CategoryFeatured Posts

24th of February 2012 Darren Rowse Comment

Discover the Secrets of 9 Productive Bloggers: Blog Wise

79% of ProBlogger readers identify ‘finding time to blog’ as one of their biggest challenges. Last year I ran a survey among ProBlogger readers to identify what the biggest challenges that bloggers face are. A number of common themes emerged – one of the strongest can be summed up in ...more
Featured Posts
Blog Smarter: Don’t Just End Up Trading Hours for Dollars
20th of February 2012 Guest Blogger Comment

Blog Smarter: Don’t Just End Up Trading Hours for Dollars

This guest post is by Sunil of Many business owners leave or start their businesses thinking they can achieve more freedom only to find themselves toiling away in their businesses and thus having bought or created themselves another job. Blogging is no different for most bloggers. Many bloggers who ...more
Blogging for Dollars
How to Handle Criticism: a Practical Guide
6th of February 2012 Darren Rowse Comment

How to Handle Criticism: a Practical Guide

As bloggers, each of us has to deal with criticism. Blogging is a very public activity—almost all of us has the goal of gaining readers to our blogs—and the more people you reach, the more likely it is that you’ll hear criticisms. “You’re wrong…” “How can you say that? You ...more
Featured Posts
From Blogger to Book Author: The 4-Step Guide
4th of January 2012 Guest Blogger 113 Comments

From Blogger to Book Author: The 4-Step Guide

This guest post is by Jeff Goins of Goins, Writer. Some bloggers don’t start a blog to make money. They start blogging, because they have a message that the world needs to hear. In other words: Some bloggers blog to get published. Recently, I signed a contract with a book ...more
Blogging for Dollars
20 Bloggers to Watch in 2012
31st of December 2011 Jade Craven 152 Comments

20 Bloggers to Watch in 2012

This year, I tried to go outside of the social media echo-chamber and focus on people who are expanding beyond their blogs. As Michael Stelzner said at Blogworld, “You’re not a blogger, you’re a publisher!” These are 20 people who stood out to me this year. There is no ranking, nor ...more
Featured Posts
Why I Wrote the Kind of Book I Hate
29th of November 2011 Guest Blogger 75 Comments

Why I Wrote the Kind of Book I Hate

This guest post is by Danny Iny of Firepole Marketing. We all have pet peeves. Things that annoy us. Products that we would never spend money on. And things that we swear we’ll never do ourselves. But sometimes, fate turns the tables on us. That’s what happened to me, and ...more
Featured Posts
Get Your 2nd Edition Copy of 31 Days to Build a Better Blog Today (for 25% Off)
17th of November 2011 Darren Rowse 18 Comments

Get Your 2nd Edition Copy of 31 Days to Build a Better Blog Today (for 25% Off)

Does your blog need a boost? Are you looking for inspiration to kick start it again after some time off? Do you need a little inspiration to help you get things rolling again? If so – you’re not alone. Most bloggers go through periods where they either lack motivation, get ...more
Featured Posts
How to Generate Massive Traffic, Excitement, and Even Jealousy with a Hollywood-Style Launch Trailer
13th of November 2011 Guest Blogger 86 Comments

How to Generate Massive Traffic, Excitement, and Even Jealousy with a Hollywood-Style Launch Trailer

This guest post is by Jon Morrow of Smart Blogger (formerly Boost Blog Traffic). You know that feeling you have when you’re onto something big? Your heart is thump, thump, thumping, your mind races down the roads of future possibilities, and you drift through the day with strange grin plastered ...more
Blog Promotion
8 Ways to Use Autoresponders to Drive Traffic and Increase Your Blogging Income
27th of October 2011 Darren Rowse 83 Comments

8 Ways to Use Autoresponders to Drive Traffic and Increase Your Blogging Income

Yesterday I wrote a post titled Introduction to Autoresponders. It recommended them as a tool that bloggers should consider as a means of driving traffic, deepening reader engagement, and increasing profits. I also showed how to set up an autoresponder sequence of emails in just a few easy steps using ...more
Blog Promotion