CategoryBlogging Tools and Services

Blog Maintenance Start Pages using Netvibes
Internet Duct Tape has a pretty cool blog tip on Creating a Blog Maintenance Start Page with Netvibes. Using Netvibes you can watch comments, check your blog stats, watch email, twitter, social bookmarking plus much more. As I say – very cool.
Blogging Tools and Services

WordPress 2.3 – What You Need to Know….
With WordPress 2.3 set to be released on Monday – Aaron Brazell has put together another of his ’10 Things You Need to Know…’ posts introducing WordPress users to the new features that this next version includes. WP 2.3 includes Tags, Update Notifications, Canonical Redirection plus lots more. Read Aaron’s ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

What are your BlogRush Statistics Like?
It seems that BlogRush (the traffic generating tool released earlier in the week which I gave a first impression review of here) has updated the member dashboard to give publishers statistics on how things are performing. I’d be interested to collect some data from readers on how it is going ...more
Blog Promotion

Check How Many Google Subscribers You Have
I’m not sure when this happened but King Nomar just let me know that Google have added a tool to their Webmaster Tools that allows you to check how many subscribers your RSS feeds have in Google’s feed readers (iGoogle, Google Reader, Orkut). The numbers reported only count Google subscribers ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Productivity Tools for Bloggers
Yesterday we looked at some reader submitted productivity ‘rhythms’ for bloggers – today we’re going to look at a handful of your suggested tool: 1. Millionaire Mommy Next Door shares a useful tool…. from the kitchen: “My favorite productivity tool is a digital kitchen timer. Nothing can sideswipe your attention ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

TouchGraph – Graph Your Blog’s Connections
I just came across an interesting tool that explores connections between different websites using Google. All you have to do is put in a keyword and it’ll graph the top results in Google for you. I did it with as the keyword and got this graph (click to enlarge): ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Bloglines Release New Beta Version
Today Bloglines have launched a new beta version of their feed reader for users to test. It’s a fair departure from the classic view that many of us have become accustomed to with a lot of ajax driven features, a new start page (allowing you to drag and drop in ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

MovableType 4 Review
Thinking of giving MovableType 4 a go? There have been plenty of reviews done of it but today Aaron Brazell put together a well balanced one with some of hi impressions at his Movable Type 4 Review. Another review worth checking out is Mashable’s comparison of MT 4 and WP ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

5 Comment Management Plugins for WordPress
One more post on the ‘respond to comments‘ post that I wrote yesterday. If you’re a WordPress user there are a number of WP plugins that can help with managing your comments and responding to readers. Here are some that might be worth exploring. 1. Better Comments Manager – this ...more
Blogging Tools and Services