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Do You Have Any Blogging New Years Resolutions?

Posted By Darren Rowse 3rd of January 2010 Reader Questions 0 Comments

The new year is here and in chatting with a lot of bloggers this past week I’m hearing a lot of optimism and planning going on when it comes to blogging in 2010.

Do You Have Any Blogging New Years Resolutions for 2010?

Would love to hear your thoughts on where you’ll be heading and what you’re planning?

My plans are coming along for ProBlogger. I’m planning on a review of the whole brand of ProBlogger in the coming weeks, a redesign (that will flow out of that), new features and levels on ProBlogger.com, a new E-book in the coming month and a lot more.

What about you?

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. I know it is a simple and fundamental practice but one goal is to create at least one post per week and comment on others blogs at least three times a week.

  2. Mine was to have an e-report available for email subscribers. I had it ready in December–sent a guest post to you about it.

  3. My New Year’s resolution is to take The Shopping Nazi to the level of providing a full time income.

  4. My one resolution (although I prefer goal) is to increase posting consistency by posting at least two times each week – no matter what. Last year I averaged 115 page views per day, but when I look at the periods of inconsistent posting I know it could have been much higher with just a little effort.

  5. My big plans for my blog this year mostly just involve getting active again, participating more in the community, reading and commenting more, and trying NOT to let myself get discouraged when my stats are down or I don’t get as many comments as I’d like. 2009 was basically a big suckfest and my blog suffered as a result — hoping to try and get back to those first months when I loved it just because I loved the process, instead of focusing so much on the “work” of it. Happy New Year!

  6. Most important is to learn, apply, do and give more. I have others, I’ll disclose them when I achieve them. Nothing worse than saying you are going to do something, then don’t go through with it.

  7. I have a lot of plans this year and started implementing it from now onwards. First i am going to start two new blogs along with this new blog and will start work on my old blogspot blog.

    This year will be a new start and i am going to make a serious impact on blogosphere this year.

  8. I plan to focus on relevant content – posted more frequently. This past year, I focused a lot on site design, ad placement, etc. This year, my plan is to focus primarily on content.

  9. I just have one resolution that i wont let my blog die this time since i always start blog but after few days i loose interest and don’t update it.

  10. My resolution is to make the blogging and podcasting into my business this year… so that’s a pretty big one since I leave my day job in 2 weeks.

  11. Create a video series of self defense moves for non-martial artists.

  12. UM…to actually post would be nice! ;) And I really want to focus on finding and supporting other new blogs. It’s pretty lonely when you’re new.

  13. Right now I am concentrating on building a new site. Then the focus turns to having good content and expanding not only my readership of my blog, but my reading of other blogs as well. Shall be a busy year and I am excited.

  14. My goal is to be more active as well, but I am also hoping to intensely follow the 2010 Olympics. I will be developing a plan in the next few weeks that is feasible for my full-time work schedule. I am hoping to find a balance with working full-time and developing my blog as well.

  15. Yep, plan to make post at regular intervals, network, increase my visibility and well make some money in the process. :)

    And look forward to that ebook you are mentioning.

  16. My goals, not resolutions, are increased traffic and monetization. I have a written plan, and intend on moving forward. For me, it’s all about time management.

  17. Work on earning a little income from Blogging and also to work on some added material …
    To be motivated some times remains my biggest goal every year …some times

  18. My new years resolution in blogging is to be more serious, have a consistent posting schedule and to improve my writing skills. Happy 2010!

  19. Mine are to blog with greater frequency, continue to use Twitter as a cross-promotional tool (from which I’ve already seen success) and to add more photography and video into my existing work.

    Should be a great year!

  20. I’m hoping to multiply my visiting numbers by at least 50% by the end of the year. I also want to establish somekind of routine and focus on the things I meant to focus on when I started the blog.

  21. My new year’s resolution for blogging is to produce more content. I have just started my new blog (the one I’m putting my attention towards) and it has very little content. I already have a lot of followers on Twitter and a good design, so it all just comes down to producing the content. The challenge will be to do it when I have so many other commitments in my life. I think that I can definitely do it.

  22. I didn’t really make any specific resolutions. I do, however, have a few general goals for my blogs.
    This year will be big for blogosphere and I’ll be a part of it.

  23. 2009 ended with a nice pitch on my blogging revenues through last quarter. So I decided to launch a few more blogs for 2010. Actually already working on them.

    Happy new year everyone !

  24. Well, my goals for 2010 for my blog are to

    1. post quality articles more often (at least once a week) on my blog, Gloson Blog.

    2. comment on other blogs more often (like what I’m doing now).

    3. drive more traffic to my blog.

    4. get more comments on my blog.

    5. guest post on other blogs, at least 2 times a month.

    Well, those are my 2010 blogging goals! :-) And speaking of that, I’m gonna get back to work ;-) .

  25. To blog-hop more!

  26. I finally started my blog this week, does that count? (Actually I re-launched it after years of neglect)

  27. 1. Schedule my blogging time as “business” time.
    2. Triple my subscribers (I’ve doubled since September 09.)
    3. Write fewer, more meaningful posts. Lose the fluff.

