CategorySocial Media

Building Your Personal Brand – One ‘Straw’ at a Time
31st of July 2007 Darren Rowse 36 Comments

Building Your Personal Brand – One ‘Straw’ at a Time

“Customers build an image of a brand as birds build nests. From the scraps and straws they chance upon.” – Jeremy Bullmore I heard the above quote from Bullmore a couple of months ago and since then have continued to mull it over as I think it applies to bloggers ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Why StumbleUpon Sends More Traffic Than Digg
6th of July 2007 Darren Rowse 121 Comments

Why StumbleUpon Sends More Traffic Than Digg

I was digging around in the Google Analytics stats for Digital Photography School this afternoon and did some analysis of some of the most popular pages on the blog over the last month. One page that has done exceptionally well and continues to bring in reasonable traffic even six weeks ...more
Blog Promotion
What Social Networking Sites Do You Use? How Do they Benefit Your Blog?
28th of June 2007 Darren Rowse 71 Comments

What Social Networking Sites Do You Use? How Do they Benefit Your Blog?

I’ve noticed over the last month that the numbers of requests to connect (or become friends) on social networking sites has dramatically increased. Every morning when I go through my inbox I find I’m approving more and more of these requests from Facebook and LinkedIn and even when I head ...more
Social Media
Social Bookmarking and Networking – How Involved Are You?
30th of May 2007 Darren Rowse 56 Comments

Social Bookmarking and Networking – How Involved Are You?

Belle from Working Blogger wrote me an interesting question last week on social networking and bookmarking communities that I thought might make an interesting topic for discussion for the wider community. She writes: “What on earth is a blogger to do about all the various social networking communities. I do ...more
Social Media
ProBlogger Readers Do it Better…. than Digg Users
25th of May 2007 Darren Rowse 39 Comments

ProBlogger Readers Do it Better…. than Digg Users

Wendy writes a great post today in her introduction to Social Media Strategy and Socially Driven Content. In the post she talks to bloggers about why they should learn about social media, what results they can get and how to start out in it. What caught my attention was right ...more
Blog Promotion
Being ‘Discovered’ vs ‘Slow and Steady’ Blog Growth
14th of April 2007 Darren Rowse 42 Comments

Being ‘Discovered’ vs ‘Slow and Steady’ Blog Growth

Kumiko asks – ‘I was studying John Chow’s traffic patterns through Alexa and noticed that his popularity really surged after four of his articles were listed on Digg and his traffic went through the roof. He was ‘discovered’ through these and his traffic levels have never really looked back. And ...more
Blog Promotion
Connect with me via Facebook… and more
9th of April 2007 Darren Rowse 21 Comments

Connect with me via Facebook… and more

Over the last few weeks I’ve had an influx of invitations to connect with people on Facebook. I’ve never promoted my page on this social networking site but as there seems to be some momentum on it I figure why not – so if you’d like to connect there please ...more
Social Media
Using Social Bookmarking Sites to Find Out What Your Readers Like
15th of February 2007 Darren Rowse 9 Comments

Using Social Bookmarking Sites to Find Out What Your Readers Like

Alex Iskold and Richard MacManus have put together a nice analytical post with some insights into how they determined which are the most popular posts on Read/WrightWeb based upon social bookmarking sites Digg and Delicious. I’ve seen people do this type of analysis of how their blog is going based ...more
Social Media
Digg To Stop Making Their Users Famous
2nd of February 2007 Darren Rowse 15 Comments

Digg To Stop Making Their Users Famous

Digg have decided to scrap the top Diggers list – as of tomorrow. This comes as a result of increasing numbers of people attempting to pay top users to get them on the popular page. This will cause a big stir among some digg users (especially those who have built ...more
Social Media