CategoryBlogging Tools and Services

Bloglines Scheduled Outages
If you rely heavily upon Bloglines for your Blogging then you might like to schedule a lighter day today as they are having significant upgrades as they move to a new data center and are predicting outages. It’s a pity they were not able to schedule this for a weekend ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Mini-Interview with Anil Dash regarding TypePad ‘issues’
I’ve just chatted to Anil Dash from Six Apart and he tells me: “we know we’re not meeting people expectations, but we will make it right” and also: “this happened while we were adding redundancy to the storage system which is kind of like lightning striking.” I was struck by ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

TypePad Blogs Unavailable – Deploying Backups
I’ve woken up this morning to four emails and three people on IM all telling me their frustrations with TypePad which has been down for at least the last 7 or so hours (possibly longer). Over at Six Apart’s website is the following message:
Blogging Tools and Services

Blogger Web Comments for Firefox
Google have just launched a Firefox extension (called Blogger Web Comments for Firefox) that allows websurfers to view what people are wrlting about those pages on their blogs. It is based on two other Google products, Blogger and Blog Search. When you surf to a page which people have blogged ...more
Blogging Tools and Services Gets Interactive
I was looking through my Bloglines feeds earlier today and checked out a keyword search feed. As I did I noticed that they’d changed their logo on the feed so I clicked through to their site to find that they’ve done a redesign. The old crusty looking blue is ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Yahoo offers Movable Type for business bloggers
Six Apart and Yahoo have announced a partnership as Yahoo will use MovableType as to provide small businesses with websites through it’s existing small business web site management service: ‘Yahoo will effectively act as the preferred provider of Movable Type for small business users, taking advantage of its scale and ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Word Press Plugins for ProBloggers
The Hottest Post on ProBlogger right now is I’ll Show you Mine if You Show me Yours – a post asking people to share their favorite WordPress Plugins. I am a little overwhelmed by the response. Last time I checked there were 41 comments – each with suggested plugins. Many ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

I’ll Show you Mine if You Show me Yours (WP Plugins)
Here’s a little survey/question for WordPress users out there. What are your favorite plugins? I’m regularly asked how I do certian aspects of this site and the answers are usually pointing at a plugin of one kind or another – so I thought I’d let you know what I’m using ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Apple Australia – Slow and Steady doesn’t win the race!
Almost 4 weeks ago I excitedly rang my local Apple store to place an order for a new dual core powermac. I made a few modifications to the standard configuration so the ETA on it was going to be a little longer than a standard machine. The prediction was 10 ...more
Blogging Tools and Services