CategoryStrategy & Planning

2024 Blogging Breakthrough: Master Your Year-End Review and Propel Into Success!
It’s time! The end of 2023 is fast approaching… You’ve done a great job this year and you should be proud – no step, no matter how small, is too small. Had a gangbusters year? Good on you! Had a small year? I bet you’re further than you used to ...more
Be Productive

17 Statistics to Monitor on Your Blog
Today your task is to spend some time looking at your blog’s statistics/metrics package to see what you can learn from it. I encouraged participants in 31 Days to Build a Better Blog Challenge to make sure they had a metrics package installed on their blog before they started so ...more
31 Days to Build a Better Blog

10 Strategies to Boost Your Blog’s Traffic
As a blogger, one of your primary goals is to attract a larger audience to your website. More traffic means more visibility, engagement, and ultimately, more opportunities for monetization. Fortunately, there are several effective strategies you can employ to increase your blog’s traffic. In this article, we’ll explore ten proven ...more
Finding readers

Blogging the Festive Season: The Blogger-Consultant-Speaker [Case Study]
Tara Gentile (now McMullin) is a blogger and business strategist whose online presence underpins her thriving consulting business at As part of our Blogging the Festive Season series, we asked her how the festive season affects her business and blog. What does preparing for the festive season mean for ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

One (Surprising) Blogging Resolution You Should Make for 2022
It’s the start of a brand new year, and chances are that at some point you made some New Year’s resolutions. As a blogger, you may have set yourself some goals (SMART goals are something I recommend) such as: “I want to double my traffic.” “I want to create an ...more
Strategy & Planning

Evaluating Your Blog’s First Year: 12 Great Questions to Ask
I originally wrote this review process for bloggers who had started a blog through our Start a Blog Course however this is the same process that I go through EVERY YEAR for my own blogs and I’m sure it will help you too! Firstly … congratulations on making ...more
Start a Blog

Are You Spreading Yourself Too Thinly?
Today I want to share one last way to let your blog go to round off our 10 part series. It’s something that has at times almost brought my own blogging to a grinding halt. Problem Taking on too many projects and stretching yourself too thinly. There’s a fine line ...more
Be Productive

How do Bloggers Continue Their Professional Development?
I have a confession to make: I was a bit of a geek at school. I was the kid who asked questions all the time. What can I say? I loved learning. And I still do. Every part of the process is exciting for me – learning new things, meeting ...more
Strategy & Planning

7 Areas to Focus on During Your Mid-Year Blog Review
This post is based on episode 131 of the ProBlogger podcast and has been updated for 2021. A lot of bloggers do an end-of-year-review, where they analyze how everything went in the previous year and set goals for the new one. But when you set such long-term goals, it’s worth checking ...more
Strategy & Planning