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How To Build 22,938 Links To Your Blog

Posted By Darren Rowse 28th of February 2008 Search Engine Optimization 0 Comments

The following post on building links to your blog Evan Carmichael.

It’s no secret that building links to your website will help drive more referral traffic as well as increase your rankings in Google and the other major search engines. In previous ProBlogger posts Aaron Wall and Wendy Piersall have talked about it. Darren has also been known to create a post here or there on the topic.

Today I wanted to share with you how I built 22,938 links to my website and how you can do the same:

How To Check Your Links

building-links-blog.jpgBefore getting started on the tips, it’s important to know how to check the number of links Google recognizes. Most people know about the link:www.YourDomainName.com command that you can type into Google. This function, however, will only return a sample number of links to your site and does not show the complete picture.

To find out how many links Google actually sees you need to create an account at Google’s Webmaster Tools. It’s free to sign up and the information you will receive is of vital importance if you are trying to improve your Google rankings.

If you already have an account, simply go to the Dashboard, click on your domain name, click on Links on the left side bar, and then select the pages with external links option to see how many websites are really linking to you.

7 Ways To Build Links To Your Website

1) Pick a Niche and Own It With Quality Content

Darren has blogged at length about the importance of having quality content if you want to stand out as a successful blogger. Quite simply, if you aren’t writing material that is new, different, and offers an interesting perspective, you won’t get readers or links to your blog. Just as important, I believe, when you’re getting started is to pick a niche and dominate it. If you’re not making money online yet, don’t write a blog about how to make money online! There is too much competition and you don’t have valuable content to add.

Find a topic that you are passionate about and that isn’t too competitive yet. As an example, I chose famous entrepreneur stories. I now have the largest collection of stories of famous entrepreneurs anywhere online and get linked to as a resource. I’ve since been able to expand beyond the famous entrepreneur stories but it’s important to first start with a niche and get known as an expert in your field.

2) Get Involved In The Community

Once you have picked your niche, get involved in the community surrounding it. No matter what topic you pick there are blogs and forums already discussing it. Join the conversation! When I first started my site I listed the top 10 blogs and forums where entrepreneurs hung out. I commented on the blogs, helped people in the forums, and answered questions as they came up. The bloggers appreciated my valuable insights and the forum members loved the help I gave them.

I always included my website in my signature and pretty soon I was generating traffic and links from the community sites. Because I was getting known as an expert I also had people link to me from their sites without me having to post a comment or forum entry on theirs! People link to Darren because he’s the best in the world at helping bloggers turn their blogs into businesses. What are you going to be the best at?

3) Get Press

Another strategy I used to create awareness and build links was to get media attention. I put keywords relating to my niche into a Google News Alert (a free tool that lets you know when a new story comes out around a particular keyword) , found news stories that dealt with the entrepreneurs I was profiling and contacted the reporters to congratulate them on a great article. I also offered them my insights and added them to a media list that I created in Excel. From then on I would send them a press release every two weeks that dealt with a new famous entrepreneur story on my website.

I also submitted the stories to free online PR directories and did some research as to how to write an effective press release and experimented with different headlines. This led to articles being written about my website in the New York Times, Globe and Mail (Canada’s most respected daily newspaper), the Dallas Morning News and countless other publications. It also led to television and radio appearances. Each time I gave them great stories as well as promoted my website. Always remember to ask for a link back from the media outlet. They are usually very highly ranked and the link can help drive your search engine rankings.

4) Social Networking Sites

Social networking is all the rage now but it’s more than just hype. An effective social networking campaign can help drive tremendous amounts of traffic as well as build links to your site. I haven’t personally gotten much from sites like Facebook and MySpace but the news and bookmarking sites like StumbleUpon, Digg, and del.icio.us have been fantastic traffic and link generators for my website. The key I’ve found is to start off with quality content and then get the community to help you promote it.

For example, at the end of last year I compiled a list of the Top 50 SEO Posts of 2007 (Darren’s Secret Confessions of a Link-A-Holic made the list). It was a list that brought genuine value to people and saved readers a lot of time. Instead of having to dig into each blog themselves we did the work for them to find the best posts on SEO of the year. Once we finished the top 50 we let everyone on the list know about it. Many of them blogged about it and linked back to us, others submitted it to StumbleUpon and other social networking sites. In the first week of the list being out StumbleUpon alone sent me over 5,000 visitors to that one page!

6) Directories, Craigslist, Wikipedia

When I first started the site I submitted it to all the relevant directories that I could find. In all honesty I didn’t get many hits from them except from Business.com, but I viewed it as a link building exercise that would eventually pay off. If you run any kind of events, you need to also put them on Craigslist. We run a number of offline events for entrepreneurs and Craigslist helped send us a decent amount of traffic. Their pages also rank well and you can include a link back to your site from the postings you create.

