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Enter Our SNAP ProBlogger Book Competition

Posted By Darren Rowse 13th of July 2008 ProBlogger Site News 0 Comments

Problogger-Book-1I’ve got a spare ProBlogger Book sitting here on my desk with one of your names on it.

To win – in comments below simply leave a link to your blog (if you have one) and in under 250 words tell us why you need the book.

What do you need to improve on your blog? What questions do you hope it answers? What’s your biggest need as a blogger?

I’ll choose the person who I feel the book will help the most. The competition ends Monday Morning at 9am my time here in Melbourne – 24 hours from now.

update: Thanks everyone – I’ve closed this competition (and comments) and will announce a winner today.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Scott McIntyre says: 07/13/2008 at 12:16 pm

    I begin my entry by ‘confessing’ to the fact that you’ll find no link to a blog in my signature above.

    But, that’s ok, for it is the very reason why I would like to win your book in the first place…

    You see, as an avid reader of blogs who doesn’t have a blog, this hasn’t stopped me from commenting, nor wanting to learn about both the ‘art’, and the ‘technical’ side, of blogging- like any of your other readers.

    It’s just that I don’t yet have a blog.

    However, the longer I journey through the blogosphere and the more blogs I read, the greater I see the potential for the writer to interact with the reader.

    I am increasingly drawn to becoming an active participant in this unique form of media as a means of expressing myself. It just hasn’t happened yet.

    But, as much as I believe that blogs are brilliant, I still love the portability and ‘flick- through- ability’ of traditional books.

    Therefore, I would really like to win your book to inform my decision to blog, and to help equip me when I eventually do.

    Just as Problogger (the blog) is a first-class subscription in my feedreader, I’m sure that Problogger (the manual) would be as equally valuable a read in my book collection.

  2. I have been blogging about my profession for a few years now and have what I would consider a decent amount of posts yet my daily hit count is hovering around twenty. Recently a friend of mine and I took on a new en devour of starting a new blog catering specifically towards personal finance for individuals in their twenties. As COO of the blog I find myself reading many books on professional blogging that seem to take up space more than they provide content. I won’t say I’ve been following pro blogger for a long time, only recently have I attached to the feed. I’ve found your content useful and enjoy reading the past entries. However, my new blog is moving very slowly. I understand that everything takes time, and a lot of work goes into it and I have been trying. I’ve been making modifications to the things I need to modify, and have been trying to network. I am even pursuing classes and books to enhance my writing ability.

    Items I know need work on my blog include but are not limited to; Traffic generation, networking, marketing, content layout and creation.

    Having basked in your wisdom over the past few months I would love to have a handy resource available in a consolidated form e.g the book. Thank you for your consideration.


  3. When you published your book, I really want to buy it. But as a student, I don’t have credit card to buy from Amazon. So, maybe this is the change to me to get it. For free of course.. :)

    I’m currently living at Indonesia, a great country near you. Hope to get it as soon as possible. I’m sure it will make my blog better.

    Thanks for that..

  4. I’ve been a fan of Problogger for several months now and you give me great motivation. I’m hoping that your book will allow me to make it to the next step. My blog has been making 40% to 50% traffic gains each month but I think there is so much more I can do. Unfortunately I write a blog that’s in a very specific niche and it feels like it’s a constant uphill battle. I have a feeling that your book would certainly help me make it to the next level.

    I’m slowly getting emails from PR folks, advertisers and other bloggers asking to team up. I need the technical skills to make it all count. The Problogger book would certainly help me accomplish my goal of replacing my wife’s salary so she can stay home with our two young children.

