CategoryBlog Design

How to Increase Subscribers and Reader Engagement
Last week I decided to find some quality Australian blogs to subscribe to. I used a newly compiled list of Australian Marketing Blogs that Julian Cole put together as the basis for my search. I was excited by the quality of some of the blogs on that list – but ...more
Blog Design

How to Polish Posts: Individual Blog Post Design
Much is written about how to ‘design blogs’ (as a whole) but another element of ‘blog design’ that I think is just as important, yet not written about much, is the design of individual blog posts. How blog posts ‘look’ is so important. I’ve seen the power of ‘polishing’ posts ...more
Blog Design

Present a Consistent Brand in Your Blogging
Click to play play_blip_movie_1247836(); In this video post I reflect upon the one of the downsides of changing your blog’s brand and/or design. While updating blog design, logos and avatars in social media sites can bring a lot of life to a blog and present you with an up to ...more
Blog Design

Thesis WordPress Updates and Offers a Weekend Bonus
I’ve been behind checking my email this week and it could have cost you a great deal…. Apparently the fantastic Thesis WordPress theme (see my first impressions of Thesis here) is running a special this weekend. They’ve just updated the theme with some great new features (see below) but if ...more
Blog Design

Split Testing: How To Increase Your Adsense Earnings 94% Overnight
In this post Brian Armstrong from shares some tips on using Split Testing to increase his AdSense earnings. Long time readers of ProBlogger know that Darren is a big fan of split testing ads to improve your earnings. I took this advice to heart, and wanted to show you ...more

5 Methods to Enhancing Page Load
‘How do I make my page load faster?’ – it’s a question I get a bit so I thought I’d ask Aaron Brazell from Technosailor to tackle the question and offer some suggestions around enhancing page load times. “The internet is dying.” This phrase, though probably a bit sensationalist, is ...more
Blog Design

Interview with Blog Designer – Chris Pearson
One of my favorite blog designers is Chris Pearson – the designer behind the newly released Thesis premium WordPress theme (which I reviewed here). Chris has consistently produced great blog designs over the last few years so after the launch of Thesis I thought it would be worthwhile to do ...more
Blog Design

GRAB Your Reader’s Attention and HOOK them into your blog
Do you want to learn how to SNAP readers out of their zombie like surfing and HOOK them into your blog? If so – read on…. Image by Essjay in NZ Before I was a blogger I did a lot of public speaking. I did a number of courses in ...more
Blog Design

Dates on Blog Posts – Should You Have Them?
Last week in my post exploring how to make blogs sticky I suggested (in point 14) that one technique to consider is to remove the dates from your blog posts. My theory is that dates can either add to or take away from a post. Let me explore this a ...more
Blog Design