CategoryFeatured Posts

Thesis WordPress Theme – 20% off Black Friday Sale Now On
If you’re looking to upgrade the design of your blog and are interested in a premium blog design then Thesis is a theme that theme that today you can get a pretty good special price on. For the first 150 people to take up the offer there’s a 20% discount ...more
Blog Design

Are RSS Subscribers Worthwhile if they Don’t Visit Your Blog?
“Why do bloggers put so much focus upon growing RSS subscriber numbers to their blog if most of them only ever read your content in Feed Readers and don’t visit your blog?” This question (or variations of it) hit my inbox 3 times in 24 hours from different people so ...more
Blog Promotion

The First Week of My New Blog
1 week ago today I launched a new blog called TwiTip here on ProBlogger. In that launch post I documented some of the setup process that I’d already gone though (hosting, design, content, promotion etc). In a subsequent post I also outlined 10 WordPress plugins that I’d installed. It has ...more
Case Studies

Watch Me Launch My New Blog – TwiTip
Yesterday on Twitter I ‘soft launched’ a new blog – TwiTip. The idea for the blog has been ‘brewing’ in my mind for almost as long as I’ve been experimenting with Twitter but I never had the time to dedicate to starting it up. Late last week I realized that ...more
Case Studies

How To Build a Successful Email Newsletter
Over the last week I’ve been talking about Newsletters a little. We’ve covered reasons start a newsletter and how I’ve increased my newsletter subscriber numbers 10 fold. Today I want to finish this informal mini-series on newsletters off with some tips for actually writing a newsletter. How to Write an ...more
Blog Promotion

How to Drastically Increase Subscriber Numbers to Your Email Newsletter
Two weeks ago I was seeing 40 new email subscribers per day to my photography blog email newsletter. This week I’ve been averaging over 350 new subscribers a day. In this post I’ll share the story of how I did it. In this months ProBlogger Newsletter I gave subscribers some ...more
Blog Promotion

Feeling Overwhelmed by Social Media and Web 2.0? – Here Are 5 Tips For You
Last week I spoke with a blogger who had thrown the towel in on his blog. One day he simply stopped posting with no explanation. I emailed to ask him why he stopped and his response was: “I can’t keep up with the advances in technology. Every day there is ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

13 Tips to Recession Proof Your Blog
How can I prepare my blog for a recession or economic downturn? Image by Rednuht Yesterday I asked my Twitter followers what they wanted me to write a post about on ProBlogger and this question (and variations of it) was asked repeatedly. So today I want to suggest a number ...more
Featured Posts

How to Get Search Engine Traffic to Your Blog
“What is the best way to get Search Engine Traffic to Your Blog?” Last week I spoke at a Search Engine Marketing conference in Sydney about my experience of blogging. As part of the presentation I was asked to talk about my tips on getting traffic from search engines. I ...more
Featured Posts