CategoryBlogging Tools and Services

Six Apart to Launch Vox – June 1
TechCrunch have announced that Six Apart (the team behind TypePad, Moveable Type and Live Journal) are releasing a new hosted blogging platform named Vox (formally named Comet) – to be launched on 1 June. It’s been on the cards since September last year (when it was called Project Comet). They ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Adsense Injection – WordPress Plugin
Dax from Biggnuts (hehe) has developed a WordPress plugin called AdSense injection that randomly injects AdSense ads into different positions on your blog on each different page view in an attempt to combat ad blindness. You can see it in action on Dax’s blog. Simply refresh the above page numerous ...more

Movable Type 3.3 (beta) Coming Soon
Six Apart have announced that the beta test for Movable Type 3.3 will begin next week and run for 3 weeks. There’s no mention of features in the new version but if you want to participate you can find out how at Coming soon: Movable Type 3.3 (beta). As someone ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Feedburner Updates Free Stats Package
Feedburner has announced a couple of updates to what they are offering in their free stats package including ‘Live Hits’ (the ability to see the last 25 hits via your feed (how long the 25 hits were over and what agent they used to read your feed) and ‘Yesterdays News’ ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Alternablog: Videocast
This post has been submitted by regular contributor – Aaron Brazell The past few weeks, I’ve been running a mini-series about different kinds of blogging. The first entry in the series was about moblogging and the use of mobile technology to update and post to a blog. Last week, we ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

PPCalc – PayPal Fee Calculator – Calculate Your PayPal Fees
If you use Paypal and have ever wanted to calculate how much you’ll be paying in fees for different situations then you might be interested in PPCalc a PayPal Fee Calculator. It also has a ‘reverse fee calculator’ which will tell you how much to ask for if you want ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Alternablog: Podcast
This post has been submitted by regular contributor – Aaron Brazell Recently, we began examining alternate forms of blogging. Mostly this is to stimulate thought on other methods of bringing content to the table. Last week it was mobile blogging, or moblogging. Another alternablog is the podcast. While podcast describes ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Apple Release Blogging Tool – MacBook
Apple today announced their latest notebook – the MacBook. It’s pretty much like the old ibook but it’s got an isight camera, has front row (with remote), is intel core duo based, has a glossy wide (13.3 inch) screen, thinner design and comes in white or black (among other changes). ...more
Blogging Tools and Services