  5. I live in Bangladesh, a country where we don’t have even paypal account.So its really hard to get your book here.
    I am very much passionate for my blogging .I have been working on some other blogs too.I just not only want to earn but also too spread the ideas i have.I have already downloaded the free part of your book.It gave me hope but it also told me to be careful.And after reading your blog i am now more matured but i think after reading your book i will be an advanced blogger!
    “What do i need to improve my blog?”
    i need more readers.I need more commentators.I need more loyal readers,subscribers.Tips for Earning strategies and blog marketing.
    ‘What questions do iI hope it answers?”
    Blog promotion, and also monetization guide.
    ‘What’s my biggest need as a blogger?”
    To be confident about blogging.As i read your post everyday via google reader i feel how much hard working your are.Number 1.Still u blog regularly! I want to learn secrets of successful blogger.

  6. Hey there..

    I blog for work http://blog.spinvox.com

    For fun http://rogerandjames.blogspot.com

    For myself http://whatleydude.vox.com

    And for a friend http://smstextnews.com

    I enjoy writing every single one of them but no post is ever perfect. So any and all help on ‘being a better blogger’ will be graciously received and faithfully applied.


    Cheers and Good Luck to the other commenters!

  7. This giveaway was made for me! My blog officially launches Monday-less than 48 hours and I am still COMPLETELY overwhelmed with all I’ll need to learn. Oh, and I have plenty of time to ready your book because I’m diving into blogging FULL TIME from the get go. So really, any income would be fantastic. But I wouldn’t mind six figures either. =)

  8. Hi Darren,

    I’d love your book… but give it to Jade Craven :) She’s a member of my team in the 30DC, and she’s motivated, young, and passionate.. and I think she has the drive to make blogging work for her!

    Hopefully she can then share what she’s learnt with us, too!

    I’m going to spend my time learning all I can from your blog… then I’ll probably mosey over and grab a copy of your book.

    Thanks for being both an awesome inspiration, and proof that all of us jumping into this whole ‘blogging for a living’ thing have a chance, if we just take our time and do it right.


  9. Like anything we do in life, there is always more to learn. I started my blog in the spring with the intention of building it into a resource for others to go to in my niche.

    I have a lot to learn, and the process of learning will never end. I will always be changing and growing as a person and as a blogger.

    Having said that, I believe the greatest improvement for my blog would be developing solid consistent content. I have a lot to say, I just need to improve upon its delivery and sequence. I hope that the ProBlogger book can help with that as well as reveal a system of thought and strategy that I can implement regularly to maintain a quality site that others will benefit from. The biggest need, at present, would be a consistent system for marketing the blog that I can implement regularly while also maintaining the day job. I know that your book can provide the solutions to these situations and more. I look forward to receiving it.


  10. I have recently started BlogStroll and I am seeking sources of inspiration. While I think that my niche can only be worked upon by me, but getting educated on overall blogging culture and successful methods is always welcome.

  11. Because I’ve had some early success generating visits from social media, but getting people to stick around seems hard. I’m stuck at 250 RSS reader and 6,000-9,000 visits per month.

    I need help getting to the next level.


  12. I love blogging, and I plan to create a career and businesses out of my blog.

    In my family and close circle of friends I know a lot of people that could benefit from creating a Blog and going about creating businesses online similar to what I’m doing.

    The book is physical and a tool that can help change peoples lives… its not easy trying to explain what blogging is or how it can benefit others, but this book does all that and more.


  13. I’d love to win that copy because Amazon doesn’t accept my Dad’s credit card for some reason, and I’m 16 and am unable to avail a card here.

    I really want to buy the book, but at the moment, I’m unable to.

  14. Darren,you are my make money online idol.Your blog is no.1 from the 100 make money online blog.It really very impressie me.

    I need the book because i know it is very informative and full with practical guidance.

    There are many things to improve my blog such as quality article(i need people to contribute article to my blog),latest plug in,creating my advertising banner.

    Besides, i also need more visitors to come to my blog because this will increase the value of my blog.I really sure the book can help me a lot.The question that i really want to know the answer is how to be top 10 list in Yahoo and Google search engine.Well,i hope i will get it as soon as possible.Yeah i know i need to work hard,yes now i really work hard.

