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WordPress 2.3 – What You Need to Know….

Posted By Darren Rowse 20th of September 2007 Blogging Tools and Services 0 Comments

Logo-3With WordPress 2.3 set to be released on Monday – Aaron Brazell has put together another of his ’10 Things You Need to Know…’ posts introducing WordPress users to the new features that this next version includes.

WP 2.3 includes Tags, Update Notifications, Canonical Redirection plus lots more.

Read Aaron’s introduction to the new version at 10 Things You Need to Know About WordPress 2.3.

What do you like the look of in WP 2.3? What would you like to see them add next?

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Thanks for posting this. I can’t wait to download the new wordpress on Monday.

    I think the “$wpdb->prepare()” is a great idea though it won’t be available until 2.4.

    The pluggable dashboard will be nice!

  2. Tags and Canonical Redirection are the most useful for most bloggers, especially the redirection improvements will help most people with their SEO.

  3. I wrote a tutorial for adding tag support to themes here:


    It’s pretty easy once you get the PHP files opened in a text editor. No need to wait for your theme designer to add them.

  4. My next preferred addition, or should I say removal, would be the elimination of the nofollow tag on comments.

  5. Oh, I’m so nervous – but, so excited! My Bookworm blog is actually still on 2.0.2, isn’t that sad? I’m just scared to upgrade it, as it is hosted through Yahoo, and things just seem to work differently hosting through them. It’s been very tricky to work with. I have other blogs on 2.2.2 and just knowing the very helpful differences, I really want to upgrade Bookworm! I think the tags would be really great!

  6. I wish I was a techy!

  7. @ Anne: there are lots of plugins that will do that for you. Do a google search for it an I am sure you will find them

  8. Anne, on your own blog, you can remove the no-follow tag with a plugin, such as the DoFollow plugin:


    Also, there have been at least three tag manager plugins that have popped up already, so I can’t wait to see what people come up with once they have had a chance to play with the stable 2.3 release.

  9. Thanks Zuggu & Kabitzin. I am absolutely aware of these plugins (and need to install one soon) but in my humble opinion the nofollow attribute has no value in spam protection and is therefor on my wishlist to be removed from the WordPress core.

  10. Do you think they could add a feature to generate some great content in the days you are too lazy to write?

  11. Whenever I need to upgrade WordPress is always a fun day! :)

  12. I let fantastico upgrade for me. Less fear that way. But I can’t wait till the official release comes out. I really wanna play with it.

  13. I haven’t yet tested, I am a bit behind with my schedule so upgrading WordPress is not yet a priority

  14. It makes some of my plugins stop working… :(

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