher than the total you see there (it all counts I guess).


As you’d expect, I’m pretty happy with that total – but what made me even happier (and made my heart skip a beat) was to look at the total for the past 12 month period and realize that this month’s total took me over the magical $100,000 since 1 September last year. In fact it took me over that mark considerably.

I wasn’t planning on an announcement of earnings this month – but I guess in the lead up to a course on six figure blogging it might be a good thing to actually let people know that it’s possible for a one person show to hit that kind of mark with enough time, luck and honest hard work.

Also read this companion piece to this post
Six Figure Blogging – How Long?

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Hello
    Nice a blog, that`s the stuff !
    Good Luck
    Regards from cycate panienki

  2. Wow Darren,


    I could never have imagined that one could earn so much money just by blogging. This whole stuff looks amazing to me. Well Good luck in your future prospects.



  3. Darren,

    I know this is late but I wanted to pop in and say “CONGRATS”!!

    It’s exciting to see that blogging is profitable for those that are really passionate about it. I wish you much success in your blogging future.

    BTW, How is the six-figure blogging course coming along? I was to late joing the crew. Hopefully, you’ll have a home-stufy version available, eh!!

    Again, Congrats and keep the $$$ rollin’.

  4. […] Der PROBlogger Darren Rowse hat mit I’m a Six Figure Blogger gezeigt, dass man mit Bloggen richtig Asche machen kann. Viele sind drauf angesprungen. Ich nicht. Ich bin ein Null Blogger. Eine echte Enttäuschung der Blogosphäre. Ich suche verzweifelt nach den Besuchermassen, aber sie finden mich nicht. Ich suche nach neuen Blog-Countern, denn bei den alten ist der Weg in die Top-Listen viel zu weit. Vielleicht kann ich einmal früh genug an einem Alpha-oder Beta-Test für Blog-Counter teilnehmen, wenn ich unter den ersten zehn Bewerbern bin, schaffe ich es vielleicht auch mal bis in die Top 10 Liste. […]

  5. […] I’m talking about self-employed people who rely on blogging for the majority, of not all, of their income. The most successful I can think of right now is Darren Rowse, who currently makes 6 figures a year (USD) from Google Adsense alone across his portfolio of 20 blogs. I was planning on sharing some of the advice that I’ve picked up over the last 12 months, but as it happens, today Darren posted the best bit of advice you could possibly hear: making money from blogging takes time. He says… So if your goal is to grow a substantial online business – one of my main piece of advice is to take a long term view of it. While a very small percentage of successful online business people do seem to make it big overnight – the examples of this are increasingly becoming fewer and farer between. […]

  6. This is fantastic.

    There is no reason why blogging shouldn’t be turned into a commodity.

    With the continued popularity of physical media, like magazines and books, there is an obvious market and target audience for blogging.

    Thanks for paving the way for us, Darren.

  7. Congrats! I’m only in the $x,xxx range per day with my site http://www.ShadowClick.com IT’s a site that allows you to check your fav. sites from work or school. I’m using it now. Bypasses the firewall and blocks. Congrats!

  8. Money is cool!


    Either we will find a way – or we will make one!

  9. Hi all,

    A group of newbie bloggers has started a new blog to track achievments like this one. it is at bloggingrates.blogspot.com. If you know of any interesting blogging salary achievements and could suggest them to us we would be much obliged, or if you want to get listed, stop by and check out the burgeoning list of bloggers salaries.

    The guys at Bloggingrates

  10. Adsense bring me 0,50$ per click

  11. […] Weitere Bilder und Details zum Innenleben des Google Geschenk-Päckchens findet man z.B. beim Problogger: Adsense Gift Arrives. Der Problogger Darren Rowse lässt es sich mal wieder nicht nehmen zu zeigen wie erfolgreich er denn so gewesen ist. Er protzt halt gerne mal als 6-figure Blogger mit seinem Erfolg und Einkommen und legt dann noch einen drauf, wenn er von einer Verdopplung seiner Einnahmen mit Chitika eMiniMalls berichtet. Da verwundert es nicht, dass er auch zu den von Adsense beschenkten Kandidaten gehört und darüber berichtet. […]

  12. Larry King can talk but not blog

    As I was channel surfing last night, I stopped off on Larry King when I saw the finalists from this past season’s Apprentice being interviewed. At one point Larry King asked “The Donald” if race had played a part in…

  13. […] Some time ago, I was reading Darren’s entry on how he became a six figure blogger and I thought: “Cool, all I have to do is start a digital camera blog. Link to all kinds of reviews and sometimes write up my own review and BANG I’ll be a six figure blogger.” […]

  14. […] One thing about the web, when you start looking for it, you will find lots of it. Here’s one shinning evidence of online revenue. […]

  15. […] Every time I talk about the potential for blogs to earn money I generally get a lot of feedback from readers. Much of it is pretty balanced but there are two other types of responses that within hours of my most recent announcement I had in my inbox: […]

  16. Congratulations. It’s nice to hear about success.

  17. I have been reading your blog most links- I wonder how you’ll keep up this amazing flow of brilliant content. That is awesome!