    As a full time blogger ,my biggest need to make $2000 constanly every month.That it.If i got more tahn that thank to Got.It bonus to me.I really hope i get your book.Beside that Darren I always come to your blog everyday to get your new tips and useful article that i can apply on my bloghttp://www.amirulcyber.com

  15. http://www.epicriding.com

    I have established myself within my small niche, but would love to gain more subscribers–both in and out of my niche–and more traffic. Blogging has helped me improve my writing and my photography by leaps and bounds.

    I’d love to be able to cross over from a niche blog, to a more mainstream audience without changing the heart of what I write. Is it possible? Hopefully the book can help me find out.


  16. Hi everyone, I have been running a blog on finance http://SingaporeProfit.com for about year, hoping to educate young people to make better judgements on their expenditure, savings and investments.

    After being excited about it for a long time, I lost the zest to continue with it until recently. I need to realign my goals with my blog and at the same time bring this to a higher level, especially when the economy is not doing well.

    I wish to become a problogger so that I can make better use of my time doing something I really love. With your book, I will be able to move closer to my goals. Thanks!

  17. http://www.dealseekingmom.com

    My blog is fairly new, just under a month old, and while I’ve had a fair amount of success to start, I know that I have a LOT more to learn. I’ve been a subscriber to ProBlogger since I started blogging, and I’ve picked up many useful tips, so I’m sure your book would help me immensely. I’d learn all I could from it, and then I’d pass it on to some other deserving person. Thanks for the opportunity!

  18. Thank you so much for providing such a great opportunity to your readers!

    I am an aspiring writer, currently pursuing a graduate degree in Creative Writing and using my blog as a way to share my writing with others. I secretly think that I have excellent content, but my blog has a very small readership. The statistics discourage me sometimes.

    In addition, I run my own freelance writing business and hope to use my blog as a way to broadcast my talents and abilities to my potential clients. As a graduate student, I don’t have a lot of money, and I’m always looking for creative ways to earn a little extra cash. A girl’s got to be able to enjoy life outside the university library every once in a while!

    I know that I’m a good writer, but I need help attracting readers! I am confident that people will continue to read my blog once they discover it, but the problem is that they have to find it.

    Thanks again!

  19. I would love a copy of the book. My blog: http://blogversary.blogspot.com

    I think my content is okay (getting better with each piece I write), but my presentation (platform, graphics, layout etc) needs help.

    I would like to know more about what details are important and which details are not for a successful blog.

    I am starting to truly feel comfortable as a blogger, and I want to take my motivation and develop a blog worthy of being read and remembered.

    Finally, I am a frugal person and winning a book is definitely a great way to own a book. -Thanks.

  20. I just picked up a copy of this book last weekend. I have found a lot of great infomation in it and also found this site because of the book.

    When I’m done with my copy I will give it to the local library.

    I’m sure anyone that wins this book will find something in it they can us.

    Good luck everyone!


  21. As “just another” mommy blogger, I need to learn how to differentiate myself while still providing the crafts, activities and homemaking tips that I’m passionate about. Because I’m on a slow satellite connection, knowing how to prioritize the tasks on my to-do list from most effective on down would be a huge help as I work hard to grow my audience and connect with readers.

  22. http://collegevegan.com

    I’ve been reading problogger for months, and am really just writing this blog for fun. Weird that I’d write it for fun and be interested in the problogger book, eh?

    Well, the way I see it, I want the blog to be the best it can be, and have the best, most informative experience for the users. I figure I can learn a lot from problogger about how to do a professional job, even though I don’t expect to earn any money from my little blog.

    Hell, I might even be like you, darren, turning a fun hobby into something more? Anyway, I’d just like to improve my blogging for myself and the readers!


  23. I’d like to give it to my wife. My wife is a talented and creative writer who just recently began blogging. She has become passionate about telling her stories online at http://nothingbetterthanablankpage.blogspot.com/, but still hasn’t figured out how she might make a dollar doing the thing she is passionate about.