Wikipedia is another excellent source worth checking out. Like every other webmaster, before Wikipedia put nofollows on their links I was trying to get all my pages listed as external links on the famous entrepreneur related pages. The result? The editors quickly removed my links and wrote an email to me warning me to stop. I did stop posting but was surprised to find out that I kept getting traffic from Wikipedia. It turns out that a number of my readers had used my articles as references for different famous entrepreneurs. As a result they included a link and it was driving traffic! It again all comes down to being the best at something and dominating your niche. If I didn’t have good content then I would not have received the links from Wikipedia.

7) Give People An Incentive To Link to You

As wonderful as it is to get bloggers and other website owners to link to you on the merit of your content alone, sometimes they need a push and an incentive to do so. As a result of building a popular website I began recruiting other experts to write for my site. Once you build up credibility in your niche you will have people who want to be associated with you. As an example, I wonder how many people are trying to guest blog for Darren while he’s gone?

For my own site, if the articles my guest authors submitted were relevant and valuable, I put them up. I then wrote to my authors and told them that if they linked back to my site from theirs I would give them even more exposure on my site and list them as Premium Partners. The incentive worked for many of them and I quickly built even more backlinks to my site from reputable experts. It sometimes takes thinking outside the box, but if you can find a way to help another webmaster in return for them linking to you, the extra incentive can make the difference between getting and not getting that all important link.

Additional Link Building Tips

  • Try to get links to your internal pages and not just your home page. The more you have to your internal pages, the better those pages will rank. For example, I have 22,938 Google-recognized links to my site but only 8,075 of them go to my homepage. The rest all go to internal pages on my website.
  • Get as high a Page Rank link as you can from the websites who profile you. A link on a Page Rank 1 internal page versus a Page Rank 5 homepage will make a big difference to your site. Just because two pages are on the same domain name, it doesn’t mean that they carry the same link value.
  • When getting a link, don’t tell people what anchor text to use (the blue text that is underlined). If all your links have the same anchor text you can get banned from Google for that keyword. I always ask my link partners to use anchor text that they feel best describes what my website is all about.
  • As soon as you get a link, tell Google about it through their Add URL page. It’s another free tool that Google offers and the sooner Google knows about the links to you, the sooner you will rise up in the rankings.
  • Don’t give up! Link building is an ongoing process and requires patience. It’s better to work for 1 hour a day for 24 days than to work for 24 hours straight and burn yourself out. If you keep working at it, the links will come!

Good luck and happy link building!

Evan Carmichael is the owner of www.EvanCarmichael.com, the Internet’s #1 resource for small business motivation and strategies.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Good info I will try to implement…Btw
    Looking for tips # 5 ?

  2. Google’s Webmaster Tools really helps

  3. Nice summary Evan. I was wondering why I got the smack-down by Google last year from a PR4 to PR2 – I heard I wasn’t the only one. My site is still ranked in same positions in organic search but my PR took the hit.

    I’ve been told that page rank isn’t such a big deal, but it would be nice to get it back for linking purposes.

    Any suggestions?

  4. Hi Daren, Great post but I found something strange here… As per google you just need to submit the top level url of the page

    Google Says:
    “Please note: Only the top-level page from a host is necessary; you do not need to submit each individual page. Our crawler, Googlebot, will be able to find the rest. Google updates its index on a regular basis, so updated or outdated link submissions are not necessary. Dead links will ‘fade out’ of our index on our next crawl when we update our entire index.”

    In Google’s policies some where I have read about spamming the index this might result in blocking a site.

    Its just my research please don’t post this comment, i just wanted to share it with you.

    I am a big fan and I do respect your image on the net.


  5. Great tips, thank you I have been blogging for a few months now, love building sites, hopefully now with your tips I will recieve more needed traffic……… Thank you

  6. Thanks for the great post!

  7. Evan, this was a seriously good post. Perhaps the most useful post I’ve read on SEO yet. I’ll be working on this things for days to come.

    I set up Webtools today and was very happy (and a little surprised) to find the number of links I already have. Coming from non-technical background, these little tricks are invaluable.

    I’ll be following you more often, to be sure!

  8. Great advice. Spending an hour a day gets you into the mindset that this is an ongoing process.

  9. Google’s tools are really cool. They are webmasters dream tools. It really help and work too.

  10. Hi Russell,

    A lot of websites lost one Page Rank score. My own site went from a 6 to a 5 without any apparent reason. If you dropped 2 positions it may be because of a penalization. Google started cracking down on websites that were selling text links, for example. Is there anything you can think of that would have caused Google to penalize you?

