CategoryWriting Content

How Inspiring Your Readers Drives them to Search for Information (and Interact)
One of my mantras that I’ve shared many times when speaking, and here in posts on ProBlogger, is to build blogs that: Inspire Inform Interact My experience is that a blog can really come alive when you not only provide readers with information, but also give them inspiration and a ...more
Writing Content

The Power of Being Vulnerable
This post is based on episode 255 of the ProBlogger podcast. A lot of bloggers feel that showing any sign of weakness will damage their reputation and weaken their authority . And so they talk only about their successes, and never about their fears, doubts, or mistakes. But I’ve learned from ...more
Writing Content

11 Quick Tips for Writing Compelling Blog Posts
This post is based on episode 78 of the ProBlogger podcast. The dictionary defines “compelling” as “demanding attention or interest”. Imagine if people thought your blog was compelling. Imagine if they read one of your posts and then immediately subscribed because they didn’t want to risk missing any more of them? ...more
Writing Content

11 Tips to Help You Post More Consistently
This post is based on episode 101 of the ProBlogger podcast. When it comes to blogging, consistency is very important. It keeps readers coming back, and ultimately determines whether or not your blog becomes one of the millions of blogs that have been abandoned over the years. However, knowing you need ...more
Writing Content

10 Writing Tips to Help You Sound More Human
This post is based on episode 52 of the ProBlogger podcast. As a blogger, you will be judged by everything you say. Of course, unless you’ve just starting out and have never received a comment on your blog, you probably already know this. But did you know you will also ...more
Writing Content

Are Schedules and Deadlines a Help or a Hindrance?
This post is based on episode 249 of the ProBlogger podcast. This week’s post is all about schedules and deadlines. Are they a good thing, or can they hold you back? We’ve talked a lot about deadlines and schedules over the years, and how they can help you publish content regularly. ...more
Writing Content

The Secret to Writing Effective Sales Copy
This post is based on episode 105 of the ProBlogger podcast. This week I want to talk about writing sales copy. Now chances are you’d much rather write a blog post than try and sell something. You may have even become a blogger so you can avoid writing sales copy. ...more
Writing Content

How to Structure Your Blog Posts with Subheadings
This post is based on episode 132 of the ProBlogger podcast. I’m willing to bet that every blog post you’ve ever written has a main heading at the top. (If you use WordPress, it’s usually the title.) But how many of them have subheadings? Even if you’ve never used them before, ...more
Writing Content

How to Edit Your Blog Posts in 7 Simple Steps
This post is based on episode 168 of the ProBlogger podcast. We often talk about being a great writer. But most great writers are also great editors, because chances are their first drafts were far from perfect. So here’s how to be a great editor of your own work and ...more
Writing Content