CategoryBlogging Tools and Services

Typepad vs WordPress
15th of October 2005 Darren Rowse 21 Comments

Typepad vs WordPress

blogging.wurk has a post that compares Typepad and WordPress from a blog network’s point of view. No real surprises with the findings but for TypePad users it might be an interesting comparison: So last week I gave WordPress a try. Fair enough, each blog currently needs its own install of ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
Bloglines add Keyboard Shortcuts – Hotkeys
13th of October 2005 Darren Rowse 7 Comments

Bloglines add Keyboard Shortcuts – Hotkeys

Bloglines have added a new ‘hotkeys’ feature which allows users to scroll forwards and backwards through posts in their system from post to post or folder to folder with a keystroke. A word of warning however – don’t click ‘s’ or ‘f’ unless you really do want to go to ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
How to Use Google Reader
13th of October 2005 Darren Rowse 3 Comments

How to Use Google Reader

Andy has a great introductory flash demo of the new Google Reader news aggregator (opens in a new window – 1.2MB) which will be useful for those just starting out with news aggregation.
Blogging Tools and Services
Google Reader
8th of October 2005 Darren Rowse 14 Comments

Google Reader

Google has launched a News Reader called Google Reader which allows you to subscribe to RSS feeds and news sources. The interface seems pretty simple at a first look. If this system is anything like Yahoo’s MyYahoo it might be worth subscribing to your own RSS feeds to make sure ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
Feedster Top 500 Stalls
7th of October 2005 Darren Rowse 11 Comments

Feedster Top 500 Stalls

Has anyone else noticed that the monthly Feedster Top 500 Blog List hasn’t been updated since it’s first incarnation in August?
Blogging Tools and Services
Attention Apple – time for a PowerUpgrade
5th of October 2005 Darren Rowse 14 Comments

Attention Apple – time for a PowerUpgrade

I really hope that this next Apple announcement event has a nice update for the PowerMac like all the rumor sites seem to be hinting about. My little powerbook has been great – but its starting to slow down and I’m looking for some more power and a larger screen. ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
The blogging toolkit
28th of September 2005 Darren Rowse 10 Comments

The blogging toolkit

Phil at Geeky Info (one of my favorite blogs of late) has an interesting post titled the blogging toolkit where he asks readers to come up with a list of software tools that they use in their blogging workflow: ‘So, I started thinking about the software tools that I use ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
Six Apart – Project Comet
23rd of September 2005 Darren Rowse 6 Comments

Six Apart – Project Comet

Six Apart has put out a press release in the last few hours annoucing a new blogging platform that they are planning to release early in 2006. It’s code named Project Comet. They are selling it as featuring Community Aggregation, Multiple Streams and Privacy. They write: ‘Combining the weblog publishing ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
Technorati Introduces ‘Blog Finder’
8th of September 2005 Darren Rowse 5 Comments

Technorati Introduces ‘Blog Finder’

Technorati has launched a new service – Blog Finder – a way of not only finding blog posts on particular topics but also blogs themselves. In effect this is a step towards the Niche Top Blog Lists that I mentioned a week or so back. Of course it won’t be ...more
Blogging Tools and Services