CategorySearch Engine Optimization

SEO Contest – Win $4000 and an iPod
16th of January 2006 Darren Rowse 12 Comments

SEO Contest – Win $4000 and an iPod

If you want to test your search engine optimization skills and you want the challenge of a $4000 reward (plus an ipod) you might like to check out the v7ndotcom SEO contest that Search Engine Journal is talking about today. Looks like some fun and a good way to learn ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Yahoo! Currently Updating Index
15th of December 2005 Darren Rowse 4 Comments

Yahoo! Currently Updating Index

It looks like Yahoo! are doing an Update at the moment. I tend not to get a lot of traffic from them but it’s always interesting to see what impact their updates have. Yahoo invites your feedback on the update on their blog. Thanks to Hagrin for the tip.
Search Engine Optimization
How to Rank Well in Google with Your Blog Matt Cutts Style
13th of December 2005 Darren Rowse 27 Comments

How to Rank Well in Google with Your Blog Matt Cutts Style

Performancing have a great interview with Google engneer and webmaster relations guy Matt Cutts where he talks about splogs, Adsense and ranking well in Google. It’s a really worthwhile article – especially his answer to a question about how bloggers could rank well in Google. I’ve broken his answer down ...more
Search Engine Optimization
2005 Search Blog Awards
13th of December 2005 Darren Rowse 5 Comments

2005 Search Blog Awards

I forgot to mention that over the weekend I was told I’d been nominated in Search Engine Journal’s latest Search Blog Awards in the ‘Search Engine Marketing and Contextual Advertising Blogs’ category. The list of blogs in the awards is pretty comprehensive, I’ve just surfed through quite a few of ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Is Squidoo Optimized Well for Search Engines?
12th of December 2005 Darren Rowse 13 Comments

Is Squidoo Optimized Well for Search Engines?

I’ve played around with Squidoo today and started a couple of lenses just to test them out. My first one is one by the same name as this blog – ProBlogger – Helping Bloggers Earn Money. My initial impression of Squidoo is mixed. I can see a few applications for ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Google Page Rank Changes Reported
23rd of November 2005 Darren Rowse 14 Comments

Google Page Rank Changes Reported

There are a few murmurings around the web today that Google might be making some adjustments to Page Rank again. Some are saying that it could just be a partial rollback on the most recent update (that it could have been too extreme) while others say it’s another update in ...more
Search Engine Optimization
What to Do when Your Google Traffic Disappears
15th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 25 Comments

What to Do when Your Google Traffic Disappears

I’ve had emails from a number of ProBlogger readers in the past week who have each told me that at some point in the last month they’ve seen drastic falls in their Google SERPs and as a result their referral traffic from Google. In each case their page rank has ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
On Meta Tags
10th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 8 Comments

On Meta Tags

Yaro asks Do Meta Tag Keywords Matter Anymore? and does a good job of explaining what they are and answering the question. His advice to whether we should use meta tags: ‘Yes and no. It definitely should not be prioritized and if you have other, better SEO things to do ...more
Google Update Underway – Jagger 2 Update
26th of October 2005 Darren Rowse 11 Comments

Google Update Underway – Jagger 2 Update

Matt Cutts reports that another Google update (Jagger 2) is underway. All the hardcore SEO types are speculating on what it all means over here. Seems to me this one won’t show any changes to your page rank – its all about your SERPs (search engine results pages) rankings.
Search Engine Optimization