CategoryBlogging Tools and Services

The SiteMeter Frenzy: Is it Really Necessary?
This post was contributed by Aaron Brazell, a regular ProBlogger contributor. Last year, in the early days of my “problogging”, I was in New York City with a friend of mine who was attending Ad:Tech. He was attending, I was working on a book. Later in the evening, he was ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

FeedBurner and TypePad Integrate Blog Feeds
Feedburner and Typepad are announcing a way for TypePad users to redirect their TypePad RSS feed into a Feedburner one. This will give them a more integrated way to track stats. It sounds similar to what the Feedburner plugin for WordPress does that I’ve spoken about previously. Found via Micro ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Comparing Blog Poll Tools
Christian decided to do a follow up post to last week’s Blog Polls series in which I mentioned a number of blog poll tools. He took the tools I mentioned and has done a comparative review of them at Comparison of Services to Create Online Polls.
Blogging Tools and Services

AdSense Calendar
The AdSense team today announced AdSense Calendar (learn how to subscribe here)which interests me on two fronts. Firstly it will be handy to follow as an AdSense publisher. The information on the calendar will include ‘monthly payment schedule, a record of AdSense blog posts, future system maintenance periods, and upcoming ...more

Free Blog Poll Tools
Following on from my last two posts on blog polls…. There are a number of poll providers who have systems available for blogs. I personally use the Democracy plugin for WordPress (AJAX based) these days and don’t have any problems with it. Other poll systems that you might like to ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

9 Techniques for Using Polls Effectively on a Blog
In my last post on blog polls we explored why using polls on a blog can be a great technique for building interactivity and ownership on a blog but today I want to give a few practical tips on how to use them (or at least how I use them): ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

gnoos Launches
Fellow Aussie entrepreneurs Ben Barren and Michael Leone have today unveiled and officially launched gnoos – a local (and global) search tool that aggregates the most current Aussie blogs. I’ve been playing around with it during it’s beta test and it produces some great results. I’m looking forward to seeing ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Tools for Tracking Search Engine Serps
Leon Kilat has a post that those of you wanting to find a way to keep a track of your Google Search Results Rankings (SERPS) might like to check out. It reviews the Sitening Serp tracker. I use a similar service at Digital Point called Keyword and Back Link Tracker ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Adsense Sparklines
Information aesthetics has a cool little charting facility that is tracking a blogs daily word count, unique visitors, AdSense earnings and the OS that people are viewing the blog in. They say it fits within the AdSense TOS but you need to ask permission from them to use it first. ...more
Blogging Tools and Services