CategoryMiscellaneous Blog Tips

Does personal info belong on a business (or entrepreneurial) blog?
Tris has an interesting post asking should bloggers get personal on their business blogs? We could extend the question to commercial/entrepreneurial blogs also. ‘The problem is, I think, that blogs started off as very personal efforts. We knew about peoples’ struggles. We knew about their lives. Then as business blogging ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Declaring War on Blogger Apathy
It’s time to talk about something that has the potential to KILL your blog…. Apathy A blogger can have the best strategic plan in the world but if they have no motivation, passion or drive for their blogging it will almost always amount to nothing at all. One of the ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Blogging Goals
Wayne Hurlbert writes a post on Blogging Goals that might be a good follow up for some after my Strategic Blogging series of posts.
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Domain Name Suggestion Tool – DomainBot
I’ve been working on some ideas for new blogs over the past 2 weeks and as part of the exercise I’ve been looking at choosing domain names. Of course looking for a domain name can be a frustrating business – you know what you want but the chances are that ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

The Dangers of Niche Blogging
There is a helpful article over at on Niche Markets the Entrepreneurial Mind where Jeff Cornwall posts about the dangers of Niche strategy. Of course Jeff is writing in a broad sense for all businesses that target Niches but his theories are particularly relevant for those of us working on ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Declaring War on Blogger Apathy VI
This is the 6th and final post in a mini series on combatting Blog Apathy • New Stimuli – one of the best ways to get your creativity levels up is to expose yourself to new stuff. Buy a book, watch a movie, meet someone new, go for a walk, ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Declaring War on Blogger Apathy V
This is post 5 on a mini series on combatting Blog Apathy • Meme it Up – another way to get yourself a little more interested in and energised by your blog is to start some sort of Meme. Run a competition, start a blogging project, add a quiz or ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Declaring War on Blogger Apathy IV
This is post 4 on a mini series on combatting Blog Apathy • Develop a Posting Schedule – it’s amazing what you can produce if you give yourself a deadline. Whilst for some people the idea of schedules and plans might have the opposite effect – for many of us ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Declaring War on Blogger Apathy III
This is post 3 on a mini series on combatting Blog Apathy • Redesign – I always find a fresh coat of paint can really lift a room, a haircut can improve a mood and a blog redesign can get the creative juices flowing again. Tweak it, adapt it or ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog