Darren Rowse

27th of June 2024 Darren Rowse

Mastering Engaging Opening Lines: 11 Creative Strategies to Hook Your Readers

My wife’s first words to me were… ‘Hi Michael, it’s nice to meet you’ …which was both funny and memorable since my name is DARREN, not Michael!   Ever wondered how some posts keep you hooked while others don’t catch your eye? It’s all in the opener. The first words ...more
Creating Content
20th of June 2024 Darren Rowse

8 Secrets to Crafting Blog Post Titles That Will Set the Internet Ablaze

Titles change the destiny of your posts. Those few words at the beginning of your blog post can be the difference between the post being read and spread like a virus through the web like a wild fire and it languishing in your archives, barely noticed. This month we’ve been ...more
13th of June 2024 Darren Rowse

How to Choose a Topic for Your Next Blog Post

Choosing the right topic to write about on your blog is vital if you want to write a post that engages your reader. Rushing the choice of topic can set you off in the wrong direction and end up wasting both your time and that of your reader. While sometimes ...more
Writing Content
6th of June 2024 Darren Rowse

How to Approach Influencers in Your Niche: Twelve Crucial Tips

Do you want to connect with influencers in your niche? Most bloggers do. But many of them go about it the wrong way. Forming relationships with influencers is something you really want to get right. Done well, it’s one of the best ways to grow your audience and brand. And hopefully ...more
Blog Promotion
2nd of May 2024 Darren Rowse

How to Personalize Your Blog Like These 10 Top Bloggers

Lots of bloggers seem to do everything right, yet they don’t see much success. They write well-structured posts, they pay attention to SEO, they know the ins and outs of their blogging software … but something’s lacking. That missing “something” can often be personality. It’s the difference between a blog ...more
Blog Design
18th of April 2024 Darren Rowse

Mastering Blog Post Creation: 10 Essential Steps to Enhance Your Writing Process

It hits you like a TON of BRICKS! It’s an idea for that KILLER blog post that is just bound to bring you all the traffic that you’ve ever dreamed of. With the idea fresh in your mind you sit down at your keyboard and BANG it out – desperate ...more
Creating Content
11th of April 2024 Darren Rowse

Can You REALLY Make Money Blogging? 7 Things I Know About Making Money from Blogging

Ever wondered if tapping away at your keyboard can really pay the bills? Is it really possible to make a living from blogging? Is it just a small number of people making money from blogging? Is it only really possible to make money blogging if you write about the topic ...more
Featured Posts
4th of April 2024 Darren Rowse

18 Lessons I’ve Learned about Blogging

In November 2002 I first heard the word blog after a mate e-mailed me a link and said I should consider starting one. Within 24 hours I’d created my first blog (a blogspot blog that doesn’t exist today). Since that time I’ve run 20+ blogs (most have survived, some have ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
28th of March 2024 Darren Rowse

How to Make $30,000 a year Blogging

Ever dreamt of making a living through blogging but feel overwhelmed by the journey ahead? You’re not alone. Many aspiring bloggers share the ambition of turning their passion into a full-time job, yet the path to achieving this goal often seems daunting. The Dream of Full-Time Blogging Last night I ...more
Blogging for Dollars