    If you give me the book, I will give it to Valerie, and it may make a big difference in her life…


  24. It was morning, July 12th, 1975 and a strapping 19 year old, laced to the shins with a pair of size 10 Herman Survivors sporting a black Vibram sole, stuck out his right thumb and launched himself across the world on a thin white line that would forever change his life.

    In the 70’s Hitch Hiking was as much a part of the American Dream as listening to Dad’s war stories of how he had been pitched across the ocean to the summit of the rugged mountain peaks of the Italian Alps to save the free world. That wild winding thread went North over the snow covered passes of the Rocky Mountains on a Grand Adventure that would be transforming a Boy into Man and a Man into a Hero and a Hero into a living Legend.

    It was 33 years later to that fateful day I left the road and walked straight into a small cramped store in the sweetest little Port City of Marquette, which is snuggled into the shores of Gitchi Gummi the world’s largest wilderness lake.

    Crossing the isle I was magnetically drawn to a shining white object sitting on a shelf. Picking up a book, I was instantly exposed to the secrets of wind, fire and ice from the legendary and world renowned Hero, Darren Rowse and like a crazy fool I set the book back down on the shelf and walk out that store… Oh, Boy I wish I would have bought that Book!

  25. Wow already 68 comments! You’re going to have some reading to do Darren.

    As for me, I’ve been freelancing for over a year, and I’m just now hitting the blogging scene hard (although I’ve been reading your stuff for about a year too). Freelance Twins is the blog I just started up to show how I’ve been making money online for the last year.

    I would love to have a chance to get a copy of the Pro Blogger book so have right at my side as reference while I broaden my horizons as a blogger. My writing is already pretty good since that’s what I’ve been doing to earn money recently, but knowing all the ins and outs about running a blog and being a pro blogger would be exceptional.

  26. Relatively Journalizing — http://joshuadelung.blogspot.com
    I need to improve my blog by narrowing my niche. I created it to chronicle my graduate internship at the recommendation of my adviser, but it became an addiction. Now, I’m more interested in ever in social marketing and Web 2.0 (as I’m a PR major with an undergraduate degree in journalism). I want to learn how to target the right market for my blogging style to grow my blog and network because I hope to blog and use other social marketing tools in my own PR firm someday. My biggest need as a blogger is to grow my subscriber/reader base and to keep creating content that will bring these audience members back time and time again. I hope to use these contacts as a base to create an online community to generate free speech, creative ideas and a forum for progress in mass media and communications.

    Joshua A. DeLung is a graduate student in the Department of Communication at Virginia Tech. His undergraduate degree is in journalism, from the W. Page Pitt School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Marshall University. Mr. DeLung’s work experience is as a journalist in both editorial and reporting positions, a public speaking college instructor and in public relations and marketing for a firm in Roanoke, Va.

    According to Microsoft Word, this post is less than 250 words. Because the instructions said “under 250 words” and not 250 words or less, I felt that it should be exactly 249 words.

  27. Charlotte says: 07/13/2008 at 1:50 pm

    I need the ProBlogger book as I am shortly beginning a multi-year round-the-world journey and hope to start a travel blog to go along with it that will contribute a little money to my travel expenses, provide a new source of information (the niche being low-cost, medium-term stays in less-travelled countries) for potential travellers, and inspire people to go overseas and live their dreams. Having such big goals, I would like to start learning from the best immediately to make my blog as enriching and popular as I can. I believe I have the writing skill, but I could definitely use the content and monetization advice.

  28. I have just discovered your blog today and it’s exactly what i’ve been looking for to help me improve my blog. I would tell you what I need help with but really the only thing that I have under control is my content! Everything else needs help!

    Why do I need your book? Many reasons, one is i’m new at this and can’t seem to get many visitors nevermind subscribers! I really need this blog to work so that I can create an additional income to supplement my income from full time employment. I am also a parent who receives no child support.

    One more thing, my blog is about free and cheap stuff on the web and getting a free book certinately fits that category!

  29. For meI have been blogging now more full time for only about 4 months…I find that it opens my mind and my thoughts to so many things that I would not have even thought of in the past.

