CategoryWriting Content

How to Make Getting Sidetracked Work for You as a Blogger
If you’re ever stuck for ideas to write about on your blog, here’s a little discipline that I’ve gotten myself into over the years that helps me a lot. It’s all about capturing those moments when you get sidetracked while writing blog posts. Make getting sidetracked work for you I ...more
Writing Content

How I Made it onto Freshly Pressed 3 Times in 6 Months
This guest post is by Hassan Osman of Less than a month after I launched my blog, one of my posts got featured on Freshly Pressed—’s homepage where each weekday, ten posts are selected from around 450,000 new blog posts. I didn’t even know what Freshly Pressed meant until ...more
Blog Promotion

Add That Special Something That Makes Your Readers Adore You
This guest post is by Kirsten Simmons of Personalized Productivity. Imagine your dream customer. The person who comments on every post, and opens every email you send. The person who replies to your tweets and tells their friends about you on Facebook. The person who immediately scrolls down your sales ...more
Writing Content

5 Crucial Questions to Ask Before Deciding to Blog in Another Language
This guest post is by Stephanie Hetu of Most of us international bloggers learned pretty much everything we know in English, just because the community of bloggers is there, huge, active, and available. We don’t have to search very far to learn all sorts of little tips and tricks ...more
Writing Content

Dancing Naked Down the Street
This guest post is by Carol White Llewellyn of Family, by Choice. On July 7, Going Gonzo, or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Blog, by Enzo F. Cesario, struck a chord with me. His post reminded me of a creative writing course I took with the ...more
Writing Content

Understanding Blogging Arbitrage
This guest post is by Kevin Muldoon of WordPress Mods. As I used to run a few poker discussion forums and information websites, a large part of my income over the last several years has come from poker referral commissions. Commissions have dropped every month over the last few years, ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Why Bieber SEO Copywriting Sex Doesn’t iPad Work Minecraft
This guest post is by Greg McFarlane of Control Your Cash. Today, I bring you heresy. Not on the scale of Galileo trying to convince Pope Urban VIII that the sun doesn’t revolve around the Earth, but close enough. Stop believing the lies. SEO is a fool’s errand. SEO copywriting ...more
Search Engine Optimization

Usable Content: a Blogger’s Introduction
You’ve probably heard of usability. Back in the day, when the web was wild(er) and free(r), usability proponents like Jakob Nielsen encouraged site owners to stop doing things like displaying yellow text on black backgrounds, shun the Blink and Marquee tags, and focus on helping users do what they wanted ...more
Writing Content

4 Tips for Pitching Guest Posts Like a Pro
This guest post is by Aman Basanti of Since launching my blog in Mid-may 2011, I have guest posted on a number of A-list blogs in the blogging and online marketing niches (including ProBlogger, MarketingProfs, and Daily Blog Tips). In doing so, I have learned some important lessons in ...more
Blog Promotion