CategoryWriting Content

Stop Looking for Your Blog’s Voice
This guest post is by Matthew Setter of Malt Blue. Recently I read a post by Jeff Goins on ProBlogger, called Finding Your Blog’s Unique Voice, which talked about having a distinct voice for your blog. Something that is uniquely you, original, and distinct. That post resonated loudly with me, ...more
Writing Content

Blogosphere Trends + Improving Readability
Hello again, fellow bloggers! Last month, we talked about how to find and interpret your blog’s readability score. If you weren’t happy with what you found, don’t worry: there are plenty of ways to improve readability and we’ll look at a few today. Some, such as using shorter sentences, may ...more
Blog Design

Writing to Attract, Retain and Engage
The written word is a powerful thing. Used responsibly, it can educate people about the possibilities that they face, inspire them to improve their circumstances, and empower them to take the necessary actions. Used irresponsibly, it can cheat and manipulate. And used badly, it’s just dull, boring, and pedantic. Which ...more
Writing Content

10 Tips for Opening Your Next Blog Post
Have you ever sat down to write and suffered from Opening Line Paralysis (OLP)? It happens to me all the time—in fact it’s taken me about 15 minutes just to start this post. You know what topic you want to write about, and you might even have more main points ...more
Writing Content

A Superior Writing Method
This guest post is by Stephen Guise of Deep Existence. Picture this: you have just finished writing and editing a magnificent piece. The next morning you sit down with your favorite warm beverage to read your masterpiece once more. But as you reread the post, you realize it is about ...more
Writing Content

5 Reasons to Be Authentic Instead of Generic
This guest post is by Nihara of Doing Too Much. I’ll never forget what my sister said when I showed her the first iteration of my blog. “BOH-ring!,” she announced after scrolling through the first few posts. “It’s all so very dull and generic.” Fortunately, she did have some constructive ...more
Writing Content

How to Use Private Label Rights to Get Content for Your Blog
This guest post is by Pawel Reszka of For the time-strapped blogger who’s constantly struggling to write fresh, unique content, PLR can seem like a godsend. Pre-written copy that you can claim as your own? Sign me up—right?! Of course, as most of us know, it isn’t that simple. ...more
Writing Content

How to Format Blog Posts Effectively
“Beyond writing good quality content, how can I format my posts so that they communicate more effectively?” I was asked the above question by a reader earlier today on Twitter and shot them back a series of DMs with the following suggestions that I thought might interest others (I’ve expanded ...more
Writing Content

How to Get Your Guest Posts Accepted Every Time
This guest post is by Ali Luke of Aliventures. Maybe you’ve written guest posts, but they’ve been turned down. Maybe you don’t feel brave enough to target a big blog, because you’re afraid of rejection. You might see names popping up around the blogosphere with guest posts everywhere: I remember ...more
Blog Promotion