    The blogging world is full of some great people that I have been introduced to and I find myself each day in wonder at the amazing things that people are doing out there and that people do for others.

    In regards to my blogging now, I feel that I am at a crossroads…I still have a lot to learn and this would open me to learning from one of the experts. I am constantly looking for new ways to improve as well as getting new readers and even in the future being able to make some eventual money with my blog (if possible).

    I now just need to have the resources to make it happen. I am building a great network of support, but could use some hands on resources to aid in my own personal understanding and development of this new method of communicating with others (at least new for me).

    Thanks for the consideration!

  30. Hi,

    I love to be one among all these people who would like to get the book as all of us know the value of the wonderful book.

    I am having some technology blogs which covers the programming aspect of different technologies which is a comfortable topic for me.One of them is


    It has got a page rank four and having 65000+page views per month.Recently i turned into a custom domain as


    Well how to do this smoothly has turned into a small problem and i want to through some good light on this topic.

    How to get back my page rank ?
    Even i want to know how to turn this blog to a web site and what are the issues that has to be taken care to do this.

    I had all ready reached a certain level of traffic and it is all most stand still and how to go to the next level is also a difficult question for me.

    I will be glad if i see some posts about this topics and of course i will be very glad if I am the winner.

    Thank you Darren.

  31. My Blog (The Couch Potato)


    My blog has been growing ever since I found this site but I could use some more help. I believe I have good content and it is improving every week that I blog but I need help with trying to attract people to my blog. I have tried to get people to come to my blog but I obviously need some help with it. I could also use some help with trying to create a community on my blog and get my readers to leave comments. Currently I get very few comments compared to the amount of visitors that I get.


  32. Hi Darren,

    VeganBits.com has been in existence for 7+ months. The traffic to my site has been increasing steadily. The subscribers have been increasing proportionally. However, being in such a specialized niche, which doesn’t have high paying advertisers, it’s difficult to monetize. I was hoping that your book offers some suggestions.

    Even if I am not the winner, please let me know if you feel that your book offers such ideas, and I’ll purchase a copy of my own.


    Lane of VeganBits.com

  33. While my blog is growing, it is slow. http://www.zerosource.org I have used the website to help me develop my blog and signed up for Ad Words and Chikita based on the recommendations from this site. My readership fluctuates on a daily basis from almost none to a few hundred. I hope this book will help me learn to keep the readers and turn them into subscribers.

  34. I want your book to help promote my webcomic (at http://www.lastres0rt.com).

    Yes, it’s not “really” a blog so much as it has a blog attached to it, but who cares? That’s where any blog I link you to will funnel to eventually.

    I’ve read enough about blogs and blogging from following you and twenty other RSS feeds that I doubt the book would tell me something I didn’t already know, if that was all I wanted to do. I’m far more interested in how the whole blogging mantra can be applied to other, non-blog works to make them more interesting, more appealing, and sure, profitable. There’s something distilled about blogging that I want to harness and discover for my own purposes, and not just for the purposes of “more successful blogging”.

    (Besides, webcomics are a type of blog anyway…)

    Most books on comics only focus on the content in the comics themselves, so it’s caused me to seek out books in other fields (like yours) to fill in the gap between my content and everyone else’s eyeballs. I doubt your book will help me, but at least it’s one less book that focuses on the content at the expense of how to make people read that content.

  35. Hi ! I am new in blogosphere and a student of Electronics too . I am not much in to Web technology , still I am working hard to learn these things ( XML , AJAX , PHP etc. ) . Besides these , I am working on other areas ( like : building readership , focusing on writing good stuffs etc . ) . To perform these things simultaneously , I have to go through this infinitely large Internet ( to read different blogs , websites , tutorials , podcasts ) .

    I think that this book will be a boon for me , as it is a “Complete Guide” for being a successful blogger . So , I don’t need to go for an infinite search , which sometimes results some Poor and un-authorised tips !

    Being a student , I can’t afford purchase of book and hence , I wish to get this give-away .

