CategoryBlogging Tools and Services

Aweber – a First Impression Review
In this post I give a first impression review of Aweber. Building a newsletter list has been a central part of my blogging business over the last few years. While my blogs are the primary tool that I use to communicate with readers – I find that having a newsletter ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

14 Essential Mac OS X Applications for Bloggers
A number of blogging friends have recently made the switch from using PCs to using Macs as their primary blogging machines. Each time that one of them makes the move I tend to get an email or call a day or two later asking for advice on different applications to ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

IZEA Launches RealRank – Will You Opt In?
IZEA today have launched what it’s been promising for a while – where it measures ‘RealRank’ of blogs (their announcement is here). What is RealRank? – “a blog ranking system that uses real data to calculate which blogs are getting the most traffic and have the most influence on ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Using Linkify to Make Linking to Others Easier
In this post Matt Cutts from (and Google) shares what he did in 2007 that improved his blog the most. The shortest, easiest thing I started doing was using linkify. You just highlight some text and click the bookmarklet to open Google’s search results. Pick the result you wanted ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Zookoda Suspend all Broadcasts
Zookoda users woes are continuing with Zookoda announcing in the last few hours on their Zookoda Blog that they’re suspending all Broadcasts due to spam abuse. Ted Murphy (founder and CEO of Izea, formally PayPerPost, who owns Zookoda) writes: “Today we’re stopping Zookoda broadcasts. The system will remain live, but ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Zookoda Move to Manually Approve Broadcasts
Over at the Zookoda blog they’ve announced in the last day or two that they’re now going to manually approve all broadcasts to combat spammers. This means that before your emails go out a staff member at Zookoda are going to have to eyeball it and give it a tick ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Google Analytics Add New Comparison Graphing Tools
Those of you who use Google Analytics might be interested to see that they’ve announced a new graphing tool – ie that you can now compare not only time periods but different stats. For example you can view your page views vs bounce rate for a given period: Or you ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Technorati Relaunches
Technorati have just relaunched with a renewed focus on bloggers. There’s a number of changes – firstly a new front page (which isn’t showing to me at their homepage yet for me) with news aggregation – like TechMeme. They call it the ‘Percolator’ as it shows what’s been ‘percolating’ in ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

A Tool to Help You Analyze Your FeedBurner Feed Statistics
Blog Perfume has put together an interesting blog tool that is designed to analyze the data that Feedburner provides publishers and to put it into a more useful (and pretty) format. To use it you need to log into Feedburner – download your blog’s CSV file and then upload it ...more
Blogging Tools and Services