CategoryFeatured Posts

5 Steps for Planning the Direction of Your Blog in 2009
Last week I shared a series of questions for bloggers to ponder as they look back on their last year of blogging. The point of the questions was not to engage in a navel gazing exercise but to look back with the objective of identifying how a blog has been ...more
Featured Posts

The Essential Guide to Growing Your Blog on Minimal Time
This is a guest post from Leo Babauta of Zen Habits, author of the new best-selling book, The Power of Less. If you’re like most bloggers, you probably want to grow your readership as quickly as possible, but don’t have much time. Unfortunately, blogging usually takes a lot of time ...more
Blog Promotion

How To – Move From To
Moving a Blog from to is something I’ve had a lot of questions about – today Jeff Chandler shares tips on how to do it. Everyday it seems like I find a story or two from a cities local online newspaper which delves into the topic of blogging ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

How to Write Fast
Alisa Bowman from shares some tips on writing fast. So you haven’t quite monetized your blog. That means you’re still working 8 or so hours in the non-virtual world for that paycheck. You may also have many other time commitments. They are called marriage, parenthood, friendships and Twitter. With ...more
Featured Posts

4 Widget Ad Options to Make Money on Your Blog This Christmas
Lets continue the Christmas theme from the last post on increasing Christmas earnings with Amazon with a quick look at four widget style ad networks and affiliate tools that are great to experiment with in the lead up to Christmas. Remember – this is a time of year where those ...more

Become a Blogger – a Premium Training Program
After releasing a great free report earlier in the week – Roadmap to Become a Blogger – Yaro Starak and Gideon Shalwick have today released the premium section of their program. This is for those who want to go beyond the 10 free videos and free report and goes a ...more
Featured Posts

You’re Losing Subscribers, Here’s How to Get them Back
Today Glen Allsopp a Personal Development blogger at PluginID shares a great technique for capturing lost subscribers to your blog. You can subscribe to his blog here. A few months ago, I was messing around in feedburner and noticed something pretty drastic, I was rapidly losing subscribers on a regular ...more
Blog Promotion

Beginner Blogger? Download this Free Report
If you’re a new blogger or one that’s been at it for a while but need a ‘boost’ you need to grab this free ‘Roadmap Report’ from the team at Become a Blogger – Yaro Starak and Gideon Shalwick. Yaro is the guy behind the very successful BlogMastermind blog coaching ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Characteristics of Traffic Generating Posts
When I set TwiTip up look after itself over the weekend (I set up a few posts to go live at specific times) I wasn’t expecting it to be a huge weekend of traffic. The posts were good – but there were less than during the week and past history ...more
Blog Promotion