  11. Hi Mohit,

    You should of course submit your homepage. Sometimes, however, if your linking structure isn’t well done then Google can’t reach down into your lower pages. Google also sometimes misses pages you have on your site. My webpage, for example, has over 46,000 pages of content, so it’s understandable that Google might miss a few of them.

    Google also encourages you to let them know about what’s on your site through their sitemap tool – you can learn more about it at http://www.google.com/support/webmasters/bin/answer.py?answer=40318


  12. I am still a newbie at blogging. All these steps sound pretty good. Lot of work to go with, but is worth the benefit. I will try as much as possible to keep up. I checked at google and i still have just a few links.

  13. Thanks for response Evan. My only guess is maybe I have too high KW density on my home page for my main KW I think around 13%. Example each nav-button features KW… maybe I should tone this down…

    I do have close to 500 incoming links. My categories for link exchange are well defined and closely related to my niche site, and I refuse quite a few unrelated requests. However I suspect I may be linking through to some poor quality sites? Or even a linkfarm or two? not sure unless I review all of my link exchanges – is this advisable? If so, Ugh…

    I’ve heard that it’s best not to link to low PR sites – but how are they ever going to move up the ranks without a little boost from higher ranking sites?

  14. thanks Darren … I talk about this too on my last post… oh ya, how about if we try to find with dofollow categorize and leave comment on that blog. I think that’s good strategies for build the link

  15. Hey Evan!

    Thanks for the update.. I am a web-developer and I know how to optimize each page for google. Maybe for layman this option is right but I do suggest If anyone owns a website he/she has to work a lot on sitemaps, meta-tags and SEO, this way no page will be left alone..

    I have been so busy with my office and freelance work and I finally uploaded my website on Jan 2008 and I have each page listed on Google and sometimes it takes only 1-2 hours for google to index my page, I have personally observed that.

    I agree with you for layman its a good idea.. Thanks for sharing.

    Sharing Best Practices

  16. Is it correct that if a site recently lost its PR, a sitemap cannot be submitted to Google?

  17. Is this supposed to be news?

  18. They are very useful for me, i will try them by myself. The good news for me is my blog now has Google PR4. So I think i know how rank it higher in future by your help.

    Thanks again!

  19. Hi Russell – It’s good to have a mix of links out to pages with high Page Rank as well as low. I would worry if all the links are going to low Page Rank sites. I would worry even more if you are linking out to a link farm or page that has been banned by Google.

    If you had thousands of links then I wouldn’t worry about it too much but if it’s still a relatively small amount then you don’t want to risk a penalization by Google.

    For the keyword density, 13% sounds very high to me. What I usually do is use my keywords once every paragraph or two paragraphs of text and make sure to use them in the title tags, url, and H1 tag.


  20. Hi Missy – No this is not correct. If you have lost Page Rank you can still submit a sitemap to Google. My own Page Rank has fluctuated in the past and when I had a drop I could still submit my sitemaps.

    If you have been banned, however, a sitemap won’t do you any good because you’re not in Google’s index. The best solution here is to fix the spammy elements of your site and submit a re-inclusion request in Google’s webmaster tools to get yourself listed again.

    Good luck!

  21. PageRank has absolutely NOTHING to do with your SERP rankings. Or anything for that matter. They are two completely separate algos. It doesn’t matter if you get links from PR1 or PR5 sites. What google cares about is relevancy, and PR has nothing at all to do with relevance. Most of the time a site with a high PR is more trusted than a site with low PR, which COULD mean that the link has a higher value. But it’s not thanks to the PR.

    Stop caring about it. The only good thing about getting a high PR is so you could sell the site to people who think it actually mean something.

  22. Thanxs Evan.

    I was able to successfully submit the sitemap (in question) to Google yesterday. I guess i was just submitting it incorrectly. But it is all good now.


  23. Thanks for the feedback Evan… and others. I’ve adjusted the keyword density and my views on Googles PR, I tend to subscribe to the views that PR is just a marketing scheme cooked up by the Google Lords…until maybe somebody can prove otherwise?

  24. Thanks for all the tips.

    It is worth stressing over and over again that ‘building links’ to your site is only a tool. It attracts people to your site directly or indirectly. But unless if the contents is not there, people will not ‘stick’ to your site… And you will get a lot of one time visitors, but not a loyal readership…


  25. Google’s entire system is based on links. If you don’t have links to your site then you won’t rank for any keywords unless they are extremely uncompetitive.

    With all the link farms that were soon created after Google became the #1 search engine it makes sense that the quantity of links is not a good measure on its own to help rank a site. You could have 1,000,000 links to your site but if they are all low quality it won’t do you much good.