  18. […] Darren Rowse announced [1] he is a 6 figure blogger. […]

  19. […] Darren is a bit of a legend, and if anyones interested he’s the reason I started my podcast, The Gadget Show. He’s well known for reporting that he made over $100K from blogging full time in 2005. The later suggests he knows what he’s doing. […]

  20. […] El australiano Darren Rowse confirmo que el lunes su blog ProBlogger estuvo fuera de línea debido a un ataque DDoS. Rowse generó mucha atención internacional cuando el año pasado reveló que habría ganado más de $100,000 dólares como blogger individual en 2005, principalmente mediante las ganancias de AdSense y programas de afiliados. […]

  21. Well done. It just shows that blogs are a great way of building up an active readership and monitising them

  22. Man, that’s inspirational. Six figures from blogging and Google adsense. Amazing! I hope to reach a figure like that soon too. I’m up to 6 cents at the moment ;-)

  23. It Is Easy To Blog

    If you have thought about blogging, but thought it must be too difficult, with a lot of technical knowledge needed, …

  24. That’s really great. But you did not specify how much you spent on hosting and all other cost of maintaining your sites.

    You are great man.

  25. […] When Darren Rowse got buzzed for his six figure income from blogging, that’s targeted, brand building buzz insofar as it builds his brand as a professional, “pro blogger”. If Darren Rowse had been buzzed for wearing colors that clash, or for taking cute pictures of kittens, that would be untargeted, brand-worthless buzz. […]

  26. […] I know what you are thinking with those skeptical eyebrows rising: “How much money?”. Well, it depends. But some guys are scoring big with it. Check out Mr. Darren Rowse and Mr. Joel Comm, for example. […]

  27. […] Auf Eint.de verrät der Eint-Guy, wie einfach man 3000 Euro monatlich mit Adsense verdienen kann und wieso trotzdem nur ein Bruchteil der Publisher diesen netten vierstelligen Lohn erreichen dürfte. Erstaunlich, dass sich jemand öffentlich so tief in dir Karten schauen läßt. Wer also schon immer mal wissen wollte wie man zum Pro-Blogger und 5- oder 6-figure Blogger wird, und auch nicht als 0-figure Blogger enden möchte, der kommt an diesem Beitrag einfach nicht vorbei […]

  28. Hey Darren,

    Great work on your blog and content. Tinu suggested I should check out six figure blogging and I think she’s right ;-)


  29. […] Anecdote 3 – Six figure blogger (Problogger) […]

  30. orange blog! i like it!
    AimOne Screen Recorder – a powerful video-recording software, capture / record screen or window with optional audio to AVI or WMV.


  31. […] The latest is soon-to-be SavvySoloCAST guest (hopefully) Darren Rowse who writes the ProBlogger blog (among others). In a recent post titled: I’m a Six Figure Blogger, Darren writes: “August is over and my monthly Adsense figures were a new record – the daily average was $511.27 with the monthly total coming in at just a stones throw from $16,000 (USD). The following picture is a screen capture (with my personal details blocked out) of the monthly total. It actually ended up being 0.36 cents higher than the total you see there (it all counts I guess).” […]

  32. Wow, my jaw is on the floor… congratulations!!!

  33. Kim…

    Looks like your page was heavily hit by spam…

  34. Wow that is phenomenal. I am working on my own empire starting with this site: http://www.allstarsbigbrother.com. I hope to grow up to be just like you one day!

    Thanks for the inspiration,

  35. […] Anyway I am also wondering how some other bloggers can generate six figure earnings from AdSense. Darren Rowsee, the author of ProBlogger, is one of them. […]

  36. […] UPDATE: På 7 timer har jeg tjent 2,5$. UPDATE II: En gut tjener over 100.000$ om året på at have en weblog og Google AdSense. […]

  37. […] I was inspired by this post by Darren and thought I’d post how the blogs performed in June 2006: […]

  38. […] Does that make me a bad person? My site gets thousands of visitors per day, and every time I turn around there are guys getting four, five, and even six figure checks from Google for doing nothing but running their web site. […]

  39. […] Are you watching in amazement (and disbelief) as others make six-figure incomes by blogging? […]

  40. I think this earning is caused by faking with proxy servers or sth. else

  41. 400 euro – I don’t even know what that means let alone how to do it!

    I have multiple blogs with 40,000 or so daily readers on good commercial topics – thats how it works.

  42. They are some awesome figures! I can only dream of earning that!

  43. What I would like to know is how much you earn now Darren!

  44. David says: 09/13/2006 at 3:18 pm

    $15,xxx+ for the month, but $0.00 so far today. How does that work?

  45. David – from memory I took the sceen cap at just after 5pm Melbourne time (which is when my daily stats end/start). ie it was too early in the day to have a record of the days earnings.

  46. You’re an inspiration, my friend. A true inspiration.

  47. […] You can read Darren Rowse’s review here. He is a professional blogger who was making a six figure income (over $100, 000) in 2005. I wouldn’t even dare to guess how much he is making now […]

  48. […] Die Liste ist in keinster Weise vollständig, der gute John hat einfach alle möglichen öffentlichen Quellen angezapft und diese Infos dann in seiner Liste zusammengetragen. Einige Mittelgewichtler hat er aber verpasst, Steve Pavlina und Six Figure Blogger Darren Rowse gehören sicher auch in diese illustre Liste. […]

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