I just viewed this great video on how WordPress (and blogging) changed one person’s life. Inspiring stuff from Glenda Watson Hyatt (follow her on Twitter here).
I just viewed this great video on how WordPress (and blogging) changed one person’s life. Inspiring stuff from Glenda Watson Hyatt (follow her on Twitter here).
What a great blessing blogging has been for her! I can imagine her frustration when people meet her in person and the fact that the first and sometimes only thing they see is her disability. With blogging she can get her thoughts and opinions out for the world to see.
It must be great to meet her readers/fellow bloggers for the first time and have them ‘know her’ on the inside and not be distracted by her disability.
Very inspiring and encouraging as a blogger and a fellow human being. Thanks for sharing the video with us. Eric.
Very inspiring. Blogs are a good way to present “you” any way you want. The first impression is your word, not your appearance. Hopefully, that is a good thing!
One of the most incredible videos I have ever seen. She is amazing!!
Great video! Thanks for sharing Darren. Blogging really does change lives and the world.
I watched the video after you Twittered about !
I was always told when I was a kid – “Things can be difficult but Nothing’s Impossible”
Glenda is proof of that !
Great video and so happy for her.
Go Glenda!
And many of the things that she talks about are so true in the autism community as well – blogging and online communication allows those with autism to get themselves out there, meet people and establish relationships without their disability getting in the way as much as it does for many in person. It then makes it easier for them to tackle “in person” events with greater success and comfort.
Most of us think about how awesome the web and technology is for our normal daily lives, but for people with disabilities it can be akin to a miracle!
I am very excited for her and all others who are able to utilize the Internet in such a way. It is very humbling video and inspires gratitude.
Thanks for the twit Darren. It has been worth watching and inspirational.
If there should remain ONE and ONLY ONE reason for blogging, that would be this one. Amazing.
Great inspirational Story
Great video!
its inspiring and like telling and remind me about blog, lives and my self… Thanks for posting this video…
Go Glenda! and you too Darren :)
Wow! Glad she found WordPress.
This is touching,wish her the best!
That is one of the most poignant and touching stories I’ve ever seen on how determination overcomes obstacles and humanizing technology can really be.
Glenda and the video really makes me think about how stupid it is for me to complain about anything.
Sometimes I get caught up in thinking that things are too difficult or that people and situations are just down right unfair. Obviously that line of thinking is wrong.
It might sound like a cliche….but if Glenda can do it then so can I.
Very, very cool. With several disabled family members, we are more attuned to disability issues than most. It’s wonderful that blogging can be a doorway into a more connected world than what would be available otherwise.
How inspiring! It’s great that she was able to use blogging as a medium to reach out to the world! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing this. I think as much as Glenda, all of the people who might not have been lucky enough to get to know her due to their own “fears(?)”, beneficiaries of her blogging experience.
Commenting here after a long time because i personally feel happy for Glenda. Hard working and good luck for her future!
Thanks for sharing Glenda’s video. Her story is an inspiration.
Hi Darren…
can i post this video in my blog?
this video really inspiring me…
well, what do i say.
its so damn inspiring.
here is a lady with all her worldly disabilities,
she is way above most of us with her capabilities,
beyond this mortal world.
thanks a ton Darren for the video.
thing like these really are inspiring.
the big push is “IF SHE CAN, WHY CANT I?”
may god give her more strenght to continue to shine like the
proverbial light house and and be inspiration to tons of humanity.
A truly great video, thank you for sharing this with everyone.
Yes, blogging certainly can change one’s life and Glenda is the proof in the pudding. Kudos to her for her perserverance and determination to rise above her condition and not live a limited life because of it.
Her story is an inspiration to everyone who reads it.
Wow that is really inspiring…good on her not letting her disability hold her back.
A great reminder of why I LOVE blogging, and how I believe that blogging can change the world.Thanks Darren for sharing this with us all today :-)
I think there are lots of communities of people struggling with various issues reaching out to one another via blogging.
I can totally appreciate that for someone like Glenda, blogging removes giant obstacles that come between her and the rest of the world . . . .thanks for sharing this.
I love to hear how the Internet changes lives for the better. My father-in-law thinks the Internet is evil, boy do I get tired of hearing that rant. ;)
That is awesome.
Well I started blogging in Nov 07 and since haven’t drank and got back with my wife.I haven’t been in jail and my life has gotten much better.Thank God blogging can keep you busy enough to stay out of trouble and my blog is doing great.
Yeah blogging has changed my life:)
Cool post thanks
Thanks Darren for sharing Glenda’s inspirational and very touching story. Such determination and hard work. Glenda is more proof – Blogging changes lives, and for the better. The very best to you Glenda!!
Although am 23 year old, but all my lifetime, I have never come across such an inspiring and incredible video. I believe, as far as you are determined and focused, you can take the lead and can reach pinnacle one day.
Wid blogging, I started noticing a positive change in my life. It is the story of a Glenda’s dat inspired and prompts me to change the outlook of my lives and to lead a better and peaceful life. Thanx a ton dear Darren.
Like always, I always admired and appreciate blogging. But, the video which you have used to motivate and convince people despite of their hardships and touch life is highly commendable and appreciable.
Good going Glenda, you will be an inspiration to many.
Glenda’s video is very inspiring and it is sad how many normal bloggers could not make a single useful post. It is sad there are scammers around with normal health but do not care about others money.
It is sad to realize that there are wars, corruption and violence while here is a lady with a powerful thumb that made her world change.
And yes, blogging has changed so may lives including me.
Thanks for sharing this and hope you keep on posting moire inspiring posts.
My brother in law has CP and serves as an inspiration to our whole family for all the obstacles he has overcome. He’s a teacher, teaching special education students and is working on his masters, and he and my sister have a baby. He also helps my sister with her homework as she works towards her nursing degree.
Blogging is an incredible networking tool and what a lucky life we live that communicating worldwide doesn’t seem to be such a daunting task anymore.
Wow!! When you still breath, you can do anything impossible.
Thank goodness for companies who provide exceptional, free software that changes lives. I loved this video and am so inspired by Glenda!
Darren, thank you for blogging about my video. And thank you everyone for all of your wonderful comments. It’s rather overwhelming. But, it does demonstrate the power of sharing one’s own story. You never know how your own story may impact someone else.
What an inspiration Glenda is. I shall forward this to my daughter’s sister-in-law who, despite being a quadriplegic, got a double first in astrophysics, drives herself around the country in a specially adapted car, and works for the BBC.
I started a new blog dealing with my CSS/Diabetes condition and I will be linking to this post sometime this weekend.
Glenda is an inspiration and her story certainly deserves more exposure.
Darren, thanks so much for sharing this with all of us…This is just one of the many reason I always come to your blog.
WOW! Sometimes it’s impossible for us to appreciate the difference technology is making until you sit down and read something like that.
thank you.