  28. This year, I will try to be more focused on a specific task. Last year, I started lots of things but I usually leave leave it unfinished. This time, there will be zero unfinished business in my life. Period… I hope.

  29. My goals this year include reading more blogs. Sometime this past year I got too busy to read/comment on other blogs in my niche. It’s time to discover some new ones and get involved!

    A makeover of my blog is another big goal. I’m hoping for an original theme of my own design, coded by my husband!

  30. I just posted mine yesterday.

    Big Hairy Scary Goals. But I’m going for it. No matter what.

    Since my main purpose is to serve others and build up a support network for WAHMs (work at home moms) I figure that even if I only help a few people, I will still have made a difference to *those* people. If I’m able to help thousands, then mores the better!

    Thanks for always posting such helpful stuff.

  31. In 2010 I intend to be more intentional on my blogs. Both are small, but have show a tad bit of growth the end of 2009, so I plan on nurturing that glimmer of growth via content and marketing. The specifics will require more thought: something I will do in the next few weeks before school starts up and the doctoral program once again begins to take over my brain space.

    The other goal–implemented minimally by adding the link to my bookmark toolbar–is to participate in the Problogger Community. I have much to learn and there is no time like the present.

  32. I’m planning to release a product this year. That’s my goal.

  33. No resolution, per se. Just some goals for 2010.
    The big 3 are:

    I will increase my subscribers by 10x
    I will post 3x per week for the year
    I will give back more this year

    Happy New Year!

  34. to simply be more of myself.

  35. I plan to focus more on content, and guest posting.

    New Blogging and Twitter ebooks soon to be released.

    Also focus more attention to NON Google traffic sources.

    All this planned by my blog’s 1 year anniversary.

    Then I will see what has worked and not worked and go from there.

    Happy New Year.

  36. July 2009 I started my blog and was overwhelmed with all the learning behind having a blog. Now I feel better about the goals and plans for my 1st blog.

    1. Grow blog to 1000 subscribers
    2. Get 1000 unique hits per day
    3. Post 3x or more per week
    4. Actively participate in forums

  37. I plan to do one of these posts at the end of each year:


    The response is great so far.

  38. No resolutions as that, but just continuing to work as I did lately. Publishing the best content I can and connecting to as many people in my target audience as possible. Both in order to grow my blog in 2010.

  39. Sheilah says: 01/03/2010 at 3:47 am

    I think about starting a blog and then I become overwhelmed. I now realized that I’m haunted by the concept of doing a blog and it keeps coming back to me…better do it before I go insane. Ok, I’ve had a long talk with myself and pledge in 2010 that I will be a blogging gal.

    Here’s to a wonderful new year. Happy New Year bloggers.

  40. I posted 7 new year’s resolutions on my site dedicated to my readers and asked them to give me feedback on three more they would like to see
    My 7 were the following:

    1. In this year, you will receive at least one useful article every week from SouthernHiker.

    2. SouthernHiker will keep you updated on outdoor news in the Southeast.

    3. I will personally hike and write on at least 500 miles of trails this year.

    4. You will receive detailed articles on at least 3 long backpacking adventures and trails this year, and how to prepare for them.

    5. You will get more, detailed information on major outdoor events in the Southeast.

    6. More gear reviews for the equipment you need for camping, hiking, and biking in the Southeast.

    7. You will have some of the best guest writers in the Southeast writing for SouthernHiker in 2010.

  41. No resolution just blogging because I love it :D

  42. Well, my ultimate goal is to establish a regular and stable income of 500$/month. I think I can achieve that by making 1-2 more blogs about things that I am really interested at, and make my own way in affiliate marketing.

  43. Plan on DOUBLING my blog subscribers from 2 to 4!!!!!! Lofty goal I know :) I want a focused blog but don’t know what to blog about exactly – so I hope to get some sort of focus and charge madly in the direction of my goal…. Happy New Year!

  44. I think I need to concentrate more on the revenues from the blog which I haven’t thought of yet … Blog growth is necessary and for it quality content is required … so back to square .. writing quality content is the motto for 2010 …

  45. Mine are quite similar to a lot of others in the thread. Post at least twice a week. Contribute meaningful comments to other blogs. A new custom design for my blog. Get some people to subscribe to my blog feed. This will be a big challenge for me as I’m more a developer than designer.

    Good luck to you all for the coming Year.

  46. I started by Brain Science and Creative Writing blog last July and it’s been so much fun. For 2010, I’d like to reach 1000 subscribers as well. I’m also playing around with the idea of a new science blog about reading research, but I’m not certain enough of its viability to make any solid goals for it yet.

  47. I’d like to learn how to take better pictures, better food pictures that is and of course to build my readership.

  48. My goals for my blog are just to up my hits and subscriber count. Since it’s a personal blog, nothing too crazy. :)

  49. Started Joyconnector blog – a personal development blog last year. Hope to increase the number of quality posts, drive more traffic, increase more comments.

    Most important of all, I hope I can create more value to the readers to achieve win-win outcome – a group of loyal satisfied readers.

    Also, to improve the security of my blog to prevent unauthorized user login.

  50. I have a few items on my list for 2010, they are posted here


    Please feel free to stop by and have a read.

    Happy New Year and I look forward to another blog re-design here. :)

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