CategoryBlogging Tools and Services

Get 30-40% off BlogMastermind Courtesy of a Weak Australian Dollar (Until Monday)
Regular readers of Problogger will know that I’m a big fan of Yaro Starak’s Blog Mastermind coaching program (you can read about it’s recent relaunch here and see six student reviews here). This is just a short note to say that until next Monday you can get an unofficial discount ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Aweber to Add Twitter Updates Feature
I just found out that later this week Aweber (the newsletter delivery service that I use) is adding a new feature that will allow their publishers to automatically send an update to their Twitter account when they send a new broadcast/newsletter. The tweet will link to an online version of ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Google BlogSearch Adds Meme Tracking
Today Google released an update to their BlogSearch service – and it isn’t just cosmetic. The update is all about tracking what’s hot around the blogosphere and presenting stories ranked in 11 different categories according to how many other blogs are linking to those stories. You can then drill down ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Shoemoney Tools – Get 80% Off Your First Month
Over the last few weeks I’ve been playing around in ShoeMoney Tools. I was lucky enough to receive a free account from Jeremy when he first launched but at the time didn’t have a chance to do much more than take a quick look over the tools that he includes. ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Tips on Live Blogging an Event
Over the weekend I asked readers how they suggest Live Blogging an Event. The resulting comments were really helpful so I thought I’d collect some of them together into a post on the topic here. Travis Prinzi suggests that you use the opportunity to promote your Twitter or Plurk account ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Google Launch Ad Manager (an Ad Server)
Google AdSense announced the beta launch of their Ad Manager Ad Server product back in March. At that time I heard from a number of publishers in the beta program that they were finding it to be an effective way of managing their ads. Today on the AdSense blog they ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

AdWords Keyword Tool How to Use it to Hone Post Titles and Choose Blog Topics
Today I want to point out a useful tool for bloggers wanting to do a little research into topics to blog about (or even what topic to choose for your next overall new blog). The tool is a free one from Google – their AdWords Keyword Tool. This tool is ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Movable Type launch Version 4.2 and Movable Type Pro
Today SixApart have launched Movable Type 4.2 and Movable Type Pro. MT was the first blogging platform that I experienced (after a brief stint with and for a long while it had everything that I needed – however in time it became a little slow and problematic and with ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

The iPhone 3G as a Blogging Tool – My Review
How I Use My iPhone for Blogging I bought an iPhone – and in this post I’m going to tell you how I use it (so far) in my blogging… A few weeks ago I ranted about the sorry state of Australian mobile carriers and how they (particularly the one ...more
Blogging Tools and Services