CategoryCase Studies

Bleeding Edge and the Search for a Blog Business Model
22nd of February 2006 Darren Rowse 4 Comments

Bleeding Edge and the Search for a Blog Business Model

There’s been an interesting progression of thoughts over at Aussie Charles Writght’s blog (Bleeding Edge) over the last week or so as they’ve searched for a business model for their blogging (originally spotted via Squash who has some thoughts on it too). Here’s the progression of posts on the topic ...more
Case Studies
Blogging for Dollars Experiment Pays Off
9th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 21 Comments

Blogging for Dollars Experiment Pays Off

Warning: Heart Warming Story Ahead I was just contacted via IM with a blogger (I’ll call him ‘Geoff’ – not his real name) who owns and blogs at a reasonably popular and established blog (not an A-lister but he runs a nice blog that gets about 3000 visitors per day). ...more
Case Studies
Engadget and Reader Participation
6th of November 2005 Darren Rowse 3 Comments

Engadget and Reader Participation

If you want to see an innovative and highly successful way of enhancing reader participation on a blog you need to check out what Engadget did with their First annual Halloween Costume. Check out the numbers of entries that they generated in these pages. Here’s the winners – and some ...more
Case Studies
She Knows Best Offers Personalized Help
27th of October 2005 Darren Rowse 7 Comments

She Knows Best Offers Personalized Help

One of the most amusing but innovative things that I’ve seen on a blog in a while is what Arieanna is doing over at She Knows Best where she’s basically doing makeovers of guys. Arieanna writes: ‘It doesn’t matter how inane your fashion dilemma, or how little you know about ...more
Case Studies
Adsense Optimization Case Study – BuzzMachine
24th of August 2005 Darren Rowse 25 Comments

Adsense Optimization Case Study – BuzzMachine

Yesterday I mentioned that Jeff Jarvis has made the decision to add Ads to his Blog (BuzzMachine). After posting this I emailed Jeff to let him know that I’d be happy to give a few free tips on how to get the most out of his Adsense ads. I’m yet ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog
Blog Case Study – Is it time to Quit?
5th of August 2005 Darren Rowse 70 Comments

Blog Case Study – Is it time to Quit?

I just stumbled upon an interesting post by Jack Krupansky who will celebrate his first six months of blogging by quitting his blogging activities (on 18 August). Jack writes: ‘I’ve put a huge amount of work into my FIVE blogs and gotten next to nothing in return. Sure, I’ve made ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog
Alaska Blog
29th of July 2005 Darren Rowse 5 Comments

Alaska Blog

Taughnee Stone writes that she’s starting a new Pro Blog – the Alaska Blog and writes an interesting post about the first four days blogging and the response that she’s had so far. At the bottom of her post are some good reflections of what she’s learned from the experience ...more
Case Studies
Manolo’s Shoe Blog – Turning Columnist
27th of July 2005 Darren Rowse 5 Comments

Manolo’s Shoe Blog – Turning Columnist

Here’s a blogger success story – anonymous shoe and gossip blogger Manolo has just started up as the Washington Post Express’s newest columnist. Manolo has always intrigued me as a blogger. For one they write in the third person – secondly they combine two rather odd topics (shoes/fashion and gossip) ...more
Case Studies
Cancer NewsWatch
4th of June 2005 Darren Rowse 11 Comments

Cancer NewsWatch

Cary just emailed me to let me know about a new blog he’s set up. We were chatting the other day and he told me the sad news of his wife’s battle with cancer. I suggested he and/or she start a blog to cover the journey and to give them ...more
Case Studies