CategorySearch Engine Optimization

Blogosphere Trends + Readability Scoring
12th of May 2011 Kimberly Turner 35 Comments

Blogosphere Trends + Readability Scoring

Do you know your blog’s readability score? If not, there are several ways to find out. But before you go calculating, let’s talk about why you should even care. For starters, the average American adult reads at a level between eighth and ninth grade, according to the National Adult Literacy ...more
Search Engine Optimization
How to Select Good SEO Keywords
27th of April 2011 Guest Blogger 136 Comments

How to Select Good SEO Keywords

This guest post is by Jeremy Myers of The problem with good keywords is that they are usually not words at all. Good SEO keywords are usually phrases, that is, two or more words strung together in a saying or idea. When you enter keywords into your meta keywords ...more
Search Engine Optimization
What is Google +1 … and What Does it Mean for Your Blog?
16th of April 2011 Guest Blogger 83 Comments

What is Google +1 … and What Does it Mean for Your Blog?

This guest post is by Jacob of On March 30th, Google announced the release of its latest addition to the search engine, a small button called the +1. As with any Google announcement, there are always going to be implications—both great and not so great—for the average and professional ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Google’s Panda Update—the Lessons I Learned
8th of April 2011 Guest Blogger 41 Comments

Google’s Panda Update—the Lessons I Learned

This guest post is by Kevin Sanders, of Things were going well over at my fitness blog. I was not an A-lister, but traffic was steadily increasing. I was starting to get ranked for several lower competition keywords. Organic traffic was improving. Then suddenly my search engine traffic dropped ...more
Search Engine Optimization
The Unsexy Truth about Finding Traffic for Your Blog
30th of March 2011 Darren Rowse 84 Comments

The Unsexy Truth about Finding Traffic for Your Blog

Last week I tweeted that I’d not checked my Google Reader account in a month. Well, it turns out that I’m not the only one. Within minutes, I started getting tweets back from others saying that they rarely check their RSS feeds any more. Instead, people were finding content from ...more
Blog Promotion
Do You Republish Other People’s Content? You’ll Want to Read This
3rd of February 2011 Darren Rowse 111 Comments

Do You Republish Other People’s Content? You’ll Want to Read This

Earlier this week Google’s “head of web spam”—Matt Cutts—posted on his blog that they’re implementing a change in their algorithm that impacts those that publish content from elsewhere on the Web. The changes are all about ranking the original sources of content higher than those who scrape/republish/copy it. This has ...more
Pro Blogging News
Social Media vs. SEO: My Approach
15th of November 2010 Darren Rowse 49 Comments

Social Media vs. SEO: My Approach

The SEO vs. social media debate is one that has been going on for a number of years now, and it hasn’t abated. A recent guest post here on ProBlogger titled Why Social Media is a Better Investment than SEO sparked some interesting commentary on Twitter after going live. Social ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Scribe SEO Deal Closes November 5
4th of November 2010 Georgina Laidlaw 9 Comments

Scribe SEO Deal Closes November 5

Scribe SEO‘s special Step Up deal is about to close. If you haven’t taken advantage of it yet, time is running out. According to Scribe, “SEO is not rocket science … You know you have to create valuable, reader-focused content, and also: You’ve got to do keyword research. You’ve got ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Why Link Exchanges Are Like Mosquitoes
30th of August 2010 Darren Rowse 75 Comments

Why Link Exchanges Are Like Mosquitoes

A Guest post by Akila from The Road Forks Last week, I had a revelation when, after spending ten minutes fiddling around with a VPN in Podunkville, China, I opened my email and found four link exchange requests, including one asking to exchange links with “The Toad Forks” rather than ...more
Search Engine Optimization