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How to Use Google’s Wonder Wheel to Find Topics to Write about

Posted By Darren Rowse 31st of July 2009 Video Posts 0 Comments

Stuck for ideas to write about? Here’s a quick and easy to use tool from Google to help you identify topics within most niches.

View this video at full size to get all the visual details in the video here on Facebook.

PS: a number of people have been asking about how I made this video and what microphone I am using. The mic is a Rode Podcaster USB microphone which I only recently have received. It’s not a small microphone but the quality it has produced is excellent.

The software I used to record the video and screen capture is a Mac tool called ScreenFlow. This is the first time I’ve used it and I there’s a lot more I could have done with it – I’m still learning to use its features.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Sooo amazing. Thank you so much I actually never heard of this wonder wheel until now. It helps so much to brainstorm topics for my blog.

  2. Sooo amazing. Thank you so much I actually never heard of this wonder wheel until now. It helps so much to brainstorm topics for my blog.

  3. Doesn’t this strategy go against your “write for humans, not search engines” advice?

    It is correct to write for search engines and people, and it can be done. After all, people search for things to buy in search engines, not blogs.

  4. I’ve never heard of the wonder wheel either. Quite similar to google trending.

  5. Very useful information from the author really appreciate the contribution.

    Big Thanks ;-)

  6. Darren, I think this is a great resource for current and new bloggers. Thanks for sharing this wealth of info. I am definitely coming back for more.


  7. Thanks for the heads up. Google can truly be considered innovative, because you always ask yourself, “what will they come up with next?”
    Brooks Perry

  8. Cool. It reminds me of mind mapping

  9. This is great because this is exactly the problem I have as Im sure most do. We are a web design company but we have to venture out and wrote about other products or interest to to drive the traffic to maintain good rankings and this article hits it on the head. Thanks for the read!

  10. I find myself wondering who and what I am going to sell, then I need to remember that the product I am selling is me….

  11. This was very useful. Thanks for highlighting the wonder wheel!

  12. It is very informative. Thanks for sharing it.
    I’m new to the blogging business and looking forwards to learning how to find good topics to write about.
    What you’ve offered in your post is very helpful. I’d love to learn more about this topic. I’ve bookmarked your blog. Looking forwards for your new posts.
    Keep working.

  13. http://www.6mademerich.com
    Very useful information from the author really appreciate the contribution

  14. Very nice video about google’s Wonder Wheel.

  15. Being a relatively new to blogger i am more dependent on twitter updates and latest updates on various tech sites. I blog about Freeware software. I shall defiantly use the tips in future. Thanks for sharing

  16. awesome tool the Wonder Wheel I use it all the time.

  17. I use google trends. but this tool looks pretty cool.

    Virtual Assistant :-)

  18. My gosh! Great information about the wonder wheel! First I’ve heard of it and I love it!

  19. I admire people like you who take the time to do all this research and then to share the results with others. Due to time constraints I will have to come back and read all the articles you have linked to.

    Thanks for the share.

  20. awesome tool the Wonder Wheel I use it all the time.

  21. This was very useful. Thanks for highlighting the wonder wheel!

  22. This is some great info. The video looks great for being the first time you used the software. I would like to do a couple vids like this but I use PC. =(

  23. I had never hear of the Wonder Wheel until today and can already see the potential in it. Thanks for pointing this out.

  24. Wow this is really great man, I mean now we can have more options about what topics we want to write about in our article. And with wonder wheel we can also find the perfect niche for our articles. Thanks man, this is really help me a lot!

  25. Now I know where to go when I’m stuck. Thanks a ton !

  26. Not sure that I would use this to brainstorm for ideas for my blog but definitely a useful tool for people who want to target key phrases. Never even knew it was there so thanks for enlightening me:)

  27. This is another great resource to utilize when looking for current trends.

  28. steve says: 08/27/2009 at 3:59 am

    Thank you it was very usefull,

  29. Wow, what a great free tool! Thanks for the information. I will be adding this to my keyword research. Thanks for sharing this information. Too many people would sit on this type of tool and keep it to themselves. Two thumbs up.

  30. Great video and nice find ..It was really helpful I have never heard about such tool.

    Thank you

  31. Sal H. says: 08/27/2009 at 1:00 pm

    Awesome tool, that I think is absolutely great for users. I think there is plenty of room for advancement with this tool as well.

  32. Thanks for the great tips

  33. This time another great post.Thank you so mcuh for this.

  34. great ideas, some really useful info!

  35. Wow. Great tool. Thanks for sharing this. I hadn’t seen this one before but I can see how it can be a great tool for SEO.

  36. Hi Darren,

    Another great tool to use from Google, to generate content for
    your blogs. I have written several articles at the following on line
    sites http://www.Helium.com/users/495068 and follow link below=>

    Feel free to follow me on twitter and I will follow you=>
    Thanks for the valuable info on Google’s Wonder wheel

  37. Awesome! On my way to check it out now!

  38. Thanks for the great tool. What will Google think of next?

  39. Thanks Darren,

    I never would have thought to use the Wonder Wheel as a tool to overcome writers block or generate article ideas.


    Mr. Twenty Twenty

    That guy who changed his name to the number of perfect vision because you living yours matters!

  40. This is amazingly helpful. I didn’t even know it existed, before now. I just actually used it to find not only ranking on keywords, but keywords that are shoot offs that I was missing out on. Thanks.


  41. Brilliant! I’d never heard of the “Wonder Wheel.” My visit here was very worthwhile. Thank you.

  42. Excellent! Thanks for the tip. In my genre (The paranormal) I often suffer from “topic block”, as I try to cover mysteries, ideas and issues that are off the beaten path.

    This will help immensely!

  43. Awesome.

    Thanks for sharing this.

    looks like a great tool very useful.

    Should help a lot of newbie internet marketers

    Mark Terrell

  44. Darren, just a quick note. I’ve tried watching this video several times, and the “loading” icon remains present. I’m quite sure that I have sufficient broad band. Wondering if I could just download it somewhere, or is there a way to tweak the UTube settings?
    Jim in Atlanta

  45. This is real a cool post. You rock Darren.

  46. your article with important suggestion is very enthusiastic and helpful for us because it’s belongs some important techniques for domain blogging.

  47. I had never even paid attention to the other options available during a search with google. Thank you for sharing this.

  48. Where do you get all these things from? DAMN man. This is one amazing tool. Thanks a lot for this.

  49. Fittsian says: 09/02/2009 at 5:05 pm

    Thanks for answering my questions during your webchat today.
    Also I enjoyed this post alot… Thanks for your work…

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