    My biggest need as a blogger is to get some tips on building readership and getting some reputation as a blogger . Because , I feel that if you don’t have these things , you can be successful ; even if you write good stuffs !

    I blog @ TechRaga : http://Blog.ArpitNext.com

  36. I need this book because I am just starting out as a blogger and my goal is to become more wealthy and famous than all bloggers including Problogger. The best way to do that is to get your book and study it and know your techniques.

  37. Jon Smock says: 07/13/2008 at 2:46 pm

    I would love to obtain this book. I’m about to launch a blog with my Dad, a psychologist, in the family/parenting blog niche. While I’ve been active in the blogosphere for about a year (I suppose longer if you count my old xanga account in high school), but he’s relatively new and still getting his feet wet. We’d both learn a lot from this book!

  38. Hi Darren, I’ve followed your and Chris Garrett’s blogs for the past few months and I’ve not only learned some cool tips and gained ideas, but I’ve also become more attuned to social media and personal branding.

    I’m a public policy and technology geek, and I blog about politics, society, and culture at http://www.ariwriter.com. I seek to continue my career in public affairs and ultimately public office; and I find it incredulous that so-called policy experts like U.S. presidential candidate John McCain admits he is computer illiterate and does not know how to use a computer.

    I am computer literate, something I learned 25+ years ago. I’ve blogged on and off for years. But I’m currently unemployed due to the near-U.S. recession and can’t afford to buy books. I know your book is not available through my public library; I checked.

    So, what do you say?

  39. Hi Darren,

    I have a blog http://technotip.org and actually I am also having a ProBloggerBook.
    And I also have many friends(including my lecturers) who want to be bloggers.And they always keep asking me many things about blogging (everything about internet).
    I have been telling them about your book and I have also told them, not to get it xeroxed.So they are trying to collect money to buy the book from Amazon.
    Now if I get this book, I will just conduct a contest here and give it to a person who deserves it.

    And Darren, I really liked the Contents of the Book and I am trying to implement one by one in my blog.
    And please me something about my review of the ProBloggerBook at http://technotip.org/problogger-book-review/

    With Best Regards,

  40. I started a corporate blog site and we now have 3 blogs. We are rolling out a lot of quality content and I’d like to increase the readership of the blog.

  41. Seems like a good book to have around, so if your giving one away I may as well try and be the recipient. My blog is located within my http://BensonBear.net website, I could really use any book on blogging actually as i have nothing in paper form on the subject. If I’m going to eventually have my first book on blogging, I may as well go ahead and make it one of the best available.

    What do I need to improve on my blog? I guess the blogging software side of it at the moment is what I’m looking at. The Web-App software(I’m an admin with the group) is really lacking in the articles publishing code, and needs a lot of improvement. So I’ve tried to begin blogging, to research what’s involved with blogging. So that I can help improve our articles publishing aspect of our code.

    What questions do I hope it answers? I guess I would hope it gave your result, in terms of figures and opinions on each secret deployed. the do’s and the don’ts. How to keep score of each tactic to know whether or not its effective as used, or that it needs modified, or even perhaps completely abandoned type of analysis. Of course, what software features your glad you have, and those you wish you had are important for sure.

    My biggest need would be how to organize everything in my life that’s non-blogging related, so that it gets done. Otherwise blogging considerations would use up all my time and nothing would get done. That’s in terms of needs as a blogger. In terms of needs as a coder. basically an account of what your doing and why over a time period that would account for you doing almost everything that you would do as a blogger.

  42. I am a school boy and I am really fond of blogging. But i haven’t been able to get involved in blogging. I just have a blog, i do almost nothing with it. I want to become a real blogger and I hope your book can help me. The link to my blog :http://www.jaseemumer.com

  43. I need the book to help me more confidently take the next steps needed to make my website, http://WebsiteMarketingWorkshop.com, the kind of website that provides the best steps to improve their business at a time when the economy is struggling.

    Or I could just buy the book the next time I’m on Amazon — it’s already on my wish list.

