CategoryBlogging for Dollars

How I Make Money Blogging: Income Split for July 2010
18th of August 2010 Darren Rowse 60 Comments

How I Make Money Blogging: Income Split for July 2010

Over the last few months I’ve been sharing a monthly breakdown of where my income comes from in the hope of illustrating some of the methods bloggers might like to look at when making money from blogging (see previous months linked to below). The month of July was the second ...more
Blogging for Dollars
Repeat Visitors vs New Visitors – Which is Worth More to Your AdSense Earnings?
16th of August 2010 Darren Rowse 56 Comments

Repeat Visitors vs New Visitors – Which is Worth More to Your AdSense Earnings?

A few days back I shared a little analysis of my AdSense earnings as it related to sources of traffic and looked at how – for me – traffic from newsletters was actually the most valuable traffic that I get on my photography site. This dispelled the myth that loyal ...more
What They Don’t Tell You About Successful Product Launches
12th of August 2010 Darren Rowse 63 Comments

What They Don’t Tell You About Successful Product Launches

Many times we see successful product launches being talked about and are so dazzled by the huge sales numbers and income generated but fail to see all the hard groundwork that has been done behind the scenes for months and years before the launch.
Blogging for Dollars
Big Content Monetisation Ideas for the Little Guy
4th of August 2010 Georgina Laidlaw 40 Comments

Big Content Monetisation Ideas for the Little Guy

Earlier in this series, we talked about treating content as an asset. In reality, content may represent an asset for a number of reasons: because it’s evergreen and can be repurposed into other forms; because it’s time-critical and extremely viral, sparking conversation and attracting new users; because it’s unique and ...more
Blogging for Dollars
Brainstorming Activity: What Could You Sell from Your Blog?
21st of July 2010 Darren Rowse 65 Comments

Brainstorming Activity: What Could You Sell from Your Blog?

Today I’d like to suggest an exercise to think about the future of your blog. It’s a brainstorming task to get you thinking about the types of products and services you might one day add to your blog. I remember doing this for ProBlogger 4 or so years ago and ...more
Blogging for Dollars
How I Make Money Blogging: Income Split for June 2010
7th of July 2010 Darren Rowse 72 Comments

How I Make Money Blogging: Income Split for June 2010

It’s that time of month again where I talk a little about the split of my own income streams in the previous month. We’re looking at June here and I’m excited to share this month’s charts because it illustrates something that I’ve been saying for the last couple of months ...more
Blogging for Dollars
How I Make Money Blogging: Income Split for May 2010
26th of June 2010 Darren Rowse 62 Comments

How I Make Money Blogging: Income Split for May 2010

Last month I produced a video in which I walked readers through the split of my income over the month of April to show what different income streams brought in different percentages of my income. In the video I shared how the split between income streams can vary a lot ...more
Blogging for Dollars
How to have a ‘Middle Road’ Mentality and Grow Your Online Business
12th of June 2010 Darren Rowse 71 Comments

How to have a ‘Middle Road’ Mentality and Grow Your Online Business

My Dad’s Middle Road Mentality My Dad always taught me an important lesson in life that still serves me well today…. “Learn from everyone you come across in life – whether they’re on the same path as you or not”. He called it the ‘middle road’ and told me that ...more
Blogging for Dollars
How to Stop Procrastinating and Get Your eBook Written
21st of May 2010 Darren Rowse 40 Comments

How to Stop Procrastinating and Get Your eBook Written

Have you written your eBook yet? One of the most common things I’m hearing back from bloggers who are looking to make money from their blogs is that they’re planning to write and sell an eBook off the back of their blog – the problem is that most bloggers don’t ...more
Blogging for Dollars