CategoryWriting Content

27th of June 2024 Darren Rowse

Mastering Engaging Opening Lines: 11 Creative Strategies to Hook Your Readers

My wife’s first words to me were… ‘Hi Michael, it’s nice to meet you’ …which was both funny and memorable since my name is DARREN, not Michael!   Ever wondered how some posts keep you hooked while others don’t catch your eye? It’s all in the opener. The first words ...more
Creating Content
13th of June 2024 Darren Rowse

How to Choose a Topic for Your Next Blog Post

Choosing the right topic to write about on your blog is vital if you want to write a post that engages your reader. Rushing the choice of topic can set you off in the wrong direction and end up wasting both your time and that of your reader. While sometimes ...more
Writing Content
9th of May 2024 Ellen Jackson

5 Ways to Write Faster

Running a business is a time suck of epic proportion. Planning, administration, product development, sales, delivery, email, bookkeeping, social media, marketing. It takes time. Throw in a family and you flit from demand to crisis without a moment to reheat that cup of tea you made three hours ago. Your blog post – that important but ...more
Creating Content
2nd of May 2024 Darren Rowse

How to Personalize Your Blog Like These 10 Top Bloggers

Lots of bloggers seem to do everything right, yet they don’t see much success. They write well-structured posts, they pay attention to SEO, they know the ins and outs of their blogging software … but something’s lacking. That missing “something” can often be personality. It’s the difference between a blog ...more
Blog Design
25th of April 2024 Ali Luke

5 Critical Elements You Need to Check Off for Every Blog Post

This post is by ProBlogger subject matter expert Ali Luke Over the past few years, I’ve conducted a lot of blog reviews for fellow writers. It’s always great fun to read other people’s posts … especially when they’re on topics that are totally new to me! Along the way, though, ...more
Writing Content
18th of April 2024 Darren Rowse

Mastering Blog Post Creation: 10 Essential Steps to Enhance Your Writing Process

It hits you like a TON of BRICKS! It’s an idea for that KILLER blog post that is just bound to bring you all the traffic that you’ve ever dreamed of. With the idea fresh in your mind you sit down at your keyboard and BANG it out – desperate ...more
Creating Content
14th of March 2024 Darren Rowse

How to Schedule Time for Writing

Maintaining Momentum in Blogging Series I find it is very easy to get distracted by the many different elements of maintaining a blog and the allure of social media, to the point where I find it hard to do the core element – creating content. Here’s how dedicating specific times ...more
Be Productive
28th of December 2023 Darren Rowse

Why Stories are an Effective Communication Tool for Your Blog

As I write this it is the last Tuesday morning of the month and I’m sitting in a local coffee shop going through my ‘end of the month routine‘. It involves a large lattè (everything else hinges on this) and some delving into my blogs metrics to see how they’ve ...more
Creating Content
6th of December 2023 Guest Blogger

Nine Ways to Spice Up Any Blog Post—Fast

This guest post is by Ali Luke of Aliventures. Did your latest post get all the readers, comments and tweets that it deserved? Probably not. You wrote a great piece, but somehow, it seemed bland. Your ideas were good, but the post lacks a little something. What you need is ...more
Creating Content