CategoryBlog Promotion

More on Advertising on StumbleUpon
A number of readers have questioned whether running a StumbleUpon advertising campaign is the best use of a marketing budget for a blogger. The main point of contention was that 0.05 cents per impression ($50 CPM – or per 1000 impressions) is too much to pay. I wanted to write ...more
Blog Promotion

Run a StumbleUpon Advertising Campaign For Your Blog
Today’s task in the 31 Day Project is aimed at driving new visitors to your blog by running a mini advertising campaign for your blog using StumbleUpon. Note – This task will take a small budget (unless you get creative and find another website willing to give you some free ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

How to Draw StumbleUpon Users Into Your Blog
The potential for StumbleUpon to send traffic is often under-estimated, particularly by new bloggers. Unlike digg and, an item doesn’t need to become popular before you see immediate results. One or two votes can bring a hundred or more readers — more than a new blog might see in a day.
Blog Promotion

Comment on a Blog that you’ve never Commented on Before
Today your task in the 31 Days to Building a Better Blog Project is as simple as they come. In fact it’s a tip that gets included in almost every post ever written on how to grow a blog’s traffic – comment on a blog that you’ve never commented on ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

How to Use MySpace to Build a Blogging Audience
This Guest post on the topic of Using MySpace to Build a Blogging Audience was submitted by Kevin Palmer from Buzz Networker. The preconceived notions that the blogging community has about MySpace and other social networking sites couldn’t be any more wrong. These social networking sites are valuable resources that ...more
Blog Promotion

Your Audience Doesn’t Know About You So Go and Find Them!
A quick quote from Chris Pirillo: “Your audience is still trying to discover you, but you have to go to where THEY are and not expect them to come to you in any other way.” Chris is talking here about video blogging and podcasting more than blogging but the same ...more
Blog Promotion

Email a New Reader of Your Blog
Your task for this first day of the 31 Days to Building a Better Blog Challenge is to email a new reader of your blog. Create a great impression upon a brand new readers to your blog by choosing a commenter that is new and emailing them to thank them ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Guerrilla Marketing Tactics for Your Blog
Aaron Brazell has put together a post Guerrilla Marketing Techniques that Anyone Can Do which have some less common tactics to get word out about your blog. I doubt any of them will bring in a deluge of traffic – however sometimes it’s the small ways of building traffic that ...more
Blog Promotion