CategorySearch Engine Optimization

Google Algorithm Update in Progress?
A number of readers have emailed me today asking if Google is updating it’s algorithm. I’ve noticed some slight shifts on two of my sites – but nothing major. Aaron Wall from SEO Book has noticed some significant shifts though and is reporting that an Algorithm Update / Refresh could ...more
Search Engine Optimization

How to Optimize Images for Google Image Search
Earlier in the month Chris Pearson wrote a post that I missed but which I think deserves a look if you’re interested in directing more traffic to your site via Google – well via Google Image Search. In it Chris outlines how to optimize images that you might use on ...more
Search Engine Optimization

How to Build Incoming Links to Your Blog
Are you looking to build the number of incoming links to your site? Brian has post together a useful post with 5 link building strategies that work which you might like to check out. He takes a look at these five strategies (headings are his – comments are mine): 1. ...more
Blog Promotion

Google Gives Clarification on Duplicate Content
If you’ve ever wondered what Google does and doesn’t clasify as ‘duplicate content’ then you might find this explanation of it on their official Webmaster blog. A few snippets: “What is duplicate content? Duplicate content generally refers to substantive blocks of content within or across domains that either completely match ...more
Search Engine Optimization

What should you do if your Google Ranking Falls and you lose all your traffic?
One of the most frightening things that can happen to a blogger making their living from blogging is when the traffic to their blogs dries up for one reason or another. There are numerous reasons why this might happen ranging from being hacked, to having a server outage, to not ...more
Search Engine Optimization

How to Optimize Your Blog for Search Engines
So you’re looking to increase the profitability of your blog for the Christmas period (and beyond). You’ve optimized your AdSense, Chitika and Affiliate programs, you’ve even written a little seasonal content…. but there’s one missing element…. Traffic. Unless you actually have people viewing your blog it is very difficult to ...more
Search Engine Optimization

Blogs, forums and .edu and .gov Links
This reader Quick Tip was submitted by Moshe Morris from SEM Basics. Oftentimes links from sites with the .edu and .gov extention can be particularly helpful when trying to rank well in the search engines. Here, then, is a quick and easy way to find some (potentially) high quality .edu ...more
Search Engine Optimization

Who is competing against you for your keywords
This reader Quick Tip was submitted by Moshe Morris from SEM Basics. Ultimately speaking, what determines if a keyword is difficult or hard to ran in the major search engiens is the quality of your competition. You can compete against every site in the internet, but if none of them ...more
Search Engine Optimization

How many sites compete for a keyword (and why you want to know)
This reader Quick Tip was submitted by Moshe Morris from SEM Basics. Moshe has submitted 3 tips to this series – I’ll run the next two later today as they are all SEO related. In SEO it is extremely helpful to know how many sites you are actually competing against ...more
Search Engine Optimization