    Thanks for your great blog,

  44. I have a dead-end job that I absolutely hate. I spend all day being a slave to a system that knows no limits. Blogging is my escape from that. I long for the days when I can work from my home office and be my own boss. I love to write. I especially love to write about things that other people find useful…

    That being said, my blog has made me a whopping $14 in the past year. I read this site daily, however I feel that the book may bring it together for me.

    I don’t know exactly what I need to improve on my blog, but I know that I can always improve something. I’m hoping your book can help me increase the traffic to my blog, ultimately increasing revenue. While I am quite pleased with my writing style, I do feel that my choice in topics might require some improvements.

    Quite simply, I am looking for some additional directions, and I believe you have the information I desire.


  45. http://BroncoTalk.net

    Darren, I love the blog. I’m sure I’d love the book too. :)

    I want the book because I’m looking for help to cross the next threshold. Part of that is my PageRank – I’ve been frustratingly stuck at PR 3 for nearly a year, despite active networking efforts. It’s beginning to handcuff me – advertisers are even using my relatively low PR as a bargaining chip,

    I want to know more about the best techniques to building a network, and become an authority in my niche. I’m active in forums and in other blogs, I link to other blogs as well, but I’m not getting a lot of reciprocated activity.

    Thanks for the consideration.

  46. Hey Darren,

    http://www.wethepeoplepolitics.com is my site.

    Why do I need the book? I need the book because while I have been blogging for some time, the hardest thing I have found when trying to really learn a step by step method to creating a great blog is that on blogs about how to blog, it never starts from the beginning. Whatever makes sense is where the blogger decides to write about. I feel with this book, I could first learn everything I need to learn, but then use it as a ‘pass around’ kind of book to give to other writers that I have working with me on my blog.

    I think it would be a great thing to have for myself and also for those that work with me. I look forward to hearing if I won the book. Thanks a lot, Darren!


  47. Right now I have a blog about life in Dubai.

    What I look forward to improving the most is how to present the content in such a way that it is interesting to those who don’t live in Dubai. I want to convert it into an international lifestyle blog, or something. From the book I hope to learn how to make the blog sticky, how to reach out to maximum readers and how to make them keep coming back. As a blogger I need to figure out how to keep generating new content no matter how occupied and tied up I get.

  48. My Blog (one of several): http://www.lighteningonline.com

    I began blogging out of interest and quickly developed a passion for it. A passion like I’ve not had for anything else I’ve done in life. It was only when I realised how much I LOVED it that I even contemplated earning money from it. I’ve always been taught that the best “job” to have in life is doing something you are passionate about. So I started to look into whether I could turn my passion into a way of bringing about an income. As a stay at home mother, problogging would also give me the flexibility I believe a primary carer needs.

    What do you need to improve on your blog?

    Can I say everything? I’m a believer that there is ALWAYS room for improvement in all areas.

    What questions do you hope it answers?

    I’ve learnt HEAPS since I began blogging but it’s all been in quite a muddled, “bits and pieces” type order. I like the idea of being able to sit down and read a book from start to finish and hopefully put some of my muddled thoughts into some sense of order.

    What’s your biggest need as a blogger?

    More traffic

  49. Denise says: 07/13/2008 at 4:31 pm

    Hi – I believe there’s a good chance that the spare copy of your book has my name on it. I recently discovered you/ProBlogger through StevePavlina.com site a few weeks ago. My life hasn’t been the same since. I’m hooked! You’ve lit a fire in me. Because this is a very new world for me, I spend about 7-9 hours a day educating myself through your site, and those you link to. I also signed up for your newsletter. I’m at the point of trying to come up with a name and considering (due to one of your posts) going through typepad (I think). I’m just trying to understand what I’m doing so I do it right. Even though I’m somewhat tech challenged, I’m trying to learn this so I can stay in for the long haul and not create a mess for myself. With so many questions, I could truly use your book. Anyway, I look forward to learning more. Thanks.

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