Ali Luke

30th of May 2024 Ali Luke

8 Steps to Become a More Confident Writer

Whatever you want to achieve by blogging – money, a fully-fledged business, recognition in your field, a creative outlet, or sharing your message with the world – you need to write. There’s no way around it. Blogging is writing. Your platform, your means of communication, involves putting words onto a ...more
Creating Content
25th of April 2024 Ali Luke

5 Critical Elements You Need to Check Off for Every Blog Post

This post is by ProBlogger subject matter expert Ali Luke Over the past few years, I’ve conducted a lot of blog reviews for fellow writers. It’s always great fun to read other people’s posts … especially when they’re on topics that are totally new to me! Along the way, though, ...more
Writing Content
1st of February 2024 Ali Luke

How to Write Faster, Better Blog Posts: 4 Techniques Top Bloggers Use

Is it taking you ages to write blog posts? You’re not alone… Whether you’re new to blogging or you’ve been running your blog for a while, the time commitment can be really overwhelming. Just getting one post published each week can be a struggle, especially if you’re focused on producing ...more
Creating Content
14th of September 2023 Ali Luke

7 Powerful Ways to End Your Next Blog Post

This guest post is by Ali Luke of Aliventures. You know your title has to hook readers. You know your first line needs to keep them reading. The start of your blog post matters. But so does the end. In fact, without a powerful end to your post, all the ...more
Creating Content
3rd of August 2022 Ali Luke

Get Your First 1000 Readers: Here’s Your Step by Step Plan

By ProBlogger Writing Expert Ali Luke. Has your blog got a grand total of three subscribers? (You, your test account, and your mum?) Maybe you’ve got a little bit further than that. You’ve got 10 or 20 or 50 readers signed up to read your posts or your newsletter. But ...more
Blog Promotion
1st of October 2020 Ali Luke

How to Structure Your Blog Posts with Subheadings

This post is based on episode 132 of the ProBlogger podcast. I’m willing to bet that every blog post you’ve ever written has a main heading at the top. (If you use WordPress, it’s usually the title.) But how many of them have subheadings? Even if you’ve never used them before, ...more
Writing Content
7th of November 2019 Ali Luke

Five Places to Find Work as a Paid Blogger

If you’re interested in paid blogging, you might be wondering where to find work. Do you need to know the right people? Should you hang out at conferences, hoping to be noticed? Or do you apply to loads of blogs in the hope that one of them is looking for ...more
Making money
31st of October 2019 Ali Luke

Seven Important Things I’ve Learnt from Eleven Years of Freelance Blogging

Have you ever thought of giving paid blogging a go? Maybe you see it as a means to an end, or perhaps a handy way to make some extra money to support your own blog. But paid blogging can also be a great way to super-charge your growth as a ...more
Writing Content
25th of October 2019 Ali Luke

Is Your Blog Draining Your Bank Account? Here’s How Freelance Blogging Could Help

Blogging can get expensive pretty fast. Buying a domain name is relatively cheap – often no more than $10. But after that the costs start adding up. You may need hosting. An email service provider. Security or technical help. A logo. A premium theme. Sure, your blog may eventually bring ...more
Making money