CategoryMaking money

Can You REALLY Make Money Blogging? 7 Things I Know About Making Money from Blogging
Ever wondered if tapping away at your keyboard can really pay the bills? Is it really possible to make a living from blogging? Is it just a small number of people making money from blogging? Is it only really possible to make money blogging if you write about the topic ...more
Featured Posts

How to Make $30,000 a year Blogging
Ever dreamt of making a living through blogging but feel overwhelmed by the journey ahead? You’re not alone. Many aspiring bloggers share the ambition of turning their passion into a full-time job, yet the path to achieving this goal often seems daunting. The Dream of Full-Time Blogging Last night I ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Build Blog Products That Sell 6: Tell the World
This guest series is by Greg McFarlane of Control Your Cash. Welcome to the final installment in our hexalogy, concerning how to sell blog products in an era when people are reaching into their pockets and finding mostly lint. So far, we’ve discussed how to plan out products drawn from your ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Build Blog Products That Sell 5: Finding Customers
This guest series is by Greg McFarlane of Control Your Cash. History dictates that the current economic malaise will eventually end, but we’re still waiting for some unambiguous signs. That’s why for the past few weeks, we’ve been learning how to create products that are inspired by (and that tie into) ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Build Blog Products That Sell 4: Price Your Product
This guest series is by Greg McFarlane of Control Your Cash. If you’re late to this particular party, we’ve been spending the last few weeks examining ways to monetize your blog in an era when readers are holding onto their wallets more tightly than ever. Sure, you can make money by ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Build Blog Products That Sell 3: Develop Your Product
This guest series is by Greg McFarlane of Control Your Cash. Welcome to the third weekly instalment in our series on how to sell products of your own creation, via your blog, in a world in which everyone’s reluctant to spend money. If you’ve been following the series so far, then ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Principles of Choosing a Profitable Blog Topic
I recently had a conversation with a reader about selecting the right topic for a profitable blog. In this discussion, I realized that finding a balance among various factors is crucial. Let’s explore these essential principles for choosing a profitable blog topic. Topic Popularity One important factor in the success ...more
Making money

Making Money Because of Your Blog – Indirect Methods
We now turn our attention to ways of making money from blogging that are more more ‘indirect’ in nature – or how to earn money because of your blog rather than from it (How to Make Money From Your Blog – Direct Methods). Many of the following methods are the ...more
Blogging for Dollars

How to Make Money From Your Blog – Direct Methods
Having thought through whether you should blog for money it is now worth taking a look at some of the different models for doing so. I tend to break the different models that bloggers are using to make money from blogging into two areas – Direct and Indirect methods. Direct ...more
Blogging for Dollars