    One link from a well respected page does a lot more than thousands of poor quality links. A great example was Wikipedia. Before they turned their links to “nofollow” I had a number of my pages linked from them. All of those pages quickly ranked to the first page of search results in Google.

    Google likes high authority websites and if you get linked from them your chances of ranking higher also goes up. PageRank is the measurement of how much authority Google thinks a website has. There is a reason why ProBlogger has a Page Rank of 6 while new blogs start out with 0.

    Of course you still need the quality and related content. Just because you have a high Page Rank it doesn’t mean you’ll rank for a keyword outside of your area of interest. The two work hand in hand. Darren is not going to rank for a keyword like “healthy foods” because his content doesn’t speak to that topic. However, if you type in “make money blogging”, Darren is #1.

    If two pages have similar content and are targeted the same keywords, the page with the higher Page Rank will come out on top in the Google index.

  26. Evan, what value is the Wikipedia? I heard they are no follow links and same for Craigs list. What value does Google give to no follow links?

    Also one of my blogs went from PR 5 to the gray bar. Any chance to resurrect that? In the last update in January 2008, one of my internal pages went from PR 4 to the gray bar and this week’s February update, it went back to normal. Have you heard about this problem concerning blogs getting the gray bar on the home page?

  27. Hi George,

    The Wikipedia strategy is more for traffic than building Page Rank. After search engines and social networks, wikipedia is my #1 referring site.

    There are some who believe that a link from Wikipedia does still help your SERPs even though it’s no follow because Google loves Wikipedia so much. A number of the pages that I am linked from in Wikipedia have risen in Google’s SERPs but I don’t have any comprehensive data to say that it helps.

    If you dropped from a 5 then you likely have been hit with a Google penalty. Have you done anything that you would get penalized? The best thing to do is fix the problems and then submit a re-inclusion request through your Google webmasters account.

  28. Thanks for the tips, Darren. I particularly found the one related to linking to internal pages helpful.

  29. Great information. Thank you.

  30. another great post in creating external links. I’ll apply this to my blog whenever I have time :D

  31. Thanks for the great post! Still I do not understand how to create links from Wikipedia?

  32. Hi Sergey – to create a link in wikipedia just find a page that is relevant to your website. Then you can edit the code of the wikipedia page so that it links out to yours. Look at how the other pages are linked so you can copy the code.

    If it’s not relevant though the link will be deleted.

    Good luck!

  33. Great article. We’ve been building links to our site for over a year now using directories and link swapping techniques with great success, but we will definately be implementing many of your recommendations from now on. Thanks.

  34. Getting involved in the community is a great way to build links, most of the links that I’ve built have been a result of commenting on other blogs in my niche and eventually they would start following my blog and link to me, it works incredibly well.

  35. Well, interesting article. I had never even heard of the Google Webmaster’s tool. It’s great! And it opened my eyes a little to a few areas my site’s lacking in ;)



  36. Hey Evan
    thanks for info on this great post I’m going to take your advice and start my link building campaign right away.

  37. Excellent article! Just what I needed to get me on track building traffic to my site.


  38. Thanks for your tips and info on SEO.

    I will give it a trial with my new blog

  39. Sounds like 7 steps to success. Quality content will always help you to reach the top.

    Networking always helps, its about getting the message out there.

    I am writing a blog at the moment, and I feel this is a great way to increase your websites traffic. A podcast is an awesome way to increase web traffic.

  40. Great summary of successful link building techniques!

    For fun sometimes I browse online college newspapers and comment on the articles when I have something to say. I have gotten a lot of links that way and it’s a fun diversion and actually therapeutic because I get to express my opinion and say whatever I’m feeling.

  41. Good ideas and tips. I had never thought about press releases, nor submitting URLs to Google other than my own. Thank you!

  42. Great link building advice.


  43. Some excellent ideas here thanks Darren, i never thought to use Google news alerts.


  44. Some very good advice. I’ve been doing a lot of those things, but need to continue to improve. Currently, I have 300+ links & hoping to expand that number.

    Thanks for the advice.

  45. Link baiting is the latest buzzword that if applied properly with blogs on your home domain, you will get outstanding results

  46. Great advice. Spending an hour a day gets you into the mindset that this is an ongoing process.

  47. Google’s tools are really cool. They are webmasters dream tools. It really help and work too.

  48. All these steps sound pretty good. Lot of work to go with, but is worth the benefit. I will try as much as possible to keep up. I checked at google and i still have just a few links.

  49. Thanks for the link building info. I will glad if only a fraction of his accumulates.

  50. Yeah the link building information was really helpfull , see i have tried a bit for